Matope Winter Market 2016 :: Fair Hunter's Fishing Fun (gaia transfer)

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Matope Winter Market 2016 :: Fair Hunter's Fishing Fun (gaia transfer)

Post by Owlsomniac »

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1. You stick your face into the pond and pull out a minnow. It’s huge… for a minnow! You exchange it for a token.
2. You reach into the pond and pull out a small grayling. Good job! You exchange it for a token.
3. You dip into the pond and pull out a rock. Wow. No token.
4. You reach into the pond and pull out a rock… a brightly colored rock. It’s a token! Someone must have dropped it. You keep it.
5. You nose around the bottom of the pond, but you don’t manage to find anything. Fair Hunter shakes her head and lets back in the pond to clean your muddy snout. No token for you, though- she doesn’t have that much pity.
6. You eagerly splash into the pond, knowing you’ll pull out the biggest and best fish. You swish your muzzle through the swirling mud and pull out something slimy. A catfish, you think- but when you get it above the water it’s a frog. It glares at you, then hops back to the booth next door. Fair Hunter shakes her head. No token.
7. That water looks pretty gross, but you do want the token, so you slowly dip your head in, squeezing your eyes shut and gritting your teeth. Something bumps against you and you snap at it- it’s a bluegill! You exchange it for a token.
8. You dip your face in the pond but get a mouth full of frogbit for your troubles. Fair Hunter gives a “hmph” that might be a chuckle in the right light. As you spit out the frogbit, a tiny fish falls out with it! You eagerly look at Fair Hunter. She shrugs and tosses you a token.
9. You stick your muzzle into the pond. Almost immediately a small bass smacks into your lips. This was super easy! You trade the bass for a token.
10. It takes you a while to find anything in the pond, but just as you’re about ready to give up and go up for air, you find an emerald shiner! It’s little, but it still counts! You get a token.
11. You eagerly reach into the pond and fish out a lovely little sunfish. You toss him back and take a token.
12. You dunk your head into the water and immediately feel the urge to cough. Without thinking you open up and the water rushes in. Whoops. Spluttering, you back out of the pond. All you managed to achieve was stirring up the mud. No token!
13. You take a deep breath and thrust your head into the water, giving it your all. You aim for the deepest part of the pond and find the biggest fish in there- a sleepy, grumpy pike that didn’t really want to be here today. Despite his massive size, you still only get one token.
14. You watch the water- you’re going to be smart about this, all strategic and clever. Sure enough, you see the tip of a dorsal fin break the surface. You snap after it, successfully snagging a small shad. Good job! You get a token.
15. You shut your eyes and feel around in the water. You feel an eel! Pulling it up, Fair Hunter nods approvingly. You get a token.
16. Fishing was never your favorite, but you give it a go- and you get yourself a goby! What a nice little fish. You get a token.
17. You fish around in the pond, trying to find something to pull. You nip at something… and it nips back, hard! That’s one angry walleye! You yelp and rear backwards, knocking into a spectator. No token for you!
18. As you nose around the pond, something brushes against your face. It has long fins, and that’s good enough for you. You snap at it and catch it- and while it puts up a heck of a fight, the smallish carp is yours. You pull it up and get a token for your troubles.
19. You plunge your snout into the pond and pull out the ugliest fish you’ve ever seen. It has an oily sheen to it and razor-sharp barbels. You spit it out almost immediately- was that taste really worth a token?
20. You somehow manage to fall into the pond. Fair Hunter huffs at you and suggests you visit a booth that’s a little less dangerous- perhaps pinecone decorating or storytelling? Clearly this shallow pond is too much for you. No token. 

Fishing! Hush is good at fishing. She does so almost every day at the small stream that floats by her den. Happily, she walks over, though she's careful to avoid bumping into anyone. There seems to be a fair sized crowd here, already, most of them watching the competitors. It makes her a bit nervous, and her tail twitches. After all, she's not normally one for crowds and, well, the pressure is on to catch something good, she thinks. Besides, she really does want a token..

"Umm.... I think I might be able to catch one. I promise not to hurt it," she amends, quickly, and ducks her head as it heats up a little. Ugh, so embarrassing. Why is she always so awkward around other kin? She does her best to block out those watching, and walks up to the small pond, before she sticks her head under the murky water.

Luckily for her, though, it proves to be pretty easy. No sooner has she ducked her head under than she senses something swim by her nose, and she snaps out - -carefully -- and catches something. It's a fat little bass, and the zikwa doe feels quite pleased as she releases it back into the water. Her sense of embarrassment, and nerves, now soothed, she turns expectantly to the acha.

"Thank you very much!" She takes the token carefully, and smiles. Her tail twitches back and forth, slowly and happily, as she tucks the token away in a small leather pouch.

Then, unable to help her curiosity, she glances at Fair Hunter. "Did you catch all these fish, yourself?" 

Since she'd just been at Gecko's booth and hadn't spotted her, she tries next door at the fishing booth which she'd also been at yesterday. As before, there seems to be a pretty good lineup, but Hush feels more confident today in her abilities since she'd done so well last time. Besides, she thinks, fishing is pretty easy! She smiles, contentedly, her tail waving behind her, as she waits for her own turn in the pond. She only hopes that the fish haven't all been scared to the deeper end by all the commotion so far, today. After all, it's late afternoon, now, rather than early morning when she'd come the day before.

What if... but no, she just has to wait and see.

When it is finally her turn, she takes a breath to calm her nerves, and tries to block out everyone watching her. Then, she plunges her head into the water, and feels something bump her nose. Quickly, she snatches it and pulls back. It doesn't feel like a fish.. Neither does it have that particular fishy-taste.

Dropping it, she realizes it's a token. A token! Well, then. With a grin, and a soft laugh, she shakes her head. "Well.. it's no fish, but it's perhaps just as good! I think I'll take it." Amused, and yet a little flustered, the zikwa quickly shakes the water from her face and flashes the acha a small, if shy, grin.

wc 510
[imgright] ... uncert.png[/imgright]
word count: 1317
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