Escape from the Winter Festival! [CLOSED]

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Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]

Post by lilacfishie »

Week - 1
Username – lilacfishie
Kin name – Flop
What are they in the setting? – Animatronic Lizard, Available through the Arts & Crafts Party Bundle!*
*Bundle subject to availability. Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for any allergic reactions, maiming, paper cuts, death, or ruined clothes as a result of booking this package.
Description (for possible sketches) – A muted green lizard animatronic covered in pink, purple, and blue colorful paint splotches. Her tongue sticks out the side of her mouth and doubles as a paint brush and she has bright green eyes.
Extra ticket? - N/A

Flop felt like her fans were going to take flight with the excitement. The Winter Festival! How exciting! All of the many guests meant all hands, paws, and claws were on deck to make each experience magical! The big event also meant she got to come out into the main atrium instead of being sequestered to a charging pod or a party room. She couldn't help herself and danced a little jig as the band took over the stage, her tail swishing behind her and her claws up in the air.

The fray quickly fell into organized chaos as Flop made her way through the party tables. So many orders for fun face paint popped up in the HUD in front of her eyes. Her claws flexed as she prepared the next paint colors, little drops of paint dispensing from each of her fingertips for her to mix. A pretty Freddy Fazbear orange was formulating in her palm when she felt someone grab her arm. The hydraulics in shoulder whirred a bit to offset the interruption and not knock over the guest on accident. Flop turned and her bright green eyes settled on the man holding tightly to her forearm. When he motioned for her to bend down, she obliged and listened to his request. It was certainly not for Monty Gator glasses face paint or Glamrock Chicka lightning bolts on his cheeks. It was for something far more serious. The lizard nodded solemnly before splitting off from the man.

On the way up the elevator, she wiped the orange paint off on a napkin with Roxanne Wolf's face patterned on it. With a toss in the nearby trashcan after she exited, Flop made her way into Bonnie Bowl. The thing about being an animatronic was that precision was what she was made for. Sure, she could probably just have the ticket printed without issue, but she needed time to think. Her pointed white teeth and lolling paintbrush tongue shined under the blacklight of the bowling alley as she approached on of the empty lanes.

By the end of the set, and with her ticket in hand, she knew that this strange man might have answers. Deep down in her servos, she knew that there was something wrong going on here. The ticket, tight in her claw, felt like an opportunity beyond just party rooms and darkness.

It didn't take long to find the man again. Gently, she placed the ticket in his hand. "Okay, what next, friend?"
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Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]

Post by Ruriska »

Week - 1
Username – Ruriska
Kin name – Big Bad
What are they in the setting? – Animatronic
Description (for possible sketches) – A big black wolf animatronic with lots of teeth and wide-staring eyes.
Extra ticket? Yeah!!

“Alright, he’s ready to go!”

The technician gave the dark animatronic a slap on the shoulder as he flicked a switch. It came alive slowly, eyes wide, staring, horrible. Awareness crept in, though it had never really left. There was a hunger in the pit of his stomach, something from another world, unquenchable.

“Are you sure we should let this thing out on the floor? It’s creepy as heck.” The technician asked.

Another man answered, shrugging. “Apparently it’s what everyone is into these days. Werewolves and supernatural shit. Big dogs. Fairy tales. I don’t know. It’s not my job to design them.”

“Well, off you go then, Big Bad.”

“Thank you,” his voice was like gears grating, rough, guttural. “I look forward to working today.” The animatronic stepped forward, shoulders hunched, and prowled off into the crowd.


The man stopped him. His first customer of the day. Commitment to the cause. Big Bad didn’t understand much but he did understand that. He was here to provide a service, to be useful, to be entertaining. This customer had a request and he always aimed to please.

Just a single ticket.

Nearby a child was pointing at him, caught between fear and delight at the huge black wolf.

With a smile (he was always smiling), Big Bad turned to give him a hug.


When he returned later, he held out a massive hand, where a prize ticket was now sitting. There was red on his claws when there had been none before. His smile was stretched, extra red, extra white. His eyes gleamed. The hunger pulsed deep inside, where the gears turned and whirred.

