Seven - OPEN

Groups of kin working on a similar goal.
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Seven - OPEN

Post by Baneful »


Seven downward slopes

Seven bloodied hopes

Seven are your burning fires,

Seven your desires
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Post by Baneful »


IC Introduction

It has long been known that very few curious - or foolish - exploring kin seem to return from the corner of the swamp known as The Aberrant Bogland in one piece. On occasions when they do come back, they return with horrified stories of twisted rituals in the night and of debaucheries the likes of which almost defy belief. In a barren land rife with disease lurks one of the most unpleasant groups of kin that anyone could have the misfortune to meet.

A mess of contradictions, this tribe call themselves The Seven. This name does not relate to their size - they boast an impressive number in their group. Instead, they are bound by the clearly delineated specialities that they relate to. They consider that there are roughly seven different ways to revel in excess and the carnal, and they seek to make each an art form.

OOC Introduction

The seven is an antagonistic tribe separated out into seven sub-groups within their collective number. These sub-groups are known as herds but are governed by the rules of the tribe as a whole. Each herd values some iteration of the traditional seven sins above all others. For the purposes of this tribe these sins are the following.

Pride, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Wrath, Sloth and Envy

The key focus of this tribe is to create a stark contrast to the values of the fairy tribe, where all are welcomed and hedonism is balanced with equilibrium with all nature. Seven are a tribe of conflicts with others and it is my hope that others resist them and interesting roleplay results.

Out of character no one should feel encroached upon by this tribe if they do not wish to interact, but it is an option for those who want a bit of darkness or conflict in their roleplay. Mechanics are provided for interaction with the tribe and the world beyond and small tribe events will be run in the future.

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Post by Baneful »


Sinweed and Lifebloom

The history of Seven could not be told without close attention being given to the flora native to their territory for it is these plants and the tribe’s relationship to them which has shaped their entire tale.

In the beginning, there was Lifebloom.

Lifebloom was a truly remarkable plant, with incredible properties. It produced little edible mass but what it lacked in mass it made up for in sheer nutritional quality. It was entirely possible to feed an entire tribe from a few sparse plants. However, it was not a hardy plant and struggled to grow in the swamp, this meant that tremendous care was taken to cultivate it, with harsh winters resulting in kin warming the life-giving plants with their own body heat to see them through the worst of it.

With lifebloom, they wanted for nothing else, and in addition to its nutritional qualities the plants gave a pleasant and airy buzz to those who ate them and developed over time into an addiction of sorts. This didn’t matter to the tribe who had developed a culture around a lean existence in tandem with the plants. The plants also caused mutations in their children but these were considered spiritual blessings, not a negative and were wholly embraced.

And then came Sinweed. A newly bred strain of Lifebloom, it had no trouble growing anywhere and everywhere and had a similar kind of buzz, though perhaps a little different. It left you wanting more, always wanting more and there was something lacking in its nutritional qualities.

A faction of the tribe were determined to make it work though and over time it spread and spread until it began to encroach upon the sacred Lifebloom and a civil war broke out that cleaved the tribe in two.
Half left and took with them the sacred Lifebloom, while the others, who saw Sinweed as their freedom from a life reliant on a weak and flimsy plant, stayed behind.

They found out too late that Sinweed strangles out other plants with sheer competitive growth and after prolonged growth pulls all of the nutrients out of the soil without replacing them. It was impossible to remove it from the lands and all they could do was adapt to live with it as it ravaged their territory, their mutated genes and sometimes, their very minds with its addictive properties.

Each herd grows their own Sinweed and some have more success than others.

For now it remains contained more or less within their boundaries, but it would be very ill advised to take it anywhere else.

  • Low in nutrition
  • Fast growing, competitive and parasitic
  • Thrives on bone meal and nutrients derived from the dead
  • Gives a highly addictive buzz which numbs pain
  • Tastes foul and is difficult to digest
  • Causes birth defects/mutations
  • High in nutrition
  • Slow growing, picky and fragile
  • Thrives on pure soil and clear sunlight
  • Gives a buzz which sharpens attention
  • Tastes delicious and promotes digestive health.
  • Causes birth defects/mutations
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Re: Seven - Massively WIP please do not post.

Post by Baneful »


Though these days the two groups mentioned above are apart with no means of contacting one another, they were once a single, highly cohesive group, with no difference from one another. Those days feel a very long time ago now though.

In the time when they were united, they were completely closed off from the world, needing no one and suffering no intrusion into their ranks which might bring disease to their precious harvest of Lifebloom. They were peaceful and they were isolated and much of what happened in the world outside was of little interest to them.

When the disagreement about their plants flared up into an all-out war, they spilled into the surrounding lands and some individuals tried to leave the whole tribe behind. This was much easier said than done, as the allure of the plants and their properties would bring deserters back time and time again. The fighting raged for a long time, until finally the land could sustain no more and those loyal to the Lifebloom - which included the seven council leaders in charge - took the plants and left forever.

Those who remained saw no reason to follow them, and instead set to celebrating their victory and their new - superior - plant and mocking those who had departed.

