Better Late than Never: Assorted Giftbox Edition [CLOSED]

User & Staff booths giving out collected prizes!
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Better Late than Never: Assorted Giftbox Edition [CLOSED]

Post by Anhelisk »

Fashionably late to the party? Too tired to do much else? Need to enter everything for that completionist kick?
There's something for you here!

Special thanks to Phoe, Appeal and Starry for making the prizes, and to Dizzy for allowing demon bat edits to pass!
Last edited by Anhelisk on Mon Jan 06, 2025 3:31 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 46
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Prize Pool

Post by Anhelisk »

Image Image Image Image Image Image

Enby Owlcat | Queer Lioness | Poly Lioness | Aro Ramcat | Achillean Lion | Skeletal Serpent

Image Image Image Image Image

White Demon Bat | Red Demon Bat | Purple Eagle | Beige Eagle | Spectral Eagle


Last edited by Anhelisk on Fri Dec 27, 2024 1:20 am, edited 7 times in total. word count: 28
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How to Enter

Post by Anhelisk »

What an assortment of gifts!

✧ Username: Anhelisk
✧ Preflist: From most to least desired, leaving off any unwanted prizes!
✧ Have you won any Kin this December: This may be used during rolling! Preference for the acha will go to someone who has won no kin, or failing that, who has won no edited kin.
✧ Have you won any familiars this December: This may be used during rolling! Preference for at least one fam will go to someone who has won no fams, or failing that, no edited/rare fams.
✧ What was something you accomplished/won/received this winter season that you want to show off: This could be a WM haul image, a pic of a christmas present, a treat you got for yourself, a cool thing you did, or a screenshot of a heartfelt message from a friend!
✧ Roleplay: If you would like, link to a completed solo post or RP where your kin readies a proper environment for a muskie to live in! This can count as permission for a male and/or short-edit muskie if completed. The RP may be in-progress, but must have over 300 words, OR be at least 6 posts, OR tell a complete story. This does not require any ties to the Winter Market, but must be played in the real world or a very similar AU, one where your kin would remember all the relevant details. As long as the RP was linked in this thread, this permission may be used for any future opportunity to get a single male and/or short muskie.

Code: Select all

[color=#c3023e][size=150][i]What an assortment of gifts![/i][/size][/color]

[b]✧ Username:[/b] 
[b]✧ Preflist:[/b] Enby Owlcat, Queer Lioness, Poly Lioness, Aro Ramcat, Achillean Lion, Skeletal Serpent, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Purple Eagle, Beige Eagle, Spectral Eagle, Worm-on-a-String
[b]✧ Have you won any Kin this December:[/b] (This includes Gifts, Advent, Booth Prizes, WM Boxes or Boxpiles, and Tokens) Yes / Yes, Only Unedited / No
[b]✧ Have you won any familiars this December:[/b] (This includes Gifts, Advent, Booth Prizes, WM Bags or Bagpiles, and Tokens)  Yes / Yes, But No [Rare/Edited/Rare OR Edited] Fams /, No
[b]✧ Do you own any spectrals:[/b] Yes / Yes, But No Spectral Eagles / No
[b]✧ Do you own any bats:[/b] Yes / Yes, But No Demon Bat / No
[b]✧ What was something you accomplished/won/received this winter season that you want to show off:[/b] (E.g. a WM haul image, a pic of a christmas present, a treat you got for yourself, or a screenshot of a heartfelt message from a friend )
[b]✧ Roleplay:[/b] (Only required for short and/or male muskie permission! Minimum 1 of the following: 300 words OR 6 posts OR a completed story. Must take place in a quadrupedal kin world or a similar AU)
If that form feels like too much to enter for, please enter the following for a chance of a randomly-assigned prize!

Code: Select all

[color=#c3023e][size=150][i]TOO MUCH WORK. Just gimme a ticket![/i][/size][/color]
Last edited by Anhelisk on Mon Dec 30, 2024 9:53 pm, edited 9 times in total. word count: 523
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Post by Anhelisk »

MUSKIES: Originating from plains and dry forests, muskies have begun to expand their reaches into the desert, foothills and the swamp! They are friendly companions and sexually dimorphic: adult male muskies sport luxurious manes!

FEMALE MUSKIES: The easier to tame of the two by far, female muskies are known as vixens and live a nomadic lifestyle, moving around on a day-to-day basis. They may form small packs, and rear their pups from birth to adulthood, giving birth in litters of around 3 pups and nursing them until they're old enough to leave their birth-dens.

