Better Late than Never: Assorted Giftbox Edition [CLOSED]

User & Staff booths giving out collected prizes!
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Better Late than Never: Assorted Giftbox Edition

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

What an assortment of gifts!

✧ Username: Scaramouche Fandango
✧ Preflist: Skeletal serpent, queer lioness, red demon bat, white demon bat, spectral eagle, achillean lion, purple eagle, beige eagle, aro ramcat, enby owlcat, poly lioness
✧ Have you won any Kin this December: Yes
✧ Have you won any familiars this December: Yes
✧ Do you own any spectrals: Yes
✧ Do you own any bats: Yes
✧ What was something you accomplished/won/received this winter season that you want to show off: I had a great time at the booths this year:

✧ Roleplay: N/A
word count: 90
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Better Late than Never: Assorted Giftbox Edition [CLOSED]

Post by Anhelisk »

Closed for entries!
word count: 3
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Better Late than Never: Assorted Giftbox Edition [CLOSED]

Post by Anhelisk »

First off, rolling for those who don't have a spectral eagle. If the winner has the eagle lower down on their preference list, they will be guaranteed a prize-- the eagle if they're not rolled later, or their preferred prize if they're rolled highly enough on a subsequent list.
  1. doomsayer ( Worm-on-a-String, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Purple Eagle, Beige Eagle, Spectral Eagle, Queer Lioness, Poly Lioness, Aro Ramcat )
  2. Toshiful ( Worm-on-a-String, Red Demon Bat, White Demon Bat, Spectral Eagle, Skeletal Serpent, Purple Eagle, Beige Eagle, Aro Ramcat, Poly Lioness, Queer Lioness )
  3. Vashtya ( Worm-on-a-String, Skeletal Serpent, Achillean Lion, Red Demon Bat, White Demon Bat, Spectral Eagle, Aro Ramcat, Poly Lioness, Purple Eagle, Queer Lioness, Beige Eagle, Enby Owlcat )
  4. Fasti ( Worm-on-a-String, Aro Ramcat, Achillean Lion, Spectral Eagle, Skeletal Serpent, Poly Lioness, Queer Lioness, Red Demon Bat, White Demon Bat, Purple Eagle, Beige Eagle, Enby Owlcat )
  5. Astoria ( Worm-on-a-String, spectral eagle, Achillean Lion, Skeletal Serpent, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, poly Lioness ,Enby Owlcat, Queer Lioness, Aro Ramcat, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Purple Eagle, Beige Eagle )
  6. Owlsomniac ( worm on a string, skeletal serpent, white demon bat, red demon bat, spectral eagle, purple eagle, beige eagle, achillean lion, poly lioness , queer lioness, aro ramcat )
  7. SkylerKarashi ( worm-on-a-string, red demon Bat, Spectral eagle, poly Lioness, queer Lioness, achillean lion, aro ramcat, enby owlcat, white Demon bat, purple eagle, beige Eagle, skeletal serpent )
  8. wander ( Worm-on-a-String, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Spectral Eagle )
  9. Tiarana ( Worm-on-a-String, red demon bat, white demon bat, spectral eagle, purple eagle, poly lioness, aro ramcat, skeletal serpent, enby owlcat, Achillean Lion, queer lioness, beige eagle )
  10. Gl!tch~ ( Worm-on-a-String, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Skeletal Serpent, Spectral Eagle, Achillean Lion, Purple Eagle, Aro Ramcat, Beige Eagle, Poly Lioness, Enby Owlcat, Queer Lioness )
  11. peanutbutter ( Worm-on-a-String, Achillean Lion, Enby Owlcat, Queer Lioness, Poly Lioness, Aro Ramcat, Skeletal Serpent, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Purple Eagle, Beige Eagle, Spectral Eagle )
  12. Zuki ( worm-on-a-string, Achilliean Lion, Queer Lioness, Aro Ramcat, Poly Lioness, Spectral Eagle, Purple Eagle, Enby Owlcat )
Dice rolls
[7] = 7
1d12:  [
] = 7
word count: 369
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Better Late than Never: Assorted Giftbox Edition [CLOSED]