They created their own council of seven which was a twisted parody of that which had gone before, defiant and proud of their newfound sustenance.

Their celebrations did not last long however, as they all too soon realised that the other plants in the territory had begun to die, strangled of light and nourishment by the invasive plant in their home. The plants failed, and the land failed and for the first time in as long as memory reached, they were forced to strike out into the world and the swamp as a whole in search of food. What they brought back was never enough, and they showed little restraint in their actions, after all, why should they?

These days there is still no word of the group who left, no trail of where they might have gone, but a new normal has bedded in, where the tribe exists on a balance of their unpleasant and difficult weed and prey that wanders too close to their strangled, barren borders.
The tribe as a whole is led by seven individuals chosen by their groups in ways that suit them and are put forward as their leader. Decisions cannot be taken without majority consent of all members of the council and there is no abstaining from a vote.

The Council meet at times of conflict or to resolve paths of action which could impact the whole tribe.They are responsible for negotiating punishments for those who have sparked significant problems which cannot be resolved by their individual herd leader or which impact the business of the others. They are rarely lenient and you don’t really want their attention.

Council meetings take place in a central neutral area of the territory and any physical harm inflicted during a council meeting by any individual is considered a grand infraction and is punishable summarily by execution.

They have very little interest in what happens beyond their borders.

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Re: Seven - Massively WIP please do not post.

Post by Baneful »


The tribe’s attitude to laws is fairly complex, they have very specific rules about how interactions between differing ranks should play out, but have little concern for things other tribes might consider taboo. Actions taken outside the boundaries of the tribe are considered the business of those who take them.

Inside the tribe there are some important rules which are infrequently broken. Breaking them risks drawing the ire of the council, which isn’t something you always walk away from afterwards.

Seven have always had a strict hierarchical tribe structure and this has not changed even through the division of the tribe. At the very top of the rank structure is - rather predictably - the seven council members, with their respective herds beneath them.

Crimes within the tribe can be committed without repercussion downwards or within the same rank, but not up. For instance a newly joined outsider could not steal from a highly ranked individual without experiencing harsh punishment in return.

Outsiders are always considered the lowest rank. Everyone starts at the bottom.

Higher rank comes with its own perks, greater influence within the tribe, more respect from others and from an OOC perspective, potential for stat bonuses and other perks in line with this.

Each herd has their own rank structure and titles for the roles but all of them follow the same number of tiers.
  • Seven - This role is typically one single kin who represents the herd in the council.
  • Master - Those who have risen to the pinnacle of their field or have shown leadership potential or great intelligence, they are given the utmost respect.
  • Rebel - A rank up from the common rank and file, this is typically individuals who have shown exceptional merit or skill in one field or another.
  • Initiate - For newer members or those without a mind for advancement, this is the basic role within the tribe.
  • Outsider - This is the default rank for everyone not part of the tribe.
Binding Agreements

There is a tradition going all the way back of Deals within the tribe. In spite of the amount of lying, cheating and shady dealings that go on, an officially decreed Deal is a different matter. These are binding, incredibly potent agreements always witnessed formally. The agreement is always sealed with a small blood mark of some description in a discreet place on the body, sometimes - though not always - tied to the type of Deal being enacted.

All Deals are affirmed across an ancient natural altar at the heart of the tribe and the terms are laid out clearly.

Each individual is beholden to fulfil their end of the agreement which includes some equal exchange of goods, favours or services. Unequal Deals can happen but rarely do.

Any rank of kin can make a Deal with any other rank.

Breaking a Deal has consequences. These can range from rank demotion for those of a higher rank to execution or banishment for those of the lowest rank.

Neutral Zones

A left over vestige of times gone past, the concept of neutral zones is retained within Seven. Some areas of the tribe are considered truly neutral, with no room for conflict. This includes the normally fair game Outsiders. Within the clearly marked boundary of a neutral zone not one single bit of physical harm is permitted and killing within the markings is instant execution for those who violate this rule.

Maintaining the neutral zones is considered integral to the function of such a violently inclined tribe.
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Re: Seven - Massively WIP please do not post.

Post by Baneful »

The Aberrant Bog has no trace that it was ever a pleasant place, the water is deep in places and the rotting trees slump off into the mud. Everything about it is ransacked and barren, with the only plant life being the rampant Sinweed that left it that way in the first place. It is a fairly large swathe of territory and it is divided up into seven with each herd having their own part of the territory that they hold and maintain in their own way. However, even those who manage their resources effectively still barely have enough food to get by and have to strike out beyond the borders.

There are several factors to contend with in the territory, the first being the lack of food but the others being the dangers of the mud and swamp and disease, which creeps through the lands sometimes, afflicting the emaciated animals and the weaker of the kin.
Sub Locations - Communal
The Central Meeting Area - NEUTRAL ZONE -

At the heart of the territory, this area is the central hub of activity for Seven. The ground is Earth packed hard as stone by hundreds of hooves over the years. A clearing kept dry and free of plants and groundwater, in an unpleasant land it is a pleasant place. At the heart of it lies the natural stone altar where Deals are made and beyond that the council circle.

