Tidal Terror's Beachside Volleyball Tourney! [TOURNEY OVER]

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Tidal Terror's Beachside Volleyball Tourney! [TOURNEY OVER]

Post by Gl!tch~ »

It's warm on the beach, like an escape from colder climates inland
There is no trace of snow or frost
The tide comes and goes as if in shifts between calm waves and high-riding surf
But you're lured elsewhere; to the sands that feel soft under your feet
To the tall nets slowly flitting in the island breeze
You're here
To serve and volley!
Last edited by Gl!tch~ on Sat Jan 04, 2025 6:28 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 68
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Tidal Terror's Beachside Volleyball Tourney!

Post by Gl!tch~ »

Your kin is currently in a modern day AU where everyone is an oni. Broadly speaking, think technicolor humanoid population with horns and large upper and/or lower tusks. Even so, everyone still lives generally normie lives. Though, flossing must be a bit of a pain.

Tidal Terror (yes, she is still called that as a title in this universe) is hosting an annual volleyball tourney! Your oni-kin has shown up to compete and maybe even net (heh) the champion trophy!

But what does that mean meta-wise?
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Tidal Terror's Beachside Volleyball Tourney!

Post by Gl!tch~ »

After sign-ups, there will be Russion roulette-style elimination rounds until one person remains. That person will be the champion of the tourney! The previous two that held out leading up to the winner will place second and third, respectively.

The three winners will each win a baby from Tidal Terror's most recent clutch back in the swamp:
And, of course, flavor-wise in the AU-space, the top three will get placement trophies.
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Tidal Terror's Beachside Volleyball Tourney!

Post by Gl!tch~ »

To sign up, post the form found in the code box below before 12pm ET on Saturday January 4th, 2025. One entry per user. Elimination rounds will start shortly afterwards, and winners will be posted that night.

Forum username:
Entrant: [Kin uncert img goes here]
AU character description: [Describe your kin in this AU, in 1-4 sentences! Or use a Picrew like this one, or this one, or this one!]
Occupation: [What does your character do in their day-to-day?]
Why they entered the tournament: [Is it because this is their dream? Is it a lark? An accident? Or did someone else sign them up?]
Volleyball style: [How does your kin play volleyball in this universe? 1-4 sentences, please!]
Preference list: [Left, center, right]

Code: Select all

[i]Forum username:[/i]
[i]Entrant:[/i] [Kin uncert img goes here]
[i]AU character description:[/i] [Describe your kin in this AU, in 1-4 sentences! Or use a Picrew!]
[i]Occupation:[/i] [What does your character do in their day-to-day?]
[i]Why they entered the tournament:[/i] [Is it because this is their dream? Is it a lark? An accident? Or did someone else sign them up?]
[i]Volleyball style:[/i] [How does your kin play volleyball in this universe? 1-4 sentences, please!]
[i]Preference list:[/i] [Left, center, right]
Last edited by Gl!tch~ on Sat Dec 21, 2024 2:15 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 225
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Tidal Terror's Beachside Volleyball Tourney!

Post by Gl!tch~ »

Is it okay if I leave any prizes off of my preference list?
Yes! In a case where a preference list would leave someone without a prize after the tournament ends, the leftover prize will go to the next most recent elimination where the prize is listed as a preference. If someone makes it to the top three and ends up without one of the totoma prizes, I'll try to comp them with pebbles. They did place in the top three, after all!

Will this be bracket-style or straight-up Russian roulette?
I would like to simulate brackets within the Russian roulette if I have the time and energy (aka head-to-head eliminations), but if I don't have the time, it will be classic Russian roulette style. In either case, there will be flavor text for each round's match and elimination.

Can I roleplay after signing up?
You can! Feel free to interact with others signing up for the tournament, and feel free to interact with the setting as you like. I will be shutting any RP down when it's time to roll for the tournament results, however.

More to be added as needed.
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Tidal Terror's Beachside Volleyball Tourney!

Post by Gl!tch~ »

Thank you to blue for making the prizes!
Thank you to Huni for assisting with getting prizes for the booth!
Thank you to everyone who supported me on committing to this silly little booth concept!
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Tidal Terror's Beachside Volleyball Tourney!

Post by Gl!tch~ »

This booth is now OPEN!
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Tidal Terror's Beachside Volleyball Tourney! [Sign ups open until Jan 4th!]

Post by Yuki »

Forum username: Yuki
Entrant: Image
AU character description: Light pinkish-purple skin and long white hair in a high ponytail. Two cute tusks and long curling purple horns. Big tie-dye T-shirt and tattered jean shorts. Paint splatters everywhere.
Occupation: She's an art teacher.
Why they entered the tournament: She lost a bet with her sixth graders.
Volleyball style: Volleyball is like paint ball, right? Smack everyone in the body and maybe face with the ball and you win. She'll make up for her lack of technique with PASSION AND ZEEEEL (and some violence idk maybe)!
Preference list: Left, center, right
word count: 103
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Tidal Terror's Beachside Volleyball Tourney! [Sign ups open until Jan 4th!]

