The Sanctuary - Tribe Booth

User & Staff booths giving out collected prizes!
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The Sanctuary - Tribe Booth

Post by Muffinsbaby »

**Special thank you to AMItotic for the artwork**
Once more finding himself with owls at a winter market, Perfect looked around nervously. This was different, it was warmer and there was sand and a breeze he couldn't quite place where it was coming from. He was mostly worried about the owls that had joined him, though they seemed unphased with the change of environment.

Making sure they were settled where they wished to be, he turned around to face the front of the booth. "Welcome to the start of The Sanctuary," He greeted gently, "If you have a love of owls and would like to help me with their care, please come forward. We also have a costume contest, if that might interest you, for the possibility of taking one of these owls here home."
word count: 136
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The Sanctuary - Tribe Booth

Post by Muffinsbaby »

The Sanctuary Tribe
About The Sanctuary
The purpose of this tribe is to aid owls in the sanctuary - The number of owls choosing to roost and call The Sanctuary home has grown to numbers that Perfect cannot sustain by himself. The Owl Sanctuary is a tribe of kin that come together to care for the owls in different ways.
Roles & Members
Ambassador - those that speak to outside kin about the tribe and its importance and the importance of the owls.

Image Image

Guards - keeping the Sanctuary safe of predators and other kin that may desire to cause harm.

Image Image

Healers - aid in mending owls of injuries they cannot attend to themselves.

Image Image Image

Hunters - those that gather food for the owls to alleviate any scarcity.


~*There is no special requirement to enter this Tribe, only a passion for owls and the desire to take care of them*~

Code: Select all

[size=150][color=#808000]I'm Here For The Owls[/color][/size]
[b]Kin Applying[/b]: [url=link to OL page][img]Kin Uncert[/img][/url]
[b]What Role Are They Seeking?[/b]:
[b]Why Do They Want To Apply?[/b]:
Last edited by Muffinsbaby on Fri Jan 03, 2025 9:34 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 186
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The Sanctuary - Tribe Booth

Post by Muffinsbaby »

This is a cosplay contest! Which of your kin can dress up as the best owl?

1. Please adhere to the general rules of Matope.
2. Only one official entry per user.
3. Anyone may utilize the rolls and/or prompts for roleplay reasons.
4. Roleplaying posts are unlimited and encouraged.
6. Reminder: If your RP response or art meets requirements, you can use it toward legendary point requirement.
7. The Barred and Great Owl are open to WM bags for those that post rp or art responses or entering the tribe.
~How to Play~
1. Post the form below and roll 1d10
2. Match your roll to the prompt and edit your form.
3. You may add an RP or Art response onto your entry for +1 ticket.
4. Those also applying for entry into the Tribe will be granted +1 ticket.

Code: Select all

[size=150][color=#8080FF]~*Owl Together Now*~[/color][/size]
[b]Pref List[/b]:
[b]Kin Entering[/b]: [img]Kin Uncert[/img]
[b]How Well Did You Do?[/b]:
[b](Optional)RP or Art Entry[/b]:
1-2: You....tried. You couldn't find anything more than a few feathers, but you gave it your best shot.
3-4: You certainly made yourself look like a bird, but no one can tell what kind.
5-6: You look like an owl, but couldn't quite find the best materials to do so.
7-8: You did a wonderful job. You found many great materials and should be proud of your costume.
9-10: You must be an expert on owl anatomy. Everyone can hardly tell you aren't one yourself.
word count: 281
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The Sanctuary - Tribe Booth

Post by Muffinsbaby »