“Here you are, sir. A ticket.”
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Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]

Post by Baneful »

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Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]

Post by Astraea »

Week - 2
Username – Astraea
Kin name – Close to Death
What are they in the setting? – Tween (13)
Description (for possible sketches) – A tall tween, long blond hair tied up into different lengths that seem to be a style of the time. Her light green eyes stand out against her pale skin. She wears a school uniform from her private school; long white sleeved dress shirt, a sweater vest with her school's emblem on the right in light blue, a striped ribbon at her collar in a light and darker blue, a knee length skirt in light, medium, and dark blue tartan, calf length cream socks that are slightly slouchy, dark blue tennis shoes with a white swish mark on the sides, laced up. She wears a light creamy coffee brown sweater, also with her school logo on the right breast. She is carrying a black school bag that resembles a backpack, but clearly expensive. The bag has a white, pink, purple, and green (Roxy) pompom mascot dangling from one side.
Extra ticket? Image

Close looked her new "buddy" up and down a couple times, feeling a little creeped out. The large, blank eyes looked down at her without seeing her. It's shell was white like a clean dry eraser board. She could hear the tech inside clicking and buzzing and whenever one of it's fingers or head moved, it made a distinct buzzing noise. It continued to stare down at her and through her.

Around her, she saw that other people were getting up and slowly started surrounding the decoration table.

I made these Im gonna use em somehow damnit

Looking around, she saw almost everyone had gotten up. Close stood up, feeling self conscious at being almost the only one at her table with the STAFF bot waiting next to her. The bot straightened up as she stood. Grabbing her bag she made her way over the the decoration station.

She found a empty seat next to one of the tables and sat, tucking her backpack under her chair. The bot smoothly maneuvered around other bots and people and came to a stop in front of her. She looked around herself, wondering if maybe she could spy her friends at one of the tables. There was a low murmur of activity. Printers printed, people were talking, the sounds of cutting, busy work sounds. She sighed. Well, if she was stuck with it and was allowed to paint on it, so...

Close wasn't very creative. She liked art but wasn't good at it. The first thing she did was pick up a black sharpie and drew a smiling mouth and a very basic nose. There, at least it looked a little bit more friendly now.

She started rummaging around on the table, looking at what was available to use. She picked up a can of brown pain. He'd be a brunette.

He huh.

Her mind just jumped to "he" and so now it was a "he".

She started to paint the top of the bot's head the color of brown she'd picked up. After finishing the first bit of the paint job, she sat back a little to admire her work. The shade of his hair and the sort of lopsided smile instantly triggered a realization.

He looked like that boy that she liked. His name was Sebastian and he was a grade above her. He was on the varsity baseball team and had dreams of going pro. He didn't keep up his uniform as well as other boys, but being a school star due to his athletics, a lot of the teachers let him get away with it. He didn't dress sloppy necessarily, but sometimes his uniform wasn't ironed and very often his tie wasn't straight or his hair was styled slightly spiked up with gel. Despite it being better for his sport, he seemed self conscious that he had to cut it so short. He had a very nice smile, especially when he laughed. His eyes were pools of melted milk chocolate and he always smelled clean and slightly like sandalwood.

A loud noise jolted Close out of her daydream. She looked around, seeing a couple of people and some staff around a bunch of paint cans that had fallen on the floor. She turned back away and to her bot and turned strawberry red.


In the midst of her fantasizing, her hands had moved on her own. Her bot was a messy but striking resemblance to Sebastian. Close panicked and began to rub at the blue paint but it had already dried. She searched for some sort of cleaning agent but couldn't find any, so she ran into the ladies room, wetted down a cleaning cloth she'd grabbed from the tables. Returning to her bot, she started to scrub at the paint again, terrified Chloe, Zoe, and/or Sophie saw this, she'd never be able to live it down. She'd be a laughing stock and Sebastian would know she liked him. But the paint remained.

Resigning herself to her fate, she put the used cloth back on the table and looked at her creation. Well, she was stuck with him now. The girl sighed hugely and rested her elbows on the table to think. What was it the guy on the stage said? The bots chose who they went to and that they'd follow them around right? So that meant that this one had chosen her right? She craned her head around to look at Sebotstian. Well, at least if she was stuck with him, it would at least be amusing to run around with it for the rest of the night. She could pretend it was a date, as long as no one saw her that is.

"Ok," she said to herself before turning around. "Tonight you're going to be my botfriend!"
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Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]

Post by Ruriska »

Week - 2
Username – Ruriska
Kin name – Big Bad
What are they in the setting? – Animatronic
Description (for possible sketches) – A big black wolf animatronic with lots of teeth and wide-staring eyes.
Extra ticket? - Art! I’m so sorry lol

The animatronic didn’t seem to react at all to the arrival of his new ‘buddy’. He stared at it blankly, and given nothing else to work with, the STAFF buddy stared back. They remained this way for some time, as people bustled around them. Anyone who spared them a glance might presume they were communicating in wavelengths beyond any else’s comprehension.