Post by Anhelisk »

Roller # 7, SkylerKarashi, is guaranteed a prize.
word count: 7
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Better Late than Never: Assorted Giftbox Edition [CLOSED]

Post by Anhelisk »

Secondly, I am rolling for those who do not own a demon bat, with a couple extra tickets for Vashtya, who has no bat familiars at all. If the winner of this has a demon bat as a lower preference, they will be guaranteed a prize: either the bat or a higher preference if they are rolled sufficiently early on the main raffle roll.
  1. Kalahari ( Worm on a string, achillean lion, enby owlcat, aro ramcat, white demon bat, red demon bat, spectral eagle )
  2. doomsayer ( Worm-on-a-String, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Purple Eagle, Beige Eagle, Spectral Eagle, Queer Lioness, Poly Lioness, Aro Ramcat )
  3. Toshiful ( Worm-on-a-String, Red Demon Bat, White Demon Bat, Spectral Eagle, Skeletal Serpent, Purple Eagle, Beige Eagle, Aro Ramcat, Poly Lioness, Queer Lioness )
  4. Vashtya ( Worm-on-a-String, Skeletal Serpent, Achillean Lion, Red Demon Bat, White Demon Bat, Spectral Eagle, Aro Ramcat, Poly Lioness, Purple Eagle, Queer Lioness, Beige Eagle, Enby Owlcat )
  5. Vashtya - NO BAT AT ALL BONUS
  6. Vashtya - NO BAT AT ALL BONUS
  7. Fasti ( Worm-on-a-String, Aro Ramcat, Achillean Lion, Spectral Eagle, Skeletal Serpent, Poly Lioness, Queer Lioness, Red Demon Bat, White Demon Bat, Purple Eagle, Beige Eagle, Enby Owlcat )
  8. Astoria ( Worm-on-a-String, spectral eagle, Achillean Lion, Skeletal Serpent, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, poly Lioness ,Enby Owlcat, Queer Lioness, Aro Ramcat, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Purple Eagle, Beige Eagle )
  9. AMItotic ( Worm-on-a-string, Skeletal Serpent, White Demon Bat, Achillean Lion, Aro Ramcat, Poly Lioness, Queer Lioness )
  10. FrostyPeaches ( Skeletal Serpent , Worm-on-a-String , Red Demon Bat , Purple Eagle , Spectral Eagle , White Demon Bat , Beige Eagle , Poly Lioness , Aro Ramcat , Enby Owlcat , Achillean Lion , Queer Lioness )
  11. Lirilei ( Enby Owlcat, Queer Lioness, Poly Lioness, Aro Ramcat, Achillean Lion, Skeletal Serpent, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Purple Eagle, Beige Eagle, Spectral Eagle, Worm-on-a-String )
  12. Owlsomniac ( worm on a string, skeletal serpent, white demon bat, red demon bat, spectral eagle, purple eagle, beige eagle, achillean lion, poly lioness , queer lioness, aro ramcat )
  13. SkylerKarashi ( worm-on-a-string, red demon Bat, Spectral eagle, poly Lioness, queer Lioness, achillean lion, aro ramcat, enby owlcat, white Demon bat, purple eagle, beige Eagle, skeletal serpent )
  14. Tiarana ( Worm-on-a-String, red demon bat, white demon bat, spectral eagle, purple eagle, poly lioness, aro ramcat, skeletal serpent, enby owlcat, Achillean Lion, queer lioness, beige eagle )
  15. Gl!tch~ ( Worm-on-a-String, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Skeletal Serpent, Spectral Eagle, Achillean Lion, Purple Eagle, Aro Ramcat, Beige Eagle, Poly Lioness, Enby Owlcat, Queer Lioness )
  16. Lural ( Skeletal Serpent, Spectral Eagle, Purple Eagle, Beige Eagle, Achillean Lion, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Worm-on-a-String )
  17. peanutbutter ( Worm-on-a-String, Achillean Lion, Enby Owlcat, Queer Lioness, Poly Lioness, Aro Ramcat, Skeletal Serpent, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Purple Eagle, Beige Eagle, Spectral Eagle )
  18. Zuki ( worm-on-a-string, Achilliean Lion, Queer Lioness, Aro Ramcat, Poly Lioness, Spectral Eagle, Purple Eagle, Enby Owlcat )
Dice rolls
[14] = 14
1d18:  [
] = 14
[1] = 1
1d18:  [
] = 1
word count: 496
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Better Late than Never: Assorted Giftbox Edition [CLOSED]

