Snailshell wants your help - CLOSED - CONGRATS Fasti & Astoria - flowers will be sent out as I make them

User & Staff booths giving out collected prizes!
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Snailshell wants your help - CLOSED - CONGRATS Fasti & Astoria - flowers will be sent out as I make them

Post by sheepcakes »

((Snailshell kindex so you can see the fams who'll be roaming around, as well as any of her kids I own.))
((Sorrel, Mugwort, Raspberry Wishes, Strawberry Kisses, Putting Out Feelers, False Wing, Only the Bones Remain, Chrysanthemum Song & Singing Blossom))

Snailshell is surrounded by a group of familiars and her children, all of them making sure the booth is set up properly and kept tidy. It wouldn't do to have a messy booth, no reason to have kin tripping over extra bits and bobs. Or trash. Can't have that at all.

Snailshell herself is handing out tasks to any kin who wanders over. And keeping tally of who helps. She's got two wolf pups to home, and figures the best way to pick is by asking kin to help. Shes made a list of tasks, and lists them out to any kin wanting to participate, letting the kin choose which task they want.

"Today's tasks are..." she says to an approaching kin, then lists them out in no real order.
((Tasks might change or new ones be added in, depending on inspiration. ))
1. Find some snacks for the pets. They'll eat anything pretty much.
2. Go fishing, Snailshell would like a few large fish to feed the kin.
3. Spend a while with the pets, give them a way to burn off some energy.

You can pick your task. The result will be dice rolled though. When you post use the form. Tasks will earn you tickets, and at the end of the Winter Market I'll tally tickets and roll for winners.
You can do one of each task per day. The day resets at 11:59pm EST

Code: Select all

Participating kin: [img][/img]
Rolled result:
Preference list: 
Previous roll links:
Total tickets: 
Small blurb about how the task went.
Roll 1d6 and pick the corresponding number.
1. You didn't fail, exactly. But you wouldn't call it a win either. (+1 ticket)
2. Spectacular! Amazing job! You really did fantastic here. (+4 tickets) (you also get a flower from Sorrel.)
3. You did so-so, Snailshell doesn't seem displeased by the attempt. (+1 ticket)
4. Wow. You really did great. Snailshell beams at you as she thanks you for the help. (+3 tickets)
5. Snailshell tries her best to not look unhappy, but you really hecked this one up. (+0 ticket) (Sorrell will gift you a flower as a consolation prize)
6. You did pretty good, Snailshell seems pleased enough. (+2 tickets)

The wolf pups being offered are:
Left is spectral & right is regular
Last edited by sheepcakes on Wed Jan 08, 2025 12:30 pm, edited 9 times in total. word count: 435
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Sorrel's Flower Corner

Post by sheepcakes »

In a corner, Sorrel is tucked away with heaps of flowers. She comes out to gift them to kin who failed spectacularly, and also to kin who did a wonderful job.

•If you ask, she may be willing to give you a flower for a few pebbles. Or perhaps trade a flower for a flower.
•If you didn't earn a flower from a great job or awesome fail, then you can send me however many pebbles you'd like for one. Or doodle me a flower for Sorrel to add to her collection. It's very pay what you want.
•Sorrel is modeling her flowers, the pink one is a rose, the blue & purple is a pansy.
•Rolling a 2 or 5 lets you pick custom colors.
•If you did not roll a 2 or 5 then Sorrel gives you a color she thinks suits you.
•Regardless of rolls, anyone can pick either flower.
•One kin may have 1 of each flower.
•You may ask for different flower placement, Sorrel is just wearing them where she prefers.

•Edit this form into your post if you rolled a 2 or 5.
•If you do not roll a 2 or 5 (or if you just want more flowers) then just add this form into your roll post and add payment.
•One kin per form, if you want multiple kin to get flowers post a form for each.
Use this form to claim a flower

Code: Select all

[b][u][color=#FF00BF]Stop and smell the roses (or pansies)[/color][/u][/b]
Kin uncert: [img][/img]
Which flower: rose or pansy
Up to 2 colors: use hex codes if you want specific colors. Pansy must have 2 colors. Rose can have 1 or 2 colors.
Payment: this is only if you did not roll a 2 or 5 and want to buy flowers.
To do list:
•Lisk (need kin, flower & colors)
•Astoria for Twig cc (done will deliver when finish other kin)
Last edited by sheepcakes on Thu Feb 06, 2025 10:48 pm, edited 10 times in total. word count: 338
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The List

