Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [PRIZES AWARDED, THANK YOU ALL FOR A WONDERFUL MARKET!]]

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Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [PRIZES AWARDED, THANK YOU ALL FOR A WONDERFUL MARKET!]]

Post by Zuki »

Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy!

A harried-looking Kiokote steps forward, looking left and right before gesturing you towards their collection of...odds and ends. Smooth river stones and wind-carved wood, scraps of dried and twisted vine with decorations hanging off...a young and frisky male muskwolf. An unidentifiable puddle of slime. Wait. Is that. A salamander egg? Some of this is really valuable!

"I know it's nearly Market End, but Ma and Pa, well, they asked me to help clear out the den, and lots of this just seems too good to just toss out, you hear me? I was supposed to make something of it, know how it goes. Does anything look like something you could use?"

"Oh, also have things you need to get rid of? I guess you could leave them here..."


Help Balsam out with their end-of-year 'clearance.' What's something you, or one of your kin, said good-bye to last year? A bittersweet parting, or a good riddance? all are welcome!
Image - unedited breeding token
Image - salamander egg
Image - slime puddle
Image - Chibi Plush
Image - Unedited Kin Revamp
Image - Male Muskwolf
Male Muskwolf RP Requirements:
If you would like, link to a completed solo post or RP where your kin readies a proper environment for a muskie to live in! This can count as permission for a male and/or short-edit muskie if completed. The RP may be in-progress, but must have over 300 words, OR be at least 6 posts, OR tell a complete story. This does not require any ties to the Winter Market, but must be played in the real world or a very similar AU, one where your kin would remember all the relevant details. As long as the RP was linked in this thread, this permission may be used for any future opportunity to get a single male and/or short muskie.
To keep it easy for poor Balsam and I, this will be a simple raffle. To claim your ticket(s), post this form:

Code: Select all

[color=#000000][b][size=160]Farewell to...[/size][/b][/color]
[b]This year said farewell to:[/b]
[b]Roleplay:[/b] [Link to/submit Muskwolf RP here if entering for][Any amount of RP in your response here is worth +1 raffle ticket, whether or not you'd like a muskwolf familiar.]

(If you are applying for the male muskie, you can post the RP here or link to a post elsewhere. It does not need to take place within the timeline of Winter Market.)
Last edited by Zuki on Mon Jan 06, 2025 1:37 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 438
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Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy!

Post by Lirilei »

Farewell to...
Username: Lirilei
Preflist: Unedited Breeding Token, Male Muskwolf, Salamander Egg, Slime Puddle, Unedited Kin Revamp, Chibi Plush
This year said farewell to: Cut ties with toxic inlaws. Good riddance!
Roleplay: here
Last edited by Lirilei on Thu Jan 02, 2025 12:00 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 33
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Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSES & ROLLS ON 1/5]

Post by HuniPi »

Farewell to...
Username: HuniPi
Preflist: unedited kin revamp, unedited breeding token, slime puddle, salamander egg
This year said farewell to: 8-5 dayshift. I'm gonna miss you.
Roleplay: N/A
word count: 31
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Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSES & ROLLS ON 1/5]

Post by Toshiful »

Farewell to...
Username: Toshiful
Preflist: unedited breeding token, unedited kin revamp, slime puddle, salamander egg
This year said farewell to: Stressing about my job. Gonna try, anyway
word count: 27
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Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSES & ROLLS ON 1/5]

Post by Baneful »

Farewell to...
Username: Baneful
Preflist: Unedited Kin Revamp, Slime puddle, Salamander Egg, Unedited Breeding Token
This year said farewell to: Caring what people at work say.
word count: 26
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Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSES & ROLLS ON 1/5]

Post by Yuki »

Farewell to...
Username: Yuki
Preflist: unedited breeding token, salamander egg, slime puddle, Unedited Kin Revamp
This year said farewell to: Being nice to people who do nothing but add onto my workload with their incompetence. :stab:
Roleplay: N/A
word count: 38
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Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSES & ROLLS ON 1/5]

Post by doomsayer »

Farewell to...
Username: doomsayer
Preflist: unedited kin revamp, unedited breeding token, slime puddle, salamander egg
This year said farewell to: Ambitions the older generation of the family had for me.
Roleplay: N/A
word count: 33
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Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSES & ROLLS ON 1/5]

Post by Wyrm »

Farewell to...
Username: Wyrm
Preflist: unedited breeding token, Unedited Kin Revamp, salamander egg, slime puddle, Chibi Plush
This year said farewell to: worrying about Having To Do Something With Your Life!
Roleplay: n/a
word count: 34
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Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSES & ROLLS ON 1/5]

Post by Kalahari »

Farewell to...
Username: Kalahari
Preflist: Unedited kin revamp, slime puddle, unedited breeding token, chibi plush
This year said farewell to: A job that was stressing me out too much!
Roleplay: n/a
word count: 32
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Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSES & ROLLS ON 1/5]

Post by Astoria »

Farewell to...
Username: Astoria
Preflist: Male Muskwolf, unedited breeding token, unedited kin revamp, salamander egg, chibi plush, slime puddle
This year said farewell to: holding onto the past.