When Big Bad finally turned to leave, the undecorated robot trundled along behind him with the blind obedience of the manufactured.

It would be found some time later, in pieces. Torn apart and scattered, half of it missing. Oil splattered across the floor and a massive bite mark in its side.

Big Bad is busy entertaining children in the play centre. ‘I don’t know,’ is all he will say when asked about the robot. There’s something dark on his teeth. His smile is very wide. It’s not worth asking again.

word count: 199
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Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

Week - 2
Username – Scaramouche Fandango
Kin name – Strange Creature
What are they in the setting? – Pizzaplex robotics maintenance engineer
Description (for possible sketches) – An extremely happy mechanic with dark hair pulled into a ponytail and freckles on on her face. She's wearing her greasy work apron over a pristine uniform, and boy is she happy she found the nicest polo shirt she had for tonight! After having fixed the Skee-ball machines and checking in on her animatronic coworkers, she's merrily tinkering with her brand new robot friend. They can just take the additions she's making out of her paycheck.

It was a Christmas miracle, Charlie Brown! SC would have whooped and hollered if she was more of the whooping and hollering top. Building a staff bot of her own, right here on the fly? And letting the public play with bots of their own? Now this was something new and exciting! And with the safety protocols here at the Pizzaplex, it was surely a decision that would in no way backfire or lead to terrible harm in any way, shape, or form. Nobody got hurt at the Pizzaplex!

She decided to make her own mini-animatronic. Of course, it wouldn't be as complex, but an animal would be more fun to make than a humanoid. What would she be, if she was one of the bots? A lizard for sure, something with a big tail and a long tongue. She Jackson-Pollocked the bot's body, masking out doors, bolts, and other stuff she didn't want painted over. The 3D printer made her a nice rudimentary tail; not as complicated as, say, Unquenched's or Flop's, but still nice-looking. Taking a Dremel to it, she carved in niches for LED stripes- rainbow would look really nice, and she could pop rainbow film over the front light panel to make it match. She chose a vibrant cyan and intense orange for her accessory pieces, as well as a matte black that looked really chic against the splattered background. The forked tongue looked really cute, and she snapped some thick orange plastic eyecaps on that gave her staff bot's visage a nice, cozy glow. Yeah, this was one good-lookin' robot.

The acrylic nails on one of the patrons gave her an idea for the hands. Taking the type of acrylic shell that would usually cover something sensitive, she Dremeled it down into a claw. A little black lacquer and some blacklight-reactive blue and green paint in a swampy pattern, and her bot had the nicest manicure- clawicure?- any little bot could ever ask for. There was still something missing- and suddenly she knew what it was. A set of slick white wall tires made her robot look crisp and fresh. As she looked her lizardy double up and down, she watched its head track her movements. She smiled, and the bot did too- although it couldn't do anything but smile, since she'd painted a big one right across its face. Still, it probably had a lot to smile about. This was the best place in the world for a robot to be.

"What do you think?" she asked a passing child, who was taking an armful of streamers over to her robot. The child looked at her robot with the practiced eye of an expert critic, and said "Needs stickers."

She was right. Everything could be improved with stickers! SC found a sheet from the Arts & Crafts Party Bundle, and set to work adding them to her robot. She found spots for stickers of her animatronic friends, and then added a sun, a moon, and a few of the fun words. "COOL!" and "WOW!" and "FUN!" festooned her bot. She sure hoped her robot was cool and wow and fun!

Extra ticket?
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Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]

Post by HuniPi »

Week - 2
Username – HuniPi
Kin name – Sun-Cursed
What are they in the setting? – A pre-teen/tween
Description (for possible sketches) – Skinny and has some small scrapes and nicks, results of being too much of a daydreamer and not paying attention to her surroundings. During weekdays wears the stereotypical anime schoolgirl uniforms, on the weekends a little more tomboy-ish with denim shorts and tank tops.
Extra ticket?


Sun-Cursed was not hiding her glee and excitement at the show. Decorum? Dignity? What were those to a tween getting to see something so fun and enjoyable? She found herself singing and dancing along, the man asking for tickets earlier completely forgotten. Once the performance ended, she quieted down to listen to the emcee and when the STAFFBOTS began rolling out, Sun-Cursed squealed in delight.

