[PRP] Unexpected Callings

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[PRP] Unexpected Callings

Post by fluo »

In his eaglehound form, Fiend, kept an easy pace as his spectral owlcat, Goosebumps, joined him. The owlcat was either ahead or behind, but rarely running abreast. Owlcats liked to climb and made for effective scouts. Fiend preferred to keep his nose closer to the ground where he might smell a good mix of scents. There were many tracks and various overlays working against him, but that was part of the adventure. Time moved slower when there wasn't a pressing need to do any. Hunting and fishing were plentiful despite the wintery days. As the sun was shining today, there was an extra pep to his steps.
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Re: [PRP] Unexpected Callings

Post by anemosagkelos »

[imgright]https://matope.pixel-blueberry.com/imag ... uncert.png[/imgright] Heritage was trying. Of all his children, it was Ashborn that still cursed and thwarted his attempts to strengthened any bond that existed between them. He'd dashed her dreams by not leaving and though she had come to accept it, finally, she was a smoldering fire ready to burn him alive. He didn't know whether to be pleased that his daughter was so strong and stubborn and ready to take care of herself or heartbroken that she couldn't show any weakness.

[imgleft]https://matope.pixel-blueberry.com/imag ... uncert.png[/imgleft] He'd ended up needing a little space after the latest twist in his ongoing life of unpredictable things. He didn't quite know what to think of this latest request. He'd always been more reluctant than others. He was slow and shy in ways that trauma embedded into one's soul and no matter how good things got, the scars remained and throbbed and sometimes opened anew to bleed. He huffed, casting a smile at Cherished who had chosen to walk with him. She was such a good girl.
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Re: [PRP] Unexpected Callings

Post by fluo »

Goosebump's influences were more of the insidious type. Ever mischievous and up to no good, some of that spirit rubbed off on the stag. And because he was in his cute, fluffy eaglehound form, Fiend dared more so than he ever would. He stalked the approaching caninelike kin and familiar. He made sure to stay in the direction that the downwind would not carry his scent. And he pounced and nipped the distracted buck's long, furry tail.
Last edited by fluo on Tue Feb 04, 2020 10:25 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 79
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Re: [PRP] Unexpected Callings

Post by anemosagkelos »

It was only a nip but it sent the buck crashing down to the ground, as limbs locked and past memories flooded into every muscle like liquid tension. He shook himself from the place on the ground and was surprised to find Cherished, fluffed to full capacity and staring down the eaglehound with teeth bared. She did not growl, not yet, and he struggled to his feet to calm the muskwolf.

"It's all right, Cherished. I'm okay, it didn't hurt me," he told his pet who flattened her ears to listen to him before emitting a soft whine. "Only memories, my girl, tripped me up of a time before you found me," he explained.

The muskwolf gave a shake to flatten her fur and then stepped back until she was standing neatly under Heritage.
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Re: [PRP] Unexpected Callings

Post by fluo »

Fiend paused to stare at the image of the muskwolf neatly tucked under the buck. It was a cute image that inspired warm feelings. Fiend wanted to do that. Goosebumps would never stay still enough for that. That form though was the perfect height with optimal leg to body ratio built for speed, drama, and dexterity. Fiend was entranced by the well built canine. Fiend sniffed as he waved his tail in a friendly manner with tongue lollying out should the other duo mistake his intentions. With a final tail wave goodbye, Fiend and Goosebumps galloped off, Fiend's mind racing a mile a minute.
Last edited by fluo on Tue Feb 04, 2020 10:42 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 105
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