The tribe’s attitude to laws is fairly complex, they have very specific rules about how interactions between differing ranks should play out, but have little concern for things other tribes might consider taboo. Actions taken outside the boundaries of the tribe are considered the business of those who take them.
Inside the tribe there are some important rules which are infrequently broken. Breaking them risks drawing the ire of the council, which isn’t something you always walk away from afterwards.
Seven have always had a strict hierarchical tribe structure and this has not changed even through the division of the tribe. At the very top of the rank structure is - rather predictably - the seven council members, with their respective herds beneath them.
Crimes within the tribe can be committed without repercussion downwards or within the same rank, but not up. For instance a newly joined outsider could not steal from a highly ranked individual without experiencing harsh punishment in return.
Outsiders are always considered the lowest rank. Everyone starts at the bottom.
Higher rank comes with its own perks, greater influence within the tribe, more respect from others and from an OOC perspective, potential for stat bonuses and other perks in line with this.
Each herd has their own rank structure and titles for the roles but all of them follow the same number of tiers.
- Seven - This role is typically one single kin who represents the herd in the council.
- Master - Those who have risen to the pinnacle of their field or have shown leadership potential or great intelligence, they are given the utmost respect.
- Rebel - A rank up from the common rank and file, this is typically individuals who have shown exceptional merit or skill in one field or another.
- Initiate - For newer members or those without a mind for advancement, this is the basic role within the tribe.
- Outsider - This is the default rank for everyone not part of the tribe.
Binding Agreements
There is a tradition going all the way back of Deals within the tribe. In spite of the amount of lying, cheating and shady dealings that go on, an officially decreed Deal is a different matter. These are binding, incredibly potent agreements always witnessed formally. The agreement is always sealed with a small blood mark of some description in a discreet place on the body, sometimes - though not always - tied to the type of Deal being enacted.
All Deals are affirmed across an ancient natural altar at the heart of the tribe and the terms are laid out clearly.
Each individual is beholden to fulfil their end of the agreement which includes some equal exchange of goods, favours or services. Unequal Deals can happen but rarely do.
Any rank of kin can make a Deal with any other rank.
Breaking a Deal has consequences. These can range from rank demotion for those of a higher rank to execution or banishment for those of the lowest rank.
Neutral Zones
A left over vestige of times gone past, the concept of neutral zones is retained within Seven. Some areas of the tribe are considered truly neutral, with no room for conflict. This includes the normally fair game Outsiders. Within the clearly marked boundary of a neutral zone not one single bit of physical harm is permitted and killing within the markings is instant execution for those who violate this rule.
Maintaining the neutral zones is considered integral to the function of such a violently inclined tribe.