Post by sheepcakes »

Raffle list
  1. Lirilei - spectral, regular
  2. Lirilei
  3. Lirilei
  4. Lirilei
  5. Kalahari - Regular, spectral
  6. Kalahari
  7. Astoria - regular, spectral
  8. Astoria
  9. SkylerKarashi - spectral, regular
  10. SkylerKarashi
  11. SkylerKarashi
  12. Fasti - spectral, regular
  13. Fasti
  14. Anhelisk - spectral, reroll
  15. Anhelisk
  16. Anhelisk
  17. Anhelisk
  18. Anhelisk
  19. Anhelisk
  20. Scaramouche Fandango - spectral, regular
  21. Scaramouche Fandango
  22. Scaramouche Fandango
  23. Scaramouche Fandango
  24. Scaramouche Fandango
  25. Scaramouche Fandango
  26. Scaramouche Fandango
  27. doomsayer - spectral, regular
  28. doomsayer
  29. doomsayer
  30. Fasti - spectral, regular
  31. Fasti
  32. Fasti
  33. Fasti
  34. Astoria - regular, spectral
  35. Astoria
  36. Astoria
  37. Astoria
  38. SkylerKarashi - spectral, regular
  39. SkylerKarashi
  40. Astoria - regular, spectral
  41. Astoria
  42. Illusei - Regular, Spectral
  43. Illusei
  44. Illusei
  45. Illusei
  46. Astoria - regular, spectral
  47. Astoria
  48. Fasti - spectral, regular
  49. Fasti
  50. doomsayer- spectral, regular
  51. doomsayer
  52. SkylerKarashi - spectral, regular
  53. SkylerKarashi
  54. SkylerKarashi
  55. doomsayer- spectral, regular
  56. doomsayer
  57. doomsayer
  58. doomsayer
  59. doomsayer
  60. doomsayer
  61. SkylerKarashi - spectral, regular
  62. SkylerKarashi
  63. SkylerKarashi
  64. SkylerKarashi
  65. doomsayer- spectral, regular
  66. doomsayer
  67. doomsayer
  68. doomsayer
  69. doomsayer
  70. doomsayer
  71. Astoria - regular, spectral
  72. Astoria
  73. Astoria
  74. Astoria
  75. Astoria
  76. Astoria
  77. Astoria
  78. Astoria
  79. Astoria
  80. Astoria
  81. Astoria
  82. Astoria
  83. Illusei - Regular, Spectral
  84. Astoria - regular, spectral
  85. Astoria
  86. Astoria
  87. Astoria
  88. Astoria
  89. Illusei - Regular, Spectral
  90. Illusei
  91. Illusei
  92. doomsayer- spectral, regular
  93. doomsayer
  94. doomsayer
  95. Astoria - regular, spectral
  96. Astoria
  97. Astoria
  98. Astoria
  99. Astoria
  100. Astoria
  101. Astoria
  102. Astoria
  103. doomsayer- spectral, regular
  104. doomsayer
  105. doomsayer
  106. doomsayer
  107. doomsayer
  108. Astoria - regular, spectral
  109. Astoria
  110. Astoria
  111. Astoria
  112. Astoria
  113. Astoria
  114. Astoria
  115. Astoria
  116. Astoria
  117. SkylerKarashi - spectral, regular
  118. SkylerKarashi
  119. SkylerKarashi
  120. SkylerKarashi
  121. SkylerKarashi
  122. SkylerKarashi
  123. SkylerKarashi
  124. SkylerKarashi
  125. Astoria - regular, spectral
  126. Astoria
  127. Astoria
  128. Astoria
updated to here
Last edited by sheepcakes on Wed Jan 08, 2025 12:20 pm, edited 7 times in total. word count: 200
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Snailshell wants your help - OPEN

Post by Lirilei »

rolling for snacks
Dice rolls
[2] = 2
1d6:  [
] = 2
word count: 3
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Snailshell wants your help - OPEN

Post by Lirilei »

Participating kin: Image
Task: Find some snacks for the pets
Rolled result: 2. Spectacular! Amazing job! You really did fantastic here. (+4 tickets) (you also get a flower from Sorrel.)
Preference list: spectral, regular
Previous roll links: +4 tickets (& flower!)
Total tickets: 4