Noble Forest never really went anywhere except for the lands in which he called home. Traveling wasn't in his nature and he was fine with that. Protecting his home and it's inhabitants was a far greater duty in his eyes. If his offspring wished to travel the lands, so be it. Looking around he began to set up a nice spot for, what he hoped, would be for one of his newest companions. He had seen the muskwolves before and had heard that the males in particular were selective in nature. He understood that too well. Preparing the space he did his best to make it comfortable or at least homey. He too liked a nice place to sleep, so he assumed the muskwolf would as well. If, in the event, he was able to befriend one.

In all honesty, his place wasn't in clutters but it also wasn't what you would call warm and inviting. It had the essentials and he never had an issue with that. Though, it wouldn't hurt to make it seem more like a hearth. Maybe his children would stick around longer then. Giving a chuckle he continued to gather and spruce until the place was to his liking. Standing back the large buck admired his handy work. Watchful was perched upon on his antlers, the owl hooted in approval of the space. "You think it looks nice?" He asked, looking up at his feather friend. The owl fluffed his feathers and seemed content. "Hopefully you won't mind the extra company, maybe you'll have some competition when it comes to mice hunting." The owl stared at him, not seeimg to be all to impressed with the implication it would have to fight someone else for it's dinner. Chuckling Noble forest smiled and hoped to welcome their new friend soon.
word count: 341
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Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSES & ROLLS ON 1/5]

Post by Ryuukishin »

Farewell to...
Username: Ryuukishin
Preflist: Salamander Egg, Unedited Breeding Token, Male Muskwolf, Slime Puddle, Unedited Kin Revamp, Chibi Plush
This year said farewell to: Feeling responsibility for things outside of my control.
word count: 33
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Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSES & ROLLS ON 1/5]

Post by Starrydance »

Farewell to...
Username: Starrydance
Preflist: Male Muskwolf, Unedited Kin Revamp, Unedited Breeding Token, Salamander Egg, Slime Puddle, Chibi Plush
This year said farewell to: Not knowing how to cook and bake. I spent a lot of focus on practicing those skills, and am proud of it!
Roleplay: <3
word count: 48
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Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSES & ROLLS ON 1/5]

Post by Owlsomniac »

Farewell to...
Username: owlsomniac
Preflist: unedited breeding token, unedited kin revamp, slime puddle, salamander egg
This year said farewell to: me being the only one putting energy into relationships
Hush loves the feeling of a clean den just as much as her caveworms. As they finally push the last bit of debris out, she lets out a satisfied huff of effort and nods to herself. She's looking forward to inviting her kids over once the last of the festivities are over for a nice meal, and to catch up on what they're doing.
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Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSES & ROLLS ON 1/5]

Post by Astraea »

Farewell to...
Username: Astraea
Preflist: Male Muskwolf, unedited breeding, slime, salamander, revamp token, chibi plush
This year said farewell to: Loose ends in US
Roleplay: A Place To Stay
word count: 29
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Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSES & ROLLS ON 1/5]

Post by Fasti »

Farewell to...
Username: Fasti
Preflist: unedited breeding token, Unedited Kin Revamp, Male Muskwolf, salamander egg, slime puddle, Chibi Plush
This year said farewell to: being not me
Roleplay: He had a mission, a purpose. He was preparing the arrival of a muskwolf! He let his gaze wander over the surroundings.. what would a musk probably like? He thought hard about that.. he know musks were creatures mostly of muted greys and browns, masters of disguise. They probably are preferring the quiet rustle of dry leaves and the shadows of the undergrowth. That was a good beginning. He shook himself and then got to work.

First they needed a shelter! He couldnt make a cave, but he could create a home that is like haven to them. He started by clearing a small glade, pushing aside the ferns and fungi with gentle nudges of his antlers. Then he sought out the thickest stands of evergreens, their needles a deep, verdant green that swallowed light. He then carefully uprooted the sun loving wildflowers that dotted the forest floor and transplanted them to the sunniest clearing. He next gathered fallen logs, their bark weathered into greys, and arranged them to form a natural shelter, creating a space that shielded them from the outside, then used his antlers to weave together the vines to create a roof. It wasnt the typical muskwolf den, but it was sturdy and, most importantly, it offered a sense of quiet, shadowed seclusion. He replaced the floor with mosses of deep emerald and soft, velvety browns, damp and soothing and layered them into a thick, inviting cushion. He even found a few smooth, grey stones and arranged them near there new home, imagining the muskwolf resting his head on them after a long day.

Finally, with the air heavy with the scent of damp earth and the soft rustle of leaves, he stood back and looked at the home he just created. He knew a musk could arrive soon. He imagined it, its fur blending into the greys of the twilight, padding cautiously into his new home.
word count: 348
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