((Snailshell kindex so you can see the fams who'll be roaming around, as well as any of her kids I own.))
((Sorrel, Mugwort, Raspberry Wishes, Strawberry Kisses, Putting Out Feelers, False Wing, Only the Bones Remain, Chrysanthemum Song & Singing Blossom))
Snailshell is surrounded by a group of familiars and her children, all of them making sure the booth is set up properly and kept tidy. It wouldn't do to have a messy booth, no reason to have kin tripping over extra bits and bobs. Or trash. Can't have that at all.
Snailshell herself is handing out tasks to any kin who wanders over. And keeping tally of who helps. She's got two wolf pups to home, and figures the best way to pick is by asking kin to help. Shes made a list of tasks, and lists them out to any kin wanting to participate, letting the kin choose which task they want.
"Today's tasks are..." she says to an approaching kin, then lists them out in no real order.
((Tasks might change or new ones be added in, depending on inspiration. ))
1. Find some snacks for the pets. They'll eat anything pretty much.
2. Go fishing, Snailshell would like a few large fish to feed the kin.
3. Spend a while with the pets, give them a way to burn off some energy.
You can pick your task. The result will be dice rolled though. When you post use the form. Tasks will earn you tickets, and at the end of the Winter Market I'll tally tickets and roll for winners.
You can do one of each task per day. The day resets at 11:59pm EST
Code: Select all
Participating kin: [img][/img]
Rolled result:
Preference list:
Previous roll links:
Total tickets:
Small blurb about how the task went.
1. You didn't fail, exactly. But you wouldn't call it a win either. (+1 ticket)
2. Spectacular! Amazing job! You really did fantastic here. (+4 tickets) (you also get a flower from Sorrel.)
3. You did so-so, Snailshell doesn't seem displeased by the attempt. (+1 ticket)
4. Wow. You really did great. Snailshell beams at you as she thanks you for the help. (+3 tickets)
5. Snailshell tries her best to not look unhappy, but you really hecked this one up. (+0 ticket) (Sorrell will gift you a flower as a consolation prize)
6. You did pretty good, Snailshell seems pleased enough. (+2 tickets)
The wolf pups being offered are:

Left is spectral & right is regular