MALE MUSKIES: Territorial and responsible for making a suitable place for their young to live out their most vulnerable of days, a male muskie, or muskie hound, will spend his days working on digging a den in dry, elevated dirt, and patrolling and hunting on his territory. Given the topography and flooding common in the swamp, there are fewer areas suitable for nesting than in other climates, making for many fewer of the males than there are females.

HOMING: Due to the unsuitability of the swampy climate, male muskies are far likelier to leave the swamp to seek out better land than they are to stay, unless they have the help of kin to flourish. Male muskies will only bond to kin who spend most of their days living in a specific parcel of land or territory. A muskie must be bonded to a single kin, though they may often be friendly to whole families, or even tribes.

PERMISSION: Male muskies MUST be homed to a kin that doesn't travel often, and has a specific home or territory where they spend most of the year.

BREEDING: Muskie breedings producing only females may be done at any time without permission. If you wish for a chance of male pups, you just have to ask, and the owner/s of any males produced in the breeding must fit the homing requirements.

CAN A KIN OWN MORE THAN ONE MALE MUSKIE?: Yes, but the owner may not find the results to be favourable! They may squabble or split the territory up unless they're REALLY well-trained or just happen to be a perfect match.
Last edited by Anhelisk on Fri Dec 27, 2024 1:17 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 371
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Post by Anhelisk »

FAMILIAR PERMISSION: If someone has won or has in their possession a familiar/familiar breeding token, winter market bag, or other method of acquiring a custom familiar, then this is blanket permission to redeem it as a stag beetle, female muskie, or dragon of any type!

WAIT, I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO ROLEPLAY: If you tell a complete story of a kin preparing a suitable home for a male muskie at any time, just DM me and I can give you permission for a male muskie for the kin in the roleplay! Requirements are simple: show your kin preparing a home for a new companion (they don't need to have a muskie in mind), and make sure the kin fits the general rules for homing a male muskie (spending most of the year on a specific piece of land)!
Last edited by Anhelisk on Fri Dec 27, 2024 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 142
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Post by Anhelisk »

word count: 2
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Better Late than Never: Assorted Giftbox Edition

Post by Kalahari »

What an assortment of gifts!

✧ Username: Kalahari
✧ Preflist: Worm on a string, achillean lion, enby owlcat, aro ramcat, white demon bat, red demon bat, spectral eagle
✧ Have you won any Kin this December: (Advent, Boxpile) Yes
✧ Have you won any familiars this December: (Booth Prizes, WM Bag) Yes
✧ Do you own any spectrals: Yes
✧ Do you own any bats: Yes, But No Demon Bat
✧ What was something you won/received this winter season that you want to show off:
word count: 79
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Better Late than Never: Assorted Giftbox Edition

Post by HuniPi »

What an assortment of gifts!

✧ Username:
✧ Preflist: Aro Ramcat, Skeletal Serpent, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Spectral Eagle
✧ Have you won any Kin this December: Yes
✧ Have you won any familiars this December: Yes
✧ Do you own any spectrals: Yes
✧ Do you own any bats: Yes
✧ What was something you won/received this winter season that you want to show off:
Image She arrived during WM and is from a breeding rex and I have been trying for for a while.
✧ Roleplay: N/A
word count: 84
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Better Late than Never: Assorted Giftbox Edition

Post by doomsayer »

What an assortment of gifts!

✧ Username: doomsayer
✧ Preflist: Worm-on-a-String, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Purple Eagle, Beige Eagle, Spectral Eagle, Queer Lioness, Poly Lioness, Aro Ramcat
✧ Have you won any Kin this December: Yes
✧ Have you won any familiars this December: Yes
✧ Do you own any spectrals: Yes, But No Spectral Eagles
✧ Do you own any bats: Yes, But No Demon Bat
✧ What was something you won/received this winter season that you want to show off:
I didn't get much kin this event, but Shine-Equal is so pretty that she makes up for it!
✧ Roleplay: N/A
word count: 104
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Better Late than Never: Assorted Giftbox Edition

Post by Toshiful »

What an assortment of gifts!