Fly From Me thought the wolves were fascinating, especially the spectral and she decided to help out with gathering up some snacks. She had some decent luck and came back to Snailshell with a wide variety and handed them over.
sheepcakes wrote:
Won a flower! You can give Fly From Me whichever, and place it wherever, thank you!
word count: 100
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Snailshell wants your help - OPEN

Post by Kalahari »

Participating kin: Image
Task: 1 Find some snacks!
Rolled result: You did pretty good, Snailshell seems pleased enough. (+2 tickets)
Preference list: Regular, spectral
Previous roll links: none yet
Total tickets: 2

Flourish didn't mind being of assistance to his fellow dragon, and before too long returned from a stroll around with a healthy collection of snackable rodents for the pets to wolf down. It might also be a chance for him to acquaint himself with the family.
Dice rolls
[6] = 6
1d6:  [
] = 6
word count: 78
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Snailshell wants your help - OPEN

Post by sheepcakes »

Lirilei wrote: Thu Nov 28, 2024 6:28 pm
sheepcakes wrote:
Won a flower! You can give Fly From Me whichever, and place it wherever, thank you!
Do you have color prefs for flower? Your roll let's you pick if you want.
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Snailshell wants your help - OPEN

Post by Astoria »

Participating kin: Image
Task: spend a while with the pets
Rolled result: 6. You did pretty good, Snailshell seems pleased enough. (+2 tickets)
Preference list: regular wolf, spectral
Previous roll links:
Total tickets: 2

Twig decided she wanted to help by keeping the pets some company. Maybe play a game with them. Which involved her throwing a stick and seeing if they were able to bring it back to her, or if she needed to go and get it.
Dice rolls
[6] = 6
1d6:  [
] = 6
Last edited by Astoria on Thu Nov 28, 2024 10:35 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 78
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Snailshell wants your help - OPEN

Post by Lirilei »

sheepcakes wrote: Thu Nov 28, 2024 6:39 pm
Lirilei wrote: Thu Nov 28, 2024 6:28 pm
sheepcakes wrote:
Won a flower! You can give Fly From Me whichever, and place it wherever, thank you!
Do you have color prefs for flower? Your roll let's you pick if you want.
Oh I missed that! Maybe the same color as her hooves?
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Snailshell wants your help - OPEN

Post by SkylerKarashi »

Participating kin: Image
4. Wow. You really did great. Snailshell beams at you as she thanks you for the help. (+3 tickets)
Rolled result: 3 tickets
Preference list: spectral, regular
Previous roll links: TBA
Total tickets: 3 tickets
Dice rolls
[4] = 4
1d6:  [
] = 4
word count: 38
Rolling Kin <3 Image
Rolling Pets <3 Image
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Snailshell wants your help - OPEN

Post by Fasti »

Participating kin: Image
Task: Spend a while with the pets, give them a way to burn off some energy.
Rolled result: 6. You did pretty good, Snailshell seems pleased enough. (+2 tickets)
Preference list: spectral, regular
Previous roll links: /
Total tickets: 2
Juicy Giggles was thrilled to finally have some action! Full of anticipation, she ran to the familiars and asked them to follow her. In a wild chase they ran up and down the small hills in the area, hiding behind trees and tumbling around in the grass.
Dice rolls
[6] = 6
1d6:  [
] = 6
word count: 88
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Snailshell wants your help - OPEN

Post by sheepcakes »

Lirilei wrote: Thu Nov 28, 2024 6:47 pm Oh I missed that! Maybe the same color as her hooves?
Here you go! Please save and host it yourself.

word count: 29
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Snailshell wants your help - OPEN

Post by sheepcakes »

Astoria wrote: Thu Nov 28, 2024 6:42 pm Participating kin: Image
Task: spend a while with the pets
Rolled result: 6. You did pretty good, Snailshell seems pleased enough. (+2 tickets)
Preference list:
Previous roll links:
Total tickets: 2
Don't forget to out a preference list.
word count: 47
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Snailshell wants your help - OPEN

Post by Lirilei »

sheepcakes wrote: Thu Nov 28, 2024 7:11 pm
Lirilei wrote: Thu Nov 28, 2024 6:47 pm Oh I missed that! Maybe the same color as her hooves?
Here you go! Please save and host it yourself.

Thank you!
word count: 40
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Snailshell wants your help - OPEN

Post by Anhelisk »

[will add in post-roll]
Dice rolls
[3] = 3
1d6:  [
] = 3
word count: 5
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