[S] The Happy Dream [Fiend]

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[S] The Happy Dream [Fiend]

Post by fluo »

Sleep tugged at the stag and though he and his spectral owlcat, Goosebumps, wandered a greater distance today than previous days, sleep was especially hard won. They both lay down and snuggled closer as was customary. Winter was here and warmth was sparse to be found. A small tended fire will burn out through the night and though they had been together for many seasons, neither of them were keen on waking up to keep the fire going. So deeper they snuggled and Fiend listened to his companion's heartbeat, counting it to lull himself to sleep.

Acrid stench was what woke his dream form. It was clear as day and piercing. Sleep fog evaporated in a moment, Fiend pushed his paws forward and looked to the sky to round up the stretch. His bones and muscles properly loosened and lubricated, he let out of a chuff and pulled himself upward. Though Goosebumps was his constant companion, Fiend was often alone in his dreams, another sign he slept deeply in their corner of the swamp. But in this dream, he came across his favorite tree. It was well regarded in his life for its perfect height of jutting stumped branches that were the perfect height for scratching his ears. Oddly though, this dream tree had it all wrong. It hit him much lower at his neck, but the next set of tranches did provide some comfort. Turning his body askance, he scratched his back. He was so happy and relaxed that instincts took over and he marked it. For himself. For him. Only him. It was his, because it was the most perfect tree and he felt a surprising amount of stewardship towards it. He felt this urge to mark it off as him so that none other could use it. It was silly and unbelievably selfish. More importantly, it was impossible to keep others away. It just wasn't done in the swamp. But for now, he could mark it as his and at the very least, Goosebumps would keep away.

But dreams were wondrous things that pulled at the sleeping mind what the awake one didn't know. Chest impossibly furry and fluffy, Fiend sauntered off to smell the flowers that smelled of the sun, and rolled around in the pleasantly sun touched grass. He even found a great sized branch to play with. Running back and forth, the wind gently brushed him. It felt like everything was right in the world, that he was where he should be. Continuing the fantastic voyage of possibilities, Fiend ran to the nearest banks of the stream. Pushing past the cattails, he peered over the edge to catch his reflection. Something tugged at his heart that this was important, and ever one to heed the heavy handedness of the MotherFather, Fiend obliged. And he truly smiled. Back grinned an affable face tipped with canines and mirth in his eyes. He was cute. He looked harmless. More importantly, he looked friendly and that was just what he wanted. Staring back was that form he once saw of the two furry ones. He looked just like the smaller one that crouched between the legs of its protector. Running off to find more things that made him happy, Fiend dreamed on.

word count: 547
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