There's something for you here!
Special thanks to Phoe, Appeal and Starry for making the prizes, and to Dizzy for allowing demon bat edits to pass!
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[color=#c3023e][size=150][i]What an assortment of gifts![/i][/size][/color]
[b]✧ Username:[/b]
[b]✧ Preflist:[/b] Enby Owlcat, Queer Lioness, Poly Lioness, Aro Ramcat, Achillean Lion, Skeletal Serpent, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Purple Eagle, Beige Eagle, Spectral Eagle, Worm-on-a-String
[b]✧ Have you won any Kin this December:[/b] (This includes Gifts, Advent, Booth Prizes, WM Boxes or Boxpiles, and Tokens) Yes / Yes, Only Unedited / No
[b]✧ Have you won any familiars this December:[/b] (This includes Gifts, Advent, Booth Prizes, WM Bags or Bagpiles, and Tokens) Yes / Yes, But No [Rare/Edited/Rare OR Edited] Fams /, No
[b]✧ Do you own any spectrals:[/b] Yes / Yes, But No Spectral Eagles / No
[b]✧ Do you own any bats:[/b] Yes / Yes, But No Demon Bat / No
[b]✧ What was something you accomplished/won/received this winter season that you want to show off:[/b] (E.g. a WM haul image, a pic of a christmas present, a treat you got for yourself, or a screenshot of a heartfelt message from a friend )
[b]✧ Roleplay:[/b] (Only required for short and/or male muskie permission! Minimum 1 of the following: 300 words OR 6 posts OR a completed story. Must take place in a quadrupedal kin world or a similar AU)
Code: Select all
[color=#c3023e][size=150][i]TOO MUCH WORK. Just gimme a ticket![/i][/size][/color]