It was the best time for her to have joined her friends. They were going to be the absolute talk of the class tomorrow after they share everything that had happened! Oh, should she take pictures for proof?

When her turn to design her very own staffbot came, Sun-Cursed found herself seeing simple shapes and designs rather than anything too outlandish and complex. Sure, she could ask to put rainbows and marshmallows and maybe a couple of tentacle-writhing monstrosities here, sparking, mechanical horrors consuming the soul of some hapless child over there... wait, what? No, simple shapes and designs would be enough for her.

The colors could be bolder, oranges and pinks and some dark browns to give a grounded vibe. Yeah, this should do it. The preteen gave her choices to the staff member and while she tried to be patient while they worked, she couldn't help but bounce on her heels in anticipation.

"Aaaaaah, so cool!" She squealed, not bothering to keep her voice down. The pizzaplex was loud, it was fine. No one would care. Her parents weren't there to scold her or tell her to act proper. She was fine. It was fine.

Once finished, Sun-Cursed was happy to walk around the pizzaplex, bot in tow. "You know, I have three older siblings. I'm the fourth child. It's kind of an unlucky number." She said. "I don't know what number model you are, but to me, you're the first! Maybe this makes you lucky. I hope some of that luck rubs off on me."
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Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]

Post by Beejoux »

Week - 1
Username – Beejoux
Kin name – Trifling
What are they in the setting? – Twelve year old child.
Description (for possible sketches) – A twig of a tween that's still trying to figure herself out and her own style. She's loud and curious, and often times speaks her mind, this can and has led her into trouble any number of times.
Extra ticket? -

It felt like Trifling had blinked and the man that'd approached her was gone, but being a kid in a giant fun center she didn't really focus much on it. There games to play, things to do, and before she knew it the man from before was stepping up on stage again. This time he was dressed in a giant bunny costume, she only recognized it was him from his voice, deep and booming. There was something about the costume that was just a little unnerving, but she wasn't sure she could pinpoint what.

He wasn't to be trusted, the other man had said.

The robots that came flooding out were a little beyond belief, and as one stopped in front of her she poked at it's chest. It rocked gently on it's wheels but stayed up. Even chuckled in that tinny, mechanical voice. Trifling laughed. "Well, if you're mine, we need to make some improvements." She grabbed it by the sand and rushed off to the work stations.

Over all she liked the shape of the bot, but it needed color. Trifling happily relayed the base tones to one of the employees helping, and after he'd been sprayed down she'd grabbed herself a paintbrush and some pots o paints, decorating the bot in dots and flowers, anywhere it looked like it needed a bit more pop.
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Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]

Post by lilacfishie »

Week - 2
Username – lilacfishie
Kin name – Flop
What are they in the setting? – Animatronic Lizard, Available through the Arts & Crafts Party Bundle!*
*Bundle subject to availability. Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for any allergic reactions, maiming, paper cuts, death, or ruined clothes as a result of booking this package.
Description (for possible sketches) – A muted green lizard animatronic covered in pink, purple, and blue colorful paint splotches. Her tongue sticks out the side of her mouth and doubles as a paint brush and she has bright green eyes.
Extra ticket? - N/A

Flop wasn't sure how to feel about this new STAFF Bot initiative. What could the animatronics in the building do to help the testing for them? Her eyes narrowed, but widened in surprise when the STAFF Bots swarmed the area to meet up with their new charges. At first, she thought she'd gotten away with not ending up with one, but then one wheeled in front of her and proclaimed it was her new "buddy." The minor distraction made her lose the strange man in the crowd after she'd handed him the ticket, and that did not start her relationship with this new "buddy" off very strongly. She hoped the man wasn't just spouting stuff to get tickets quick or something. That would not be very Faztastic.

The HUD in her eyes was getting flooded with face paint requests, and Flop did not want to let them pile up more than they had to. If she messed this up, who knew what would happen to her? She took a few steps, and heard the bot follow behind her. If she could sigh, she would have. She stopped and looked at her new companion. "Okay, if we're doing this, you're going to need a new look." She led the plain bot over to the workstations and approached one of the staff there. "Can you make this one match my green? I can take care of the rest," she said, pointing a clawed thumb back at the waiting STAFF Bot at her heels.

