A harried-looking Kiokote steps forward, looking left and right before gesturing you towards their collection of...odds and ends. Smooth river stones and wind-carved wood, scraps of dried and twisted vine with decorations hanging off...a young and frisky male muskwolf. An unidentifiable puddle of slime. Wait. Is that. A salamander egg? Some of this is really valuable!
"I know it's nearly Market End, but Ma and Pa, well, they asked me to help clear out the den, and lots of this just seems too good to just toss out, you hear me? I was supposed to make something of it, but...you know how it goes. Does anything look like something you could use?"
"Oh, um....you also have things you need to get rid of? I guess you could leave them here..."
Help Balsam out with their end-of-year 'clearance.' What's something you, or one of your kin, said good-bye to last year? A bittersweet parting, or a good riddance? all are welcome!
PrizesMale Muskwolf RP Requirements:
- unedited breeding token
- salamander egg
- slime puddle
- Chibi Plush
- Unedited Kin Revamp
- Male Muskwolf
To keep it easy for poor Balsam and I, this will be a simple raffle. To claim your ticket(s), post this form:
Code: Select all
[color=#000000][b][size=160]Farewell to...[/size][/b][/color]
[b]This year said farewell to:[/b]
[b]Roleplay:[/b] [Link to/submit Muskwolf RP here if entering for][Any amount of RP in your response here is worth +1 raffle ticket, whether or not you'd like a muskwolf familiar.]
(If you are applying for the male muskie, you can post the RP here or link to a post elsewhere. It does not need to take place within the timeline of Winter Market.)