Post by Anhelisk »

Roller # 14, Tiarana, is guaranteed a prize.

Roller # 1, Kalahari, is guaranteed a prize.
word count: 14
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Better Late than Never: Assorted Giftbox Edition [CLOSED]

Post by Anhelisk »

Rolling 9 winners from the main list!
  1. Kalahari ( Worm on a string, achillean lion, enby owlcat, aro ramcat, white demon bat, red demon bat, spectral eagle )
  2. HuniPi ( Aro Ramcat, Skeletal Serpent, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Spectral Eagle )
  3. doomsayer ( Worm-on-a-String, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Purple Eagle, Beige Eagle, Spectral Eagle, Queer Lioness, Poly Lioness, Aro Ramcat )
  4. Toshiful ( Worm-on-a-String, Red Demon Bat, White Demon Bat, Spectral Eagle, Skeletal Serpent, Purple Eagle, Beige Eagle, Aro Ramcat, Poly Lioness, Queer Lioness )
  5. Vashtya ( Worm-on-a-String, Skeletal Serpent, Achillean Lion, Red Demon Bat, White Demon Bat, Spectral Eagle, Aro Ramcat, Poly Lioness, Purple Eagle, Queer Lioness, Beige Eagle, Enby Owlcat )
  6. Fasti ( Worm-on-a-String, Aro Ramcat, Achillean Lion, Spectral Eagle, Skeletal Serpent, Poly Lioness, Queer Lioness, Red Demon Bat, White Demon Bat, Purple Eagle, Beige Eagle, Enby Owlcat )
  7. Astoria ( Worm-on-a-String, spectral eagle, Achillean Lion, Skeletal Serpent, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, poly Lioness ,Enby Owlcat, Queer Lioness, Aro Ramcat, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Purple Eagle, Beige Eagle )
  8. CelestialRequiem ( Worm-on-a-String, Skeletal Serpent, Achillean Lion, Enby Owlcat, Purple Eagle, Aro Ramcat, Queer Lioness, Poly Lioness )
  9. Tara de Draiocht ( Worm-on-a-String, Spectral Eagle, Skeletal Serpent, Aro Ramcat, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Purple Eagle, Achillean Lion, Beige Eagle, Poly Lioness. )
  10. AMItotic ( Worm-on-a-string, Skeletal Serpent, White Demon Bat, Achillean Lion, Aro Ramcat, Poly Lioness, Queer Lioness )
  11. FrostyPeaches ( Skeletal Serpent , Worm-on-a-String , Red Demon Bat , Purple Eagle , Spectral Eagle , White Demon Bat , Beige Eagle , Poly Lioness , Aro Ramcat , Enby Owlcat , Achillean Lion , Queer Lioness )
  12. Lirilei ( Enby Owlcat, Queer Lioness, Poly Lioness, Aro Ramcat, Achillean Lion, Skeletal Serpent, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Purple Eagle, Beige Eagle, Spectral Eagle, Worm-on-a-String )
  13. lilacfishie ( worm-on-a-string, red demon bat, white demon bat, spectral eagle, skeletal serpent )
  14. Yuki (Skeletal Serpent, Spectral Eagle)
  15. Owlsomniac ( worm on a string, skeletal serpent, white demon bat, red demon bat, spectral eagle, purple eagle, beige eagle, achillean lion, poly lioness , queer lioness, aro ramcat )
  16. SkylerKarashi ( worm-on-a-string, red demon Bat, Spectral eagle, poly Lioness, queer Lioness, achillean lion, aro ramcat, enby owlcat, white Demon bat, purple eagle, beige Eagle, skeletal serpent )
  17. wander ( Worm-on-a-String, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Spectral Eagle )
  18. Tiarana ( Worm-on-a-String, red demon bat, white demon bat, spectral eagle, purple eagle, poly lioness, aro ramcat, skeletal serpent, enby owlcat, Achillean Lion, queer lioness, beige eagle )
  19. Beejoux ( Worm-on-a-String, skeletal serpent, purple eagle )
  20. Gl!tch~ ( Worm-on-a-String, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Skeletal Serpent, Spectral Eagle, Achillean Lion, Purple Eagle, Aro Ramcat, Beige Eagle, Poly Lioness, Enby Owlcat, Queer Lioness )
  21. Lural ( Skeletal Serpent, Spectral Eagle, Purple Eagle, Beige Eagle, Achillean Lion, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Worm-on-a-String )
  22. peanutbutter ( Worm-on-a-String, Achillean Lion, Enby Owlcat, Queer Lioness, Poly Lioness, Aro Ramcat, Skeletal Serpent, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Purple Eagle, Beige Eagle, Spectral Eagle )
  23. Zuki ( worm-on-a-string, Achilliean Lion, Queer Lioness, Aro Ramcat, Poly Lioness, Spectral Eagle, Purple Eagle, Enby Owlcat )
  24. Scaramouche Fandango ( Skeletal serpent, queer lioness, red demon bat, white demon bat, spectral eagle, achillean lion, purple eagle, beige eagle, aro ramcat, enby owlcat, poly lioness )
Dice rolls
[14, 3, 24, 2, 21, 2, 16, 19, 24] = 125
9d24:  [
] = 125
word count: 554
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Better Late than Never: Assorted Giftbox Edition [CLOSED]

