Water Lantern Festival | Closed - Happy New Year!

User & Staff booths giving out collected prizes!
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Water Lantern Festival | Closed - Happy New Year!

Post by Illusei »

As the year draws to a close, the nights remain balmy and tonight is no different, feeling like a late spring day under the bright full moon. Before you stretches a dark lake, its calm waters gently swaying in the light cool breeze. A path winds along the lake, illuminated by lamp posts.

You're drawn to the bustle of a few booths setting up besides the path. It is time for the Water Lantern Festival and all are welcome to join for a night of fortune and fate.
Last edited by Illusei on Tue Jan 07, 2025 2:09 am, edited 13 times in total. word count: 89
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Water Lantern Festival | New Year's Intentions

Post by Illusei »

Just along the path, you see a large, brightly lit booth. Inside the booth are long tables and chairs, writing material and parchment paper strewn all across.

"Welcome," Tides of Fortune greets you. "If you're looking to join the Lantern Festival, you've come to the right place. It is an annual tradition of mine to write my intentions for this coming year on a paper lantern and set it adrift on this lake. I invite you to join me."

"After all, we are all but sailors on the tides of fortune, but keeping our eyes on our north star helps us navigate."

Prize Pool

How to enter
Share one (or more) of your new year's intentions and/or goals using the form below.

Your post will count as a raffle ticket and each person can enter once. You can enter as one of your kin if you prefer. For an extra ticket, draw something on your lantern (can be anything!). You can use any medium (MS Paint even!) to draw what you would draw on your lantern.

The raffle will run through Jan 3 12 PM PST and I will roll around then. If I have the energy, I'll also try to write everyone's wishes on a lantern and create a little water lantern scene.

Code: Select all

[i][color=#346cc7][size=150][b]I want to make a lantern[/b][/size][/color][/i]
[i]Who are you entering as[/i]: (username or kin name)
[i]Your new year intention(s)/goal(s)[/i]: (enter as many or as few as you like!)
[i]For an extra ticket, draw something on your lantern:[/i] (optional - link to your image)
[i]Prize preferences[/i]:
Last edited by Illusei on Tue Dec 31, 2024 1:45 am, edited 40 times in total. word count: 288
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Water Lantern Festival | Test Your Fortune

Post by Illusei »


Just beyond the main booth, a silent kin sits behind a small table, a single lantern besides her.

"Setting your new year intentions are good and well, but here, you can test your fortune," she says. "And whatever it may be, well, that's fate."

In front of her is a pile of bones, whittled into sticks that were quite remarkably alike in size. Each stick has a number written on it.

"If you want to know how lucky you will be, toss these bones and pay attention to the number at the very top."

Prize Pool

How to enter
Each post is a ticket and you may receive additional tickets based on your roll (or lose your original ticket if you roll Misfortune). Each person can roll up to three times in total before the end of the game, using different kin.

Using the form below, roll a 1d16 to test your kin’s luck this year based on the corresponding fortune to the number you roll.

It is optional to RP your kin's response. RP responses of at least 100 words will get you an additional ticket per post.

This game will close on January 5 at 12 PM PST.
Click to see your fortune:
1. The cold season brings steady rains. Your luck will come not in a rush, but slowly and in quiet moments. Good luck (+1 ticket)
2. The threads of your fate are tangled, but in its unraveling, you will find clarity. Small misfortune (+0 tickets)
3. When the skies crack with thunder and lightning, a spark will ignite within you, its power a blessing and a trial. Good luck (+1 tickets)
4. Your eyes may glow, but they may not always see the truth. Trust in your heart and it will guide you. Small misfortune (+0 tickets)
5. There is a danger in seeking the unknown, but also an opportunity for those who are willing to risk all. Neutral luck (+0 ticket)
6. Your dreams are blessed by the Legendary Ones. Let them guide your next actions. Great luck (+2 tickets)
7. Deep in the swamp lies a treasure you have been seeking. But perhaps it is not what you truly desire. Good luck (+1 ticket)
8. The winds of change blow through your life. Be prepared for an unexpected journey. Neutral luck (+0 tickets)
9. Your luck this year will come through patience and careful tending. What you start now may take time, but it will yield results. Good luck (+1 ticket)
10. A chase through the plains awaits you, a journey not just of feet but of heart. Make your choices wisely. Neutral luck (+0 tickets)
11. Those who hear the song of the mountains are warned: some journeys are meant to remain unfinished. Small misfortune (+0 tickets)
12. Your fortunes lie not in what you seek, but in what you choose to leave behind. Let go to receive. Neutral luck (+0 tickets)
13. This year will bring challenges that feel sharp and biting, like the first frost. Its storms will test your resolve. Misfortune (-1 ticket)
14. Find strength in unity, for the more you give, the more the swamp will offer in return. Neutral luck (+0 tickets)
15. The stars shine brightest in the desert’s darkest hours. When you find yourself astray, trust in them. Small misfortune (+0 ticket)
16. You will find opportunities that seem to arrive unexpectedly. Act quickly; they are meant for you. Good luck (+1 tickets)