A few minutes later and the muted green bot beside her was already much improved from its previous boring grey look. Flop guided it through some Staff Only doors to a storage room so she could work in peace. Standing in front of the bot, she started mixing colors in her hands, using the paint dispensers in her fingers. "I've got a lot of kids looking for fun face paints, so we're going to have to make this quick," she said, half murmuring to herself. The requests were actually starting to agitate her now, she could hear her fans whirring a bit louder than usual.

Once Flop was done with her STAFF Bot buddy, there were four-fingered claw prints all over it in gradients of red, orange, and yellow. It looked like a summer camp craft project gone wild and she couldn't help but laugh. "I think that'll do nicely," she started, then continued, "Now, let's get to those kids." She walked back out of the Staff Only area and towards the highest priority guest request she had in her queue.

When she arrived, she was delighted the little girl was requesting a snake design around her face. As she leaned in, she saw the STAFF Bot in the corner of her eye leaning towards the child as well. Flop almost couldn't keep the grumble from herself as the bot in her space and the kid's. "Hold on a sec, kiddo," she said. Standing back to her full height, she scooted the bot a few feet back and handed it a paper plate. "Just follow along with your fingers? I guess? I don't really know what to do with you, buddy," she said, voice showing her confusion with the whole situation. "I can't have you squishing me and freaking out the kids though, you could ruin my chances of getting out of the party rooms," she added, later realizing how silly it was to try and reason with the bot. Still, giving it the paper plate seemed to work. Soon enough, the little girl giggled and hugged her tightly, sparkly blue snake face paint glittering in the lights of the Plex.
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Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]

Post by Baneful »

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Scaramouche Fandango
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Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

Week - 3
Username – Scaramouche Fandango
Kin name – Strange Creature
What are they in the setting? – Pizzaplex robotics maintenance engineer
Description (for possible sketches) – An increasingly worried mechanicwith dark hair pulled into a ponytail and freckles on on her face. At this point, she's quite glad she's got her work apron on over her uniform- it's filthy down here, and any extra protection helps. She's followed by a staff bot that she's decorated to look like a lizard, and is increasingly worried about what's going on and what's going to happen to her animatronic friends.
Extra ticket?

(Alternate version with a sad, sad mechanic)

The guests might not have noticed- but she sure did, and S.C. was on the highest of high alerts. Something was going on, and she didn't like it. The glitches were small, just little things here and there- but enough for her to know that something was up. This wasn't a rogue servo misfiring or a jammed cassette here or there. This... this looked like programming, and it made her worry. That kind of programming error had no place here, but when she checked out the animatronics, she couldn't find anything wrong. Which meant that it was something beyond what she could deal with, which really made her worry. She might not know how to fix every error, but to not even be able to catch obvious issues in a diagnostic? That was a problem, and not one she was willing to bring to the big boss. Not now, not on his big night at his big party, and not with so many people here.

That said, she smelled a rat, and not one named Charles Entertainment. Narrowing her eyes, she looked at the scruffy fellow, the one who had asked her for a ticket. He'd gotten a uniform from somewhere- rumpled and ill-fitting. His staff bot looked fine, but- wait, what was that in his bag? Where'd he get that? The robot bear was a little wonder, but-

Hm. This night was getting curiouser and curiouser. While she felt a twinge of regret at not getting to see the new games room, she followed the little man to the sewer. She was awfully suspicious of him and his motivations. He was saying people were in danger, he was acting strange... could he be behind whatever was going on with the animatronics? Had he given them some kind of virus? She didn't trust him, not one little bit, but she needed more information- so she followed him down to the sewer, wanting to find out what his plan was.

The sewer was a wretched place. The stench... well, that's... probably what happened when you tossed as much old pepperoni as the Pizzaplex did. But what really threw her for a loop was all of the horribly mangled, decaying robots. Gen one animatronics, still partially sheathed in rotting foam rubber. Gears and panels and parts unknown, all dripping in slime and coated in fungal growth. An actual rat, dragging a piece of pizza that was way too big for it. Pizza rat looked sickly and bloated- and come to think of it, this sewer was absurdly spacious. And missing... some of the key elements of a normal sewer. What was this place? She looked around for the little fellow- was that him behind that barrel?