Post by Anhelisk »

14. Yuki (Skeletal Serpent)
03. doomsayer (Worm-on-a-String)
24. Scaramouche Fandango (Queer Lioness)
02. HuniPi (Aro Ramcat)
21. Lural (Purple Eagle)
02. HuniPi - REPEAT
16. SkylerKarashi (Spectral eagle)
19. Beejoux - ALL PREFS TAKEN
24. Scaramouche Fandango - REPEAT
The list, after removing winners from the last list, and the taken options from the preflists:
  1. Kalahari ( achillean lion, enby owlcat, white demon bat, red demon bat )
  2. Toshiful ( Red Demon Bat, White Demon Bat, Beige Eagle, Poly Lioness )
  3. Vashtya ( Achillean Lion, Red Demon Bat, White Demon Bat, Poly Lioness, Beige Eagle, Enby Owlcat )
  4. Fasti ( Achillean Lion, Poly Lioness, Red Demon Bat, White Demon Bat, Beige Eagle, Enby Owlcat )
  5. Astoria ( Achillean Lion, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, poly Lioness ,Enby Owlcat, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Beige Eagle )
  6. CelestialRequiem ( Achillean Lion, Enby Owlcat, Poly Lioness )
  7. Tara de Draiocht ( White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Achillean Lion, Beige Eagle, Poly Lioness )
  8. AMItotic ( White Demon Bat, Achillean Lion, Poly Lioness )
  9. FrostyPeaches ( Red Demon Bat, White Demon Bat, Beige Eagle, Poly Lioness, Enby Owlcat, Achillean Lion )
  10. Lirilei ( Enby Owlcat, Poly Lioness, Achillean Lion, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Beige Eagle )
  11. lilacfishie ( red demon bat, white demon bat )
  12. Owlsomniac ( white demon bat, red demon bat, beige eagle, achillean lion, poly lioness )
  13. wander ( White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat )
  14. Tiarana ( red demon bat, white demon bat, poly lioness, enby owlcat, Achillean Lion, beige eagle )
  15. Gl!tch~ ( White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Achillean Lion, Beige Eagle, Poly Lioness, Enby Owlcat )
  16. peanutbutter ( Achillean Lion, Enby Owlcat, Poly Lioness, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Beige Eagle )
  17. Zuki ( Achilliean Lion, Poly Lioness, Enby Owlcat )
Dice rolls
[13, 8, 6, 16] = 43
4d17:  [
] = 43
word count: 268
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Better Late than Never: Assorted Giftbox Edition [CLOSED]