**Special thank you to Maxx, Starry, and Kiwi for the edits and coloring**
List of Tickets:
1. SkylerKarashi - 4, 9, 1, 7, 2, 8, 3, 5, 6
2. SkylerKarashi
3. subducting - 1, 9, 6, 2, 7, 3, 8, 5, 4
4. subducting
5. Fasti - 4, 2, 1, 8, 9, 7, 3, 5, 6
6. Fasti
7. Starrydance - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
8. Starrydance
9. Starrydance
10. Astoria - 3, 7, 8
11. Astoria
12. Astoria
13. Lirilei - 3, 2, 1, 9, 7, 8, 5, 4, 6
14. Lirilei
15. Lirilei
16. Ruriska - 2, 3, 7, 1, 8, 9, 5, 6, 4
17. Ruriska
18. doomsayer - 2, 7, 3, 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9
19. doomsayer
20. Scaramouche Fandango - 5, 4, 3, 8, 7, 1, 9, 2, 6
21. Scaramouche Fandango
22. Scaramouche Fandango
23. phoe - 1, 9, 8, 3, 6, 7, 5, 2, 4
24. phoe
25. Astraea - 2, 7, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 1, 6
26. Astraea
27. Astraea
28. elvy - 9, 1, 2, 7, 3, 8, 5, 4, 6
29. peanutbutter - 3, 8, 5, 1, 9, 2, 7, 4, 6
30. peanutbutter
31. peanutbutter
Last edited by Muffinsbaby on Fri Jan 03, 2025 9:49 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 193
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The Sanctuary - Tribe Booth

Post by Muffinsbaby »

~* *~
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The Sanctuary - Tribe Booth

Post by SkylerKarashi »

~*Owl Together Now*~
Pref List: 4, 9, 1, 7, 2, 8, 3, 5, 6
Kin Entering: Image
How Well Did You Do?:
1-2: You....tried. You couldn't find anything more than a few feathers, but you gave it your best shot.
(Optional)RP or Art Entry:
Dice rolls
[2] = 2
1d10:  [
] = 2
word count: 49
Rolling Kin <3 Image
Rolling Pets <3 Image
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The Sanctuary - Tribe Booth

Post by SkylerKarashi »

I'm Here For The Owls
Kin Applying: Image
What Role Are They Seeking?: Healer
Why Do They Want To Apply?: She has a love for all animals, but loves staying awake late into the nights to look in the night sky and listen to the hooting owls. She'd even helped one once when it fell from a tree and injured it's beak. With the help of her companion cheetah, who she's taught that owls are friends, she is able to keep an eye on a hurt owl while Painted with Berries runs to find the supplies she needs for healing and mending
word count: 105
Rolling Kin <3 Image
Rolling Pets <3 Image
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The Sanctuary - Tribe Booth

Post by subducting »

~*Owl Together Now*~
Username: subducting
Pref List: 1, 9, 6, 2, 7, 3, 8, 5, 4
Kin Entering: Image
How Well Did You Do?: 1-2: You....tried. You couldn't find anything more than a few feathers, but you gave it your best shot.
(Optional)RP or Art Entry: Where Reality Unravels tried. He really, really did. Unfortunately all he could manage was gumming a few feathers to himself with honey. He didn’t think the owls were likely to find that very compelling. Hmmm…
Dice rolls
[2] = 2
1d10:  [
] = 2
word count: 85
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The Sanctuary - Tribe Booth

Post by Fasti »

~*Owl Together Now*~
Username: Fasti
Pref List: 4, 2, 1, 8, 9, 7, 3, 5, 6
Kin Entering: Image
How Well Did You Do?: 1-2: You....tried. You couldn't find anything more than a few feathers, but you gave it your best shot
(Optional)RP or Art Entry: Life in full Color was known far and wide not only for his beauty but for his enormous heart. He treated every creature, from the little mouse to the biggest bear, with equal kindness and respect.

As the marked time comes near, the valley buzzed with excitement for the annual Cosplay Contest, an event where kin and familiars of all kinds donned their most creative outfits to celebrate. This year, his theme was “Creatures of the Night - the Owl”. “I want to be the best owl ever!” he declared to his friends one breezy afternoon. His enthusiasm was contagious.

The days that followed were filled with giggles and spirited brainstorming sessions. At night he wandered around the woods, hoping to get a good look at owls for inspiration.

Life set off to gather materials. Then as he rummaged through the forest, he quickly realized that finding the right costume pieces was harder than he thought. He managed to collect a few feathers that had fallen from some owl's wings, a shiny set of leaves that shimmered like the moonlight, and a couple of pieces of fabric gifted by chirping birds. However, after hours of searching and experimenting, he had little more than a messy bag of mismatched items.

He gathered his items and set to work. Life carefully attached the few feathers he had to the back of his own coat to create wings. He used the shiny leaves to create a necklace that would drape around his neck, catching the light beautifully. With the help of his friends, he painted his face in soft earth tones, emphasizing his expressive eyes to mirror the wisdom he so admired.