Post by Fasti »

Forum username: Fasti
Entrant: Image
AU character description: She's more of a shy type. Her teal colored hair is tied into a ponytail. She normally wears robes, but she has changed these to a rather short top and trousers so that she can move as agilely as possible. She doesn't actually like balls that much, but the others say its fun so she tries her best!
Occupation: She dont know yet what she likes to do.
Why they entered the tournament: Her frieds told her that its a fun thing to do so why not?
Volleyball style: She is more of a wait and see, analyzing type. Look where the ball is coming from and quickly analyze where it will go. Plan for reaction time and with a little skill, the right angle and luck, smash the ball back.
Preference list: Left, center, right
word count: 145
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Tidal Terror's Beachside Volleyball Tourney! [Sign ups open until Jan 4th!]

Post by Astraea »

Forum username: Astraea
Entrant: Image
AU character description: Image
Occupation: Works at an animal sanctuary
Why they entered the tournament: It seemed like a good way to have fun and blow off steam.
Volleyball style: Loves to be up front to spike or defend!
Preference list: left, right, center
word count: 47
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Tidal Terror's Beachside Volleyball Tourney! [Sign ups open until Jan 4th!]

Post by Tara de Draiocht »

Forum username: Tara de Draiocht
Entrant: Image
AU character description:
Occupation: Gym junkie and call center operator for LGBTQ youth~!
Why they entered the tournament: She wanted to try and see if she could do this tournament! Normally, she did this for fun with friends on weekends.
Volleyball style: Payton enjoys playing serving position! It is on the easier side and that suits her just fine!
Preference list: left, right, center
word count: 70
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Tidal Terror's Beachside Volleyball Tourney! [Sign ups open until Jan 4th!]

Post by Kalahari »

Forum username: Kalahari
Entrant: Image
AU character description:
Occupation: Twitch streamer...
Why they entered the tournament: They thought this was going to be an e-sports tournament - not a real volleyball game. Oops!
Volleyball style: With great hand-eye coordination for gaming comes... no physical fitness or endurance whatsoever! Thought is easily tired out on the field and frequently hits the sand with a great many complaints about it. But she's a gamer girl! She cannot simply quit! A solid effort will still be made, and they aren't quite so bad at knowing where the ball is going to wind up, tossing themselves with great fervor to get there in time.
Preference list: Left, right, center
word count: 117
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Tidal Terror's Beachside Volleyball Tourney! [Sign ups open until Jan 4th!]

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

Forum username: Scaramouche Fandango
Entrant: Image
AU character description: Built like a brick house, with mossy horns and enormous teeth. Loves to laugh, loud as all hell, and dresses like an REI mannequin. Because she basically IS. Except... not a mannequin. Her cargo shorts hold all manner of secrets. Also she still is called Real Big Fish here.
Occupation: Fly fishing and hiking guide
Why they entered the tournament: Thought she'd look hot in the little bikini uniform.
Volleyball style: The same way she does everything else: aggressively. She LOVES spiking the ball and hitting it REALLY HARD.
Preference list: Left, Right, Center
word count: 103
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Tidal Terror's Beachside Volleyball Tourney! [Sign ups open until Jan 4th!]

Post by Lutz »

Forum username: Lutz
Entrant: Image
AU character description: Stardust is a massive oni, mostly teal in coloration and with an impressive blonde mane of hair. His horns mimic his kin form, ridged and quite large, and while he has the usual tusks of an oni the rest of his teeth are also pointed. Despite his fierce appearance, Stardust is jovial and very laid back.
Occupation: Beach (surfing instructor)
Why they entered the tournament: It looked like fun!
Volleyball style: Stardust is the type to almost not pay attention, socializing with anyone that will chat with him (his team, spectators, the other team, the ref...). But he packs a powerful serve and loves to spike the ball, getting in those critical points. He enjoys diving as well, always putting on a show for those watching.
Preference list: Right, Left, Center
word count: 138
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Tidal Terror's Beachside Volleyball Tourney! [Sign ups open until Jan 4th!]

Post by Lirilei »

Forum username: Lirilei
Entrant: Image
AU character description:
Occupation: Lifeguard
Why they entered the tournament: Because it's fun to play volleyball, and usually a ton of super hot people play...and being up close and personal to so many hot people is a lot of fun. Duh.
Volleyball style: Play hard and aggressive. Don't give your opponents a chance to breathe or think
Preference list: Left, Right, Center
word count: 69
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