[B] To Stay or Not to Stay? [Tear and Mend & Roses in Bloom]

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[B] To Stay or Not to Stay? [Tear and Mend & Roses in Bloom]

Post by Araucana »

Tear and Mend knew what was happening. The swell of her belly was far and away too pronounced to merely indicate a large feed. Oh yes, she knew, was she terribly pleased about it? Well no but by goodness she knew what she’d been getting into when she’d taken that handsome rainbow of a buck back home with her. She sighed heavily.

Mend had seen many pregnant does and childbirths herself, being a crude but effective healer herself. This though… things were a little different when the squirmy bulge of a belly was on HER and not some other doe. She wasn’t soft or kind enough to be a mother surely, she was a roguish and haphazard kind of kin. What if she accidentally rolled over one in her sleep? She could leave them to fend for themselves, traditional style but…

"Is a rough and tumble kind of mother better than no mother at all?" She knew she didn't have much longer to decide now…

@Moonstone Dazzle
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Re: [B] To Stay or Not to Stay? [Tear and Mend & Roses in Bloom]

Post by Moonstone Dazzle »

"Of course it is," the swan answered, landing gently next to the doe. Her eyes glowed gentle in the soft light, and it almost seemed like the creature was smiling. She regarded the doe, down to the curve of her belly, then back to her face with a gentle croon.

"When you extend the effort to try, when you put that thought into being there... surely its' better than an absence, yes?"
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Re: [B] To Stay or Not to Stay? [Tear and Mend & Roses in Bloom]

Post by Araucana »

“Oh!” Mend startled a moment but looking into the swan’s kind glowing eyes, she felt herself calm and a peace crept over her. The knowledge of who this beautiful creature must be washed over her like she should’ve always known.

“I…” Tear and Mend hadn’t met her own mother, or couldn’t remember if she had. “I’m not sure I can really know. But you seem to know and if I was to believe anyone’s advice, probably should be from someone like you.”

Mend grinned at the swan, a truly odd sight considering her facial markings. “Okay, maybe I’ll give it a go.” That was surprisingly easy to say, maybe she really had just been kidding herself about there ever really being a choice to make, per say...

@Moonstone Dazzle
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Re: [B] To Stay or Not to Stay? [Tear and Mend & Roses in Bloom]

Post by Moonstone Dazzle »

In between a breath and the next, the swan was gone and Roses in Bloom sat with the doe. She smiled gently, and gestured with a slight nod for the space next to her for the kio to come and join her.

"I have been a mother... to seventeen children," she counted, head tipped as she thought.  Yes, that was all of them. Goodness gracious, she'd been busy. Did Half Truth know how much she had been a mother? The mare laughed softly, lost in her own memories. Goodness indeed. That was... a good number of children. Perhaps she had children stretched out in every space of the swamp, living on beyond her with their own lives.

"Make your own choices, my dear. You will be gladder for it as time moves on. But I always, genuinely believe it is better to try than to simply leave."

She looked at the mare- nearly looking rotted, still lovely in her own way. A too-ripe flower, sweet and sickly.

"What do you want for your children?"

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Re: [B] To Stay or Not to Stay? [Tear and Mend & Roses in Bloom]

Post by Araucana »

Tear and Mend clambered down to the space next to the mare, smiling sheepishly as she awkwardly settled herself. She wasn't sure she'd ever get used to this bulge over her belly, just as well it wasn't forever.

“Oh wow...” Mend murmured in wonder at the mare's admission. Seventeen! So many! There was a good long moment between the two, but Mend hardly noticed nor minded. What a mind boggling thought, and she sounded so happy and at peace with the number, not overwhelmed or heart-worn by the affair.

“I'd really like them to live.” Mend replied without a second thought, blunt and sure, grin still on her face. A moment passed and she added quietly, “I'd like to see them live.”

Mend's grin softened into a smaller, gentler smile then would typically be in character for her.

“If an experienced mother like yourself has faith in me, then maybe I could do to have a bit more in myself. I do... I do want to be there. If I can manage without hindering them.” She glanced away, shifting a little nervously.

“I want them to have the strength and resilience to survive the swamp on their own but in the same breath I want to squirrel them away and keep them from ever seeing a hard day in their lives..” Mend sighed heavily.

@Moonstone Dazzle
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Re: [B] To Stay or Not to Stay? [Tear and Mend & Roses in Bloom]

Post by Moonstone Dazzle »

"I've- I've been a bit busy," Roses laughed, a tinge of pink hitting her cheeks. She certainly had birthed more children than the average mare, that much was certain. But she loved children, loved life- the ability to pass her legacy to the world was a gift. Even more to see them thrive and grow, to live on beyond her... it was almost enough to make the old mare cry. Almost. The sweet doe's words-

I'd like to see them live.

That was enough to push her over the edge. There was a small stream of tears down the mare's face, and Roses in Bloom managed a quiet, gentle laugh, shaking her head to herself.

"What a beautiful wish," Roses agreed to the life, nodding in response. "I understand you completely. It's... letting them go is so terrifying. Know they'll have lives beyond yours, beyond anything you will ever know... what an incredible thing. Will they be happy? Will they be alright? Who knows. But I have found that letting them live... that fear is worthwhile. To see them grow and succeed is incredible."

Roses nodded her head.

"I will offer my blessing to their strength, their resilience. But to their happiness, too. That they will know your love, and know joy in their lives." She offered the Kiokote a nuzzle, and then smiled.

"I believe in you."

With that, she was gone.
word count: 240
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