The time of the Cosplay Contest arrived, and all across the glade, kin and familiars gathered in their most dazzling attire. There were ducks dressed as fireflies and wolfes adorned in glowing lanterns.

When it was Life’s turn to present, he stepped forward with a heart full of hope and his head held high. The audience was quiet, their eyes fixed on the buck who had chosen to celebrate an owl.

With each gentle gesture, Life shared his love for the owls, explaining their role in the ecosystem and the importance of treating all creatures with respect. He spoke of the nights spent lying under the stars, where he learned about dreams and the value of understanding one another. As he gently flared his “wings” made of feathers and leaves, the crowd erupted into cheers. Though Cobalt did not win the contest, he brought something far more precious to the stage, an inspiring reminder that love, kindness, and authenticity were the true colors one should wear.

As he left the stage, he smiled. He thought: "Even though I didn't win, I really enjoyed getting here. Brainstorming with the others, collecting and thinking, then putting the items together and attaching them. All of this was a wonderful experience that I wouldn't want to miss. Next time I will try harder!"
Dice rolls
[2] = 2
1d10:  [
] = 2
word count: 550
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The Sanctuary - Tribe Booth

Post by Starrydance »

I'm Here For The Owls
Kin Applying: Image
What Role Are They Seeking?: Healer
Why Do They Want To Apply?: They want a place to belong
word count: 26
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The Sanctuary - Tribe Booth

Post by Starrydance »

~*Owl Together Now*~
Username: Starrydance
Pref List: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Kin Entering: Image
How Well Did You Do?: Night Owl certainly made yourself look like a bird, but no one can tell what kind.
(Optional)RP or Art Entry:

Night Owl was determined to impress this new tribe. He was, afterall, named after an owl. Not just ANY owl, but one at NIGHT. His naming dream was just full of owls! Owls of all colors and sizes and dancing with the moon and feathers like stars!

He spent all night gathering feathers from all kinds of birds in a eye bracing combination of colors and lengths. Stuffing them all around his neck to create an ... impressive... crest, he strutted back to the Tribe with a bright smile.

"GUESS WHOOOO I AM!" said the kin quite literally named after an owl.
Dice rolls
[3] = 3
1d10:  [
] = 3
word count: 145
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The Sanctuary - Tribe Booth

Post by Astoria »

I'm Here For The Owls
Kin Applying: Image
What Role Are They Seeking?: Healer
Why Do They Want To Apply?: Meadow Lark is her mom so she's always around her and knows all about Perfect and his owls from her stories.
word count: 42
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The Sanctuary - Tribe Booth

Post by Astoria »

~*Owl Together Now*~
Username: Astoria
Pref List:3, 7, 8
Kin Entering: Image
How Well Did You Do?: 3-4: You certainly made yourself look like a bird, but no one can tell what kind.
(Optional)RP or Art Entry:
Clearly she was no bird expert, at least when it came to dressing up like one. Let alone an owl. She had found some dried leaves and had caked them to her with some mud. Those definitely passed as feathers, she told herself. Though it was highly unlikely they actually did.
Dice rolls
[3] = 3
1d10:  [
] = 3
Last edited by Astoria on Sun Dec 29, 2024 9:39 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 90
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The Sanctuary - Tribe Booth

Post by Lirilei »

~*Owl Together Now*~
Username: Lirilei
Pref List: 3, 2, 1, 9, 7, 8, 5, 4, 6
Kin Entering: Image
How Well Did You Do?: 5-6: You look like an owl, but couldn't quite find the best materials to do so.
(Optional)RP or Art Entry: Honor Bound did what he could to dress up like an owl, he rather liked owls after all but...he was having a hard time finding great items to do them with. So he stood there, the best part of his get up being some non-owl feathers. His own owl had decided to use their to feather a nest and didn't want him touching them. Oh well.
Dice rolls
[6] = 6
1d10:  [
] = 6
word count: 115
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The Sanctuary - Tribe Booth

Post by Lirilei »

I'm Here For The Owls
Kin Applying: Image
What Role Are They Seeking?: Guard
Why Do They Want To Apply?: Honor and his mate each have an owl of their own and he adores them to no end. He'd hate to see harm come to them, and by extension now other owls as well.
word count: 55
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