Post by Anhelisk »

13. wander - ALL PREFS TAKEN
08. AMItotic ( Achillean Lion )
06. CelestialRequiem ( Enby Owlcat )
16. peanutbutter ( Poly Lioness )
List pruned to remove winners and leave only people entering for final prize!
  1. Toshiful ( Beige Eagle )
  2. Vashtya ( Beige Eagle )
  3. Fasti ( Beige Eagle )
  4. Astoria ( Beige Eagle )
  5. Tara de Draiocht ( Beige Eagle )
  6. FrostyPeaches ( Beige Eagle )
  7. Lirilei ( Beige Eagle )
  8. Owlsomniac ( beige eagle )
  9. Tiarana ( beige eagle )
  10. Gl!tch~ ( Beige Eagle )
  11. peanutbutter ( Beige Eagle )
Dice rolls
[11] = 11
1d11:  [
] = 11
word count: 67
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Better Late than Never: Assorted Giftbox Edition [CLOSED]

Post by Anhelisk »

lmao, missed pruning pb and they were the one rolled, so AGAIN
  1. Toshiful ( Beige Eagle )
  2. Vashtya ( Beige Eagle )
  3. Fasti ( Beige Eagle )
  4. Astoria ( Beige Eagle )
  5. Tara de Draiocht ( Beige Eagle )
  6. FrostyPeaches ( Beige Eagle )
  7. Lirilei ( Beige Eagle )
  8. Owlsomniac ( beige eagle )
  9. Tiarana ( beige eagle )
  10. Gl!tch~ ( Beige Eagle )
Dice rolls
[8] = 8
1d10:  [
] = 8
word count: 45
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Better Late than Never: Assorted Giftbox Edition [CLOSED]

Post by Anhelisk »

AMItotic wrote: Fri Dec 27, 2024 11:34 am Image
CelestialRequiem wrote: Fri Dec 27, 2024 10:06 am Image
doomsayer wrote: Fri Dec 27, 2024 2:33 am Image
HuniPi wrote: Fri Dec 27, 2024 2:24 am Image
Kalahari wrote: Fri Dec 27, 2024 2:14 am Image
Lural wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2025 3:29 pm Image
Owlsomniac wrote: Sun Dec 29, 2024 5:07 pm Image
peanutbutter wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2025 3:37 pm Image
Scaramouche Fandango wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2025 5:45 pm Image
SkylerKarashi wrote: Sun Dec 29, 2024 5:42 pm Image
Tiarana wrote: Mon Dec 30, 2024 10:11 am Image
Yuki wrote: Sun Dec 29, 2024 9:00 am Image
word count: 109
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Better Late than Never: Assorted Giftbox Edition [CLOSED]

Post by Anhelisk »

Thanks for participating, all!
word count: 4
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Better Late than Never: Assorted Giftbox Edition [CLOSED]

Post by Owlsomniac »

Yay thank you and congrats everyone!
word count: 6
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