Code: Select all

[i][size=150][b]I want to test my fortune[/b][/size][/i]
[i]Participating Kin[/i]:
[i]Roll[/i]: (+ how many tickets this roll)  
[i]Your Kin’s Response:[/i] (optional - for an extra ticket)
[i]Prize preferences[/i]:
Last edited by Illusei on Tue Dec 31, 2024 2:50 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 630
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Water Lantern Festival | OPEN

Post by Illusei »

word count: 1
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Water Lantern Festival | OPEN

Post by Anhelisk »

I want to make a lantern
Who are you entering as: Anhelisk
Your new year intention(s)/goal(s): To save money towards moving, to draw more, and maybe to start making money on small commissions.
For an extra ticket, draw something on your lantern: Image
Prize preferences: Premade Hair Add-On Token, Starrydance Box Pile, Large Familiar Token, 300 pebbles, 150 pebbles
Last edited by Anhelisk on Thu Jan 02, 2025 3:19 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 62
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Water Lantern Festival | OPEN

Post by SkylerKarashi »

I want to make a lantern
Who are you entering as: SkylerKarashi
Your new year intention(s)/goal(s): To keep it up with school, get back to writing more, and get more breedings to spread more kin through the swamp!
For an extra ticket, draw something on your lantern: (optional - link to your image)
Prize preferences: Starrydance Box Pile, Large Familiar Token, Premade Hair Add-On Token, 300 Pebbles, 150 Pebbles
word count: 72
Rolling Kin <3 Image
Rolling Pets <3 Image
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Water Lantern Festival | OPEN

Post by Beejoux »

I want to make a lantern
Who are you entering as: beejoux
Your new year intention(s)/goal(s): Improve my overall diet, get out more, draw more.
For an extra ticket, draw something on your lantern:
Prize preferences: starrydance boxpile, premade hair token, large familiar token, 300 pebbles, 150 pebbles.
word count: 51
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Water Lantern Festival | OPEN

Post by Lirilei »

I want to make a lantern
Who are you entering as: Lirilei
Your new year intention(s)/goal(s): To be kinder to myself, even when that feels difficult
For an extra ticket, draw something on your lantern: (optional - link to your image)
Prize preferences: starrydance box pile, premade hair add on token, large familiar token, 300 pebbles, 150 pebbles
word count: 60
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Water Lantern Festival | OPEN

Post by Astraea »

I want to make a lantern
Who are you entering as: Astraea
Your new year intention(s)/goal(s): Canadian Acceptance!
For an extra ticket, draw something on your lantern:
Prize preferences: starry boxpile, familiar token, 300 pebs, 150 pebs, hair token
word count: 42
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Water Lantern Festival | OPEN

Post by Owlsomniac »

I want to make a lantern
Who are you entering as: owlsomniac
Your new year intention(s)/goal(s): keep up with school, exercise more
For an extra ticket, draw something on your lantern:
Prize preferences: box pile, add on hair token, 300 pebbles, large familiar token, 150 pebbles
word count: 49
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Water Lantern Festival | OPEN

Post by Yuki »

I want to make a lantern
Who are you entering as: Yuki
Your new year intention(s)/goal(s): I'm entering my villain era in 2025 - aka setting boundaries and realistic expectations at work and not making myself smaller and easier to consume. Also going to try to spend more time on hobbies and less time on work, get less take-out and cook more aaaand draw more.
For an extra ticket, draw something on your lantern: N/A
Prize preferences: Premade hair add-on token, starrydance box pile, 300 pebbles, 150 pebbles, large familiar token
word count: 97
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Water Lantern Festival | OPEN

Post by FrostyPeaches »

I want to make a lantern
Who are you entering as: frostypeaches
Your new year intention(s)/goal(s): more vacations , more rabbit pampering , experiment with watercolours things
For an extra ticket, draw something on your lantern: (optional - link to your image) -- i do this after some sleep k
Prize preferences: premade hair add on token , starrydance box pile , large familiar token , 300 pebbles , 150 pebbles
word count: 66
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Water Lantern Festival | OPEN

Post by Lutz »

I want to make a lantern
Who are you entering as: Lutz
Your new year intention(s)/goal(s): To go to the gym more (ideally 3x a week), maybe learn how to crochet/knit, and to start saying 'no' more!
For an extra ticket, draw something on your lantern: N/A
Prize preferences: Starrydance box pile, Premade hair add-on token, 300 pebbles, 150 pebbles, large familiar token.
word count: 69
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Water Lantern Festival | OPEN

Post by doomsayer »

I want to make a lantern
Who are you entering as: doomsayer
Your new year intention(s)/goal(s): I intend to do better in my efforts to lose weight.
For an extra ticket, draw something on your lantern: N/A
Prize preferences:Premade Hair Add-On Token, Starrydance Box Pile, Large Familiar Token, 300 pebbles, 150 pebbles
word count: 58
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Water Lantern Festival | OPEN

Post by Fasti »

I want to make a lantern
Who are you entering as: Fasti
Your new year intention(s)/goal(s): I like to make more connections, more friends. I want to get my rooms clean and rearange everything how I like it.
For an extra ticket, draw something on your lantern:

Prize preferences: starrydance Box pile, premade add-on Hair, large familiar token, 300 pebbles, 150 pebbles
word count: 66
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