"Hey!" she called. "What's your name? What's going on down here- I thought this was a sewer, but it looks more like a junkyard and smells like an unplugged walk-in in June." She wanted to ask him a lot more like "what the hell did you DO to my cool robot friends," but better to gather more information first. If she accused him of giving the animatronics a virus right off the bat, he might clam up or turn aggressive. And she really didn't want that, because that might mean never finding out how to fix them.
baneful wrote:She has some questions.
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Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]

Post by Corn »

Week - 2
Username – Corn
Kin name – Unquenched
What are they in the setting? – dragon animatronic
Description (for possible sketches) – A pretty close match for the coloration of his goat form. The interior of his small wings are black with flame patterns on the outer edge, and he carries a black keytar with a few fun stickers on it to help him entertain the customers. He also has a belt of sleigh bells wrapped around his stumpy tail for festive percussion, plus a red nose and some extra construction paper prongs taped to his horns for festive decoration.
Extra ticket? - Unquenched was enamored with his new assistant. he knew immediately how he wanted to decorate them - like a merry christmas elf, the better to entertain during this festive bash! He mostly just had to have the plating repainted, but he paid special attention to the buttons down the front of the chest and some of the connective joints, giving them a shiny golden finish. He decided to coat a few places in short pile fun fur, namely the balls near the wrist assembly, and the shoulder joints, and the round collar. He printed out a couple of pointy ears to stick to the sides of the head. Lastly, he added a santa hat, an extra rounded belt of fun fur, and a couple short bands of sleigh bells to its wrists. Perfection!
With the decorating done, it was time to head back out into the crowd. He continued his typical entertainment routine as he wandered among the crowd, making small talk, playing short songs, and generally making sure everyone had everything they needed to have a good time. His STAFF buddy gradually picked up a few of his habits, but it seemed a little resistant to extrapolating new things to do out of his examples. Eventually, he felt like he had to lead it aside to a quieter area and teach it directly.

"Listen, you've gotta add a little variety to your lines," Unquenched said, holding the STAFF buddy by the shoulders. "Rearrange a few words, substitute some synonyms. Give it a little pizzazz!"

"Pizzazz," the STAFF buddy repeated slowly. "You are suggesting that I improvise?"

"Yeah!" Unquenched said, patting its shoulders. "Give it your own spin! Same with the dancing. Try and follow my lead, yeah? Back me up out there. C'mon, lemme show you an example..."

Unquenched went through one of his dances that he liked to do to entertain the kids. The STAFF buddy, despite not having legs, had been doing a fair imitation of it. "Now, when one person is dancing in front, another person can dance behind or around them, to add to the performance, see? You try the main dance, and I'll demonstrate." his STAFF buddy went through the main routine, and Unquenched followed behind, moving in a similar pattern, but a beat behind, sometimes repeating the lead dance, sometimes contrasting its movements. His STAFF buddy swiveled its head around like an owl, watching him al the while, absorbing this new data.

"You catch that, buddy? Are you gettin' the idea, now?"

The STAFF buddy whirred, thinking. "Affirmative. I believe I will be able to properly accompany your dance."

"Yeah, right on!" Unquenched cheered, clapping his assistant on the back. "Now, let's get back out there and show the crowd your new tricks!"

Unfortunately, things didn't quite go to plan. His STAFF buddy would improvise a little, but it still kept trying to perform the lead role in the dance, cutting in front of Unquenched and stealing his thunder! He had to keep cutting back in front to lead the dance, but the buddy was nimble on its wheels, occasionally blocking his moves. Unquenched wasn't shy about voicing his disapproval, either, reminding his buddy that it was supposed to follow, not lead! But every time, the buddy just said, 'I am only doing what I have learned from you." For a while, it was starting to really frustrate Unquenched, but whenever he and his buddy fought over lead position, his audience laughed and clapped. They must have thought it was a comedy routine they were doing on purpose! It brought Unquenched a little peace, that his audience was still enjoying the performance, even if it wasn't exactly what he'd envisioned. He'd have to have a serious talk with his STAFF buddy later on, but for now, he'd keep up the comedy. At least his buddy wasn't inclined to sing.
(645 words)
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Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]

Post by Baneful »

“My name is Ben.” The man said. He looked tired and like someone who hadn’t slept in weeks - and based on his smell - probably hadn’t bathed either.

He sighed as he looked over the positively rancid sewers where it seemed like the Pizzaplex had been stuffing all their darkest secrets for far, far too long. “A lot is happening here.” He said, giving S.C. a weary sigh. “It would take me hours to explain it. For the time being, all I can say is that those left in the dining room are likely in grave danger. I think he’s going to kill them.”