The Grove

Though each herd looks after their own source of Sinweed, there is one place where anyone is free to partake of what is available. The Grove is an overgrown grove of trees and Sinweed that holds on in spite of the weed’s best effort to strangle it out. It is a place which has been used as a graveyard for generations and continues to be the area of the tribe where those who are retrievable are buried after death if no one else decides to eat them first. It is verdant in all seasons and there are rumours that sometimes, when the light is right, that sprigs of Lifebloom can be found amongst the weeds.

Murky Spring

Close to the edge of the territory there’s a natural spring of fresh water. It immediately hits a rather disgusting pool of stagnant water but at the source it is possible to still get a drink of clean water. This is another social hub of the tribe, where different herds overlap and presents a good location for banter and exchanging gossip.

The Gaoll

A grim row of rotten but sturdy trees have been hollowed out here to hold captives. Reinforced with cement like gobs of mud and tar, they have become a rather formidable prison where captives and sometimes meals are held.
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Re: Seven - Massively WIP please do not post.

Post by Baneful »


The different herds within the group vary in their goals but are united by their disregard for varying degrees of acceptable behaviour. This doesn’t mean that everyone gets along by any means, conflicts within the tribe are frequent and individuals butt heads constantly over even the smallest thing. It takes a substantial falling out for the council to get involved in these cross herd politics. Some get along better than others.
Gluttony - Envy - Sloth - Wrath - Pride - Greed - Lust
Images pending.
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Re: Seven - Massively WIP please do not post.

Post by Baneful »

When encountering a dangerous situation it is possible for an individual to choose one of two paths, one is the path of combat which rather straightforwardly would result in a fight, or to negotiate. This might entail verbal negotiation or in some cases negotiating a problem successfully. There are some situations where when outmatched in one regard, someone might succeed in another.

HP and Injuries
■■■■Base HP for adult Kin - 40HP ■■■■
Default HP for anything younger than adult Kin - 10HP
When a kin goes below a threshold of 0 they can no longer effectively fight.

At -5 they are badly wounded.

At -10 they black out completely and ICly need a few days to a week to even recover.

Levelling up from Encounters and Spars! Levelling up unlocks new abilities.
- Coming soon!

Spar other people for roleplay and to get stronger.
- Coming soon!
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Re: Seven - Massively WIP please do not post.

Post by Baneful »


Mechanics use the default battle system for Matope!
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Re: Seven - Massively WIP please do not post.

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So you’ve made the decision for whatever reason to join Seven. This is not typically a very straightforward task as in various herds in the tribe an outsider might be considered food, target practice or simply unworthy of being part of the group for one reason or other. It takes a special sort of kin to make it to one of the neutral areas and to request firmly to join. Sometimes kin will be vouched for by existing members of the tribe but all of them must pass the initiation.

The individual is taken to a secluded safe spot in the neutral area where they are to spend the night and on swearing to join the tribe they are given a ritual combination of Sinweed and other herbs. The first effect of this is to make the imbiber violently sick, what happens in the night that follows will help them decide what herd they join. It isn’t a dream of the kind the swamp gives but an unnatural nightmare instead.

Write 250 words (or draw an image) about what your kin experiences on the nightmarish night they spend. What, at the root of everything is their greatest weakness of the different totem affinities. If you are low on ideas or simply want to let fate decide feel free to roll the below and respond to the prompt instead.

These are just ideas, you don’t need to use them, you can make up your own situation.

ROLL 1d7
  • 1- Pride - You find yourself leader of a huge group of kin on their way to retrieve ancient treasure. Everyone looks up to you, that is until you slip up and cause a massive accident. How do you handle it? Are you a good leader?
  • 2- Greed - You dream about something you’d like to hoard. Suddenly you can have as much of it as you ever wanted. How do you feel. What do you feel when something comes to try to take it from you?
  • 3- Gluttony - A feast! The biggest feast you’ve ever seen. Except there are some… unusual things on the table. Do you eat? How do you feel about it? What happens next and how do you wake up?
  • 4- Envy - You find yourself in the hooves of someone you’ve always been jealous of. Except things aren’t as fun as they might have seemed, what happens?
  • 5- Lust - You find yourself the centre of attention of half the swamp’s kin, everyone wants to be your very VERY good friend. How do you deal with this? What happens when they start fighting over you and some of them get obsessive instead?
  • 6- Sloth - You feel heavy, oh so heavy. Sleepier than you’ve ever felt. Except around you, you realize you can move plants instead of your limbs. Things go badly.
  • 7- Wrath - You have a nightmare where you are attacked by an assailant! Do you survive the fight or do you fail? What attacks you? Does it mean something to you?
When this is done, please post the below form to the thread, and we’ll get you added. Welcome to Seven. I hope you made a good decision.

Code: Select all


Kin’s Name:
Player Name:
Initiation Rp/Art Link:


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Re: Seven - Massively WIP please do not post.

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Re: Seven - Massively WIP please do not post.

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Re: Seven - Massively WIP please do not post.

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Re: Seven - Massively WIP please do not post.

Post by Baneful »

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