✧ Username: Toshiful
✧ Preflist: Worm-on-a-String, Red Demon Bat, White Demon Bat, Spectral Eagle, Skeletal Serpent, Purple Eagle, Beige Eagle, Aro Ramcat, Poly Lioness, Queer Lioness
✧ Have you won any Kin this December: Yes
✧ Have you won any familiars this December: Yes
✧ Do you own any spectrals: Yes, But No Spectral Eagles
✧ Do you own any bats: Yes, But No Demon Bat
✧ What was something you won/received this winter season that you want to show off: This starry kio from the star booth! Image
✧ Roleplay: n/a
word count: 93
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Better Late than Never: Assorted Giftbox Edition

Post by Vashtya »

What an assortment of gifts!

✧ Username: Vashtya
✧ Preflist: Worm-on-a-String, Skeletal Serpent, Achillean Lion, Red Demon Bat, White Demon Bat, Spectral Eagle, Aro Ramcat, Poly Lioness, Purple Eagle, Queer Lioness, Beige Eagle, Enby Owlcat
✧ Have you won any Kin this December: updating my form as I won a kin after posting, so the answer is yes now <3
✧ Have you won any familiars this December: Yes
✧ Do you own any spectrals: Yes, But No Spectral Eagles
✧ Do you own any bats: No
✧ What was something you won/received this winter season that you want to show off: The familiars I've gotten this month (WM prizes, gifts, and advent! Not pictured are the bag & bagpile that I've gotten)
✧ Roleplay: n/a
Last edited by Vashtya on Sun Dec 29, 2024 6:51 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 124
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Better Late than Never: Assorted Giftbox Edition

Post by Fasti »

What an assortment of gifts!

✧ Username: Fasti
✧ Preflist: Worm-on-a-String, Aro Ramcat, Achillean Lion, Spectral Eagle, Skeletal Serpent, Poly Lioness, Queer Lioness, Red Demon Bat, White Demon Bat, Purple Eagle, Beige Eagle, Enby Owlcat,
✧ Have you won any Kin this December: yes
✧ Have you won any familiars this December: yes
✧ Do you own any spectrals: Yes, But No Spectral Eagle
✧ Do you own any bats: Yes, But No Demon Bat
✧ What was something you won/received this winter season that you want to show off: Image :whee: :party:
✧ Roleplay: n/a
word count: 90
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Better Late than Never: Assorted Giftbox Edition

Post by Astoria »

What an assortment of gifts!

✧ Username: Astoria
✧ Preflist: Worm-on-a-String, spectral eagle, Achillean Lion, Skeletal Serpent, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, poly Lioness ,Enby Owlcat, Queer Lioness, Aro Ramcat, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Purple Eagle, Beige Eagle,
✧ Have you won any Kin this December: (yes
✧ Have you won any familiars this December: (yes
✧ Do you own any spectrals: Yes, But No Spectral Eagles
✧ Do you own any bats: Yes, But No Demon Bat
✧ What was something you won/received this winter season that you want to show off:
✧ Roleplay: rp incoming for Muskie :3
Last edited by Astoria on Sat Dec 28, 2024 1:03 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 99
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Better Late than Never: Assorted Giftbox Edition

Post by CelestialRequiem »

What an assortment of gifts!

✧ Username: CelestialRequiem
✧ Preflist: Worm-on-a-String, Skeletal Serpent, Achillean Lion, Enby Owlcat, Purple Eagle, Aro Ramcat, Queer Lioness, Poly Lioness
✧ Have you won any Kin this December: I've won two boxes but I gave them to other people
✧ Have you won any familiars this December: Yes
✧ Do you own any spectrals: Yes
✧ Do you own any bats:
✧ What was something you won/received this winter season that you want to show off:
Blorbo art from a new friend
✧ Roleplay: -
word count: 87
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Tara de Draiocht
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Better Late than Never: Assorted Giftbox Edition

Post by Tara de Draiocht »

What an assortment of gifts!

✧ Username: Tara de Draiocht
✧ Preflist: Worm-on-a-String, Spectral Eagle, Skeletal Serpent, Aro Ramcat, White Demon Bat, Red Demon Bat, Purple Eagle, Achillean Lion, Beige Eagle, Poly Lioness.
✧ Have you won any Kin this December: yes!
✧ Have you won any familiars this December: yes!
✧ Do you own any spectrals: Yes
✧ Do you own any bats: Yes
✧ What was something you won/received this winter season that you want to show off: I dont really have a picture of it but I got a new computer chair I love it!! And the newest volume of the manga I'm luff <33 Also non-material thing; I got to spend xmas with my brother and his babies who live in the states as they came down to be with my parents and me <33
✧ Roleplay: n/a
word count: 142
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