He hugged himself and frowned bitterly at an old microwave. “Have you noticed the high staff turnover lately? They keep replacing staff jobs with THOSE things.” He jabbed a finger accusingly at his STAFF bot. “I think he’s going to try and replace all of us with them too. Sounds nuts, right?”

He scurried behind his S.T.A.F.F bot, rummaging in its control panel and flipping a few switches. An unearthly and unsettling hum filled their dank tunnel, and his S.T.A.F.F bot wavered. The noise made anyone who heard it feel sick, and then it coalesced into a figure that stared flatly ahead but was a completely perfect replica of Ben himself.

The strange sound temporarily made everyone else’s S.T.A.F.F bots turn into replicas of them, too.

“See?” he said. “Illusion discs. Storyend and I are trying to break into the Storyteller AI that runs the place so we can at least stand a chance against it.” He flicked the switch at the back of his S.T.A.F.F bot and it wound down again to just an average-looking bot along with everyone else.

“I used the prize counter system to load an initial payload, but we need to get to the central mainframe if we are going to disable the firewalls.”
Scaramouche Fandango wrote: Mon Dec 04, 2023 9:14 am
word count: 345
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Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]

Post by HuniPi »

Week - 3
Username – HuniPi
Kin name – Sun-Cursed
What are they in the setting? – A pre-teen/tween
Description (for possible sketches) – Skinny and has some small scrapes and nicks, results of being too much of a daydreamer and not paying attention to her surroundings. During weekdays wears the stereotypical anime schoolgirl uniforms, on the weekends a little more tomboy-ish with denim shorts and tank tops.
Extra ticket? (tried drawing a "VR POV")

Sun-Cursed didn't immediately pick up on the strangeness of everything. She was just having fun being allowed to do things her strict parents normally wouldn't. Plus, she had the very nice STAFFBOT following her around and it was as helpful as she hoped it would be. It wasn't chatty but it would sing things if she requested, though it would often use her own voice whenever it tried to "talk".

Eventually the rabbit came up to offer VIP tickets and while the young girl tried to keep an eye out for the earlier man she'd given tickets to, she figured it made sense to accept these tickets. Plus, it gave her the chance to play with a cool VR headset!
word count: 202
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Escape from the Winter Festival! [OPEN]

Post by subducting »

Week - 3
Username – Subducting
Kin name – Midnight Melody
What are they in the setting? – A singing unicorn animatronic
Description (for possible sketches) – A little more saturated than in the swamp, with sleek shapes and a tall frame. She has digitigrade legs and is dressed something like your typical pop idol, in white and neon blue and pink. She sports very cool pink triangle shades with no frames and a curling spiralling horn. She wears a miniskirt made of semi see through plastic (with shorts underneath) and a cool tank with a star cutout. The look is finished with a bolero in the same plastic, this time holographic. Her clothes are accented with yellow cartoon stars.
Extra ticket? -

Midnight Melody was striding towards the booth when her movements got suddenly stiffer and more mechanical. Before she knew it she was—-

Midnight blinked, searching her memory banks for what her current objective was. Weird. Must’ve been a glitch. She shrugged and carried on her way, pausing to give the staffbot a weird look. She realised this was a bit rich but the thing freaked her out. Not that she was meant to be capable of that, but she sure was. She sighed and patted it’s shoulder. “Come on then, little bro,” she joked.

Midnight Melody’s model was built on the rule of cool, added to compliment the rocking dragon animatronic Unquenced with a more pop-esque appeal- still aimed at slightly older kids, but perhaps more typically suited to those who liked the pretty over the dangerous. She twinkled like a pop star and sung like a robot. It was probably why she tended to experience so much (or at least that’s what she reasoned with herself as she tried to continue her programming to be the cool and chilled out yet kind and approachable pop star persona) - they had just overdone it on her programming to make sure she was ultra realistic.

It was a moment before she realised someone was trying to get her attention. She glanced at the worried looking man and tilted her head mechanically. “You need… okay, I’ll come…”

She headed down the way the scruffy man indicated, with her staffbot trailing idly behind her, and stoped short when she entered the sewer. Luckily she couldn’t smell, but she was experiencing the unmistakable feeling of dread, looking at all the beat up animatronics. Ice crawled through her circuits.

“What… is this place?” Her voice came out more strangled and robotic sounding than usual.
word count: 426
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