The Taste Tea Tribe Spills the Tea. [ Closed! ]

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The Taste Tea Tribe Spills the Tea. [ Closed! ]

Post by lolternative »

There's always time for tea at the
Taste Tea Tribe
Enjoy life sip by sip, not gulp by gulp.
A heady scent fills the air, fresh and sweet and if it isn't invitation enough to take a seat, the smile of the acha that greets you will be. Sunny is giddy - she's discovered a new game while in her travels. Apparently, some kin like to tell silly little made up stories about others over tea and Sunny cannot wait to join in. What silly little story has she heard about you?

OOC: Sunny has just discovered gossiping or "spilling the tea" if you will and she thinks it's a silly game.
Last edited by lolternative on Fri Dec 15, 2023 8:24 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 115
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The Taste Tea Tribe Spills the Tea.

Post by lolternative »

How to Play
Sunny pours you some tea and leans in close, whispering softly so as to not be overheard, revealing the gossip she's heard...

"I heard that you... [blank] [blank] and [blank.]" Once the tea has been spilled, she breaks into laughter, no matter what your reaction is and politely asks you to move on so she can spill the tea with the next player.

Game Mechanics
  • Roll 3d10 and match your dice to the below (you can change the tense so it's grammatically correct).
  • Write a short RP response reacting to the goss. Maybe you heard some gossip about Sunny!
  • You can enter this contest once per day and each day begins at 12:01AM EST.
  • Each response gets you an entry into the raffle at the end for fabulous prizes detailed below.
  • This booth closes at 12:01AM EST Friday the 15th of December
Dice 1
  1. Like
  2. Hate
  3. Love
  4. Are too scared to
  5. Find it fun to
  6. Are addicted to
  7. Get a kick out of
  8. Have always wanted to
  9. Watch other kin
  10. Think it's funny to
Dice 2
  1. Licking frogs
  2. Eating funny mushrooms
  3. Collecting bird droppings
  4. Scaring cranes
  5. Yelling at clouds
  6. Tipping turtles
  7. Chasing cheetahs
  8. Throwing eggs at others
  9. Knocking on wood
  10. Stepping on cracks
Dice 3
  1. Shaking bushes
  2. Pretending to be a monster
  3. Speaking in tongues
  4. Fighting fat fish
  5. Spilling secrets
  6. Starting fires
  7. Copying cats
  8. Being a silly goose
  9. Fighting imaginary friends
  10. Stealing hearts

Code: Select all

[b]The tea has been spilled![/b]
[b]Hot gossip:[/b] "I heard that you [dice 1 goes here] [dice 2 goes here] and [dice 3 goes here]
[b]RP response:[/b] 
[b]Prize prefs:[/b]
Last edited by lolternative on Fri Nov 24, 2023 4:46 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 280
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The Taste Tea Tribe Spills the Tea.

Post by lolternative »

1. You are my Sunshine 4
2. Beautiful Fire 2
3. Hillgrowth 2
4. Snowstorm 3
5. Beautiful Fire 1
6. Your are my Sunshine 1
7. Beautiful Fire 1 Twin
8. Snowstorm 1
9. Beautiful Fire 3
10. Hillgrowth 3
11. You are my Sunshine 3

A. Full Ghost 1
B. Green Flowerhat Bee
C. Full Ghost 2
D. Yellow Flowerhat Bee
E. Pink Flowerhat Bee
F. Full Ghost 3
G. White Peacock Crane
H. Yellow Peacock Crane
I. Blue Peacock Crane
word count: 84
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The Taste Tea Tribe Spills the Tea.

Post by lolternative »

  1. Page 1
  2. Astraea
  3. Ruriska
  4. AstoriaFallen
  5. Tiarana
  6. Pandora Talie
  7. AMItotic
  8. kuropeco
  9. Beejoux
  10. Dizzy_Kat
    Page 2
  11. Mima
  12. Lutz
  13. elvy
  14. fluo
  15. peanutbutter
  16. phoe
  17. Scaramouche Fandango
  18. Anhelisk
  19. Tiarana
  20. fluo
  21. Beejoux
  22. AstoriaFallen
  23. LOLLI qAq
  24. Dizzy_Kat
  25. peanutbutter
    Page 3
  26. kuropeco
  27. Ruriska
  28. doomsayer
  29. Owlsomniac
  30. Kalahari
  31. lilacfishie
  32. Scaramouche Fandango
  33. Lutz
  34. HuniPi
  35. Yuki
  36. Pandora Talie
  37. Baneful
  38. fluo
  39. lilacfishie
  40. Lirilei
    Page 4
  41. AstoriaFallen
  42. peanutbutter
  43. Tiarana
  44. AMItotic
  45. LOLLI qAq
  46. subducting
  47. kuropeco
  48. Lutz
  49. Astraea
  50. Ruriska
  51. Scaramouche Fandango
  52. Lutz
  53. Beejoux
  54. Astraea
  55. HuniPi
    Page 5
  56. Izaeah
  57. subducting
  58. lilacfishie
  59. fluo
  60. elvy
  61. doomsayer
  62. AMItotic
  63. Lirilei
  64. Gl!tch~
  65. peanutbutter
  66. Izaeah
  67. AMItotic
  68. Astraea
  69. doomsayer
  70. lilacfishie
    Page 6
  71. Lutz
  72. fluo
  73. AstoriaFallen
  74. Tara de Draiocht
  75. LOLLI qAq
  76. Ruriska
  77. kuropeco
  78. Scaramouche Fandango
  79. Starrydance
  80. Izaeah
  81. Beejoux
  82. kuropeco
  83. Yuki
  84. Lutz
  85. Pandora Talie
    Page 7
  86. Gl!tch~
  87. lilacfishie
  88. doomsayer
  89. Astraea
  90. peanutbutter
  91. Aria Starstone
  92. Ruriska
  93. kuropeco
  94. Gl!tch~
  95. lilacfishie
  96. AstoriaFallen
  97. Astraea
  98. subducting
  99. Izaeah
  100. Dizzy_Kat
    Page 8
  101. Lutz
  102. doomsayer
  103. Tara de Draiocht
  104. peanutbutter
  105. AMItotic
  106. fluo
  107. Astraea
  108. Pandora Talie
  109. Beejoux
  110. Yuki
  111. subducting
  112. kuropeco
  113. LOLLI qAq
    Page 9
  114. Gl!tch~
  115. lilacfishie
  116. Dizzy_Kat
  117. Tara de Draiocht
  118. Lutz
  119. Ruriska
  120. doomsayer
  121. lilacfishie
  122. Beejoux
  123. Gl!tch~
  124. Lutz
  125. fluo
  126. doomsayer
  127. kuropeco
  128. Tara de Draiocht
    Page 10
  129. Astraea
  130. AMItotic
  131. Fasti
  132. HuniPi
  133. Lutz
  134. lilacfishie
  135. kuropeco
  136. subducting
  137. Gl!tch~
  138. AstoriaFallen
  139. Tara de Draiocht
  140. AMItotic
  141. doomsayer
  142. Ruriska
  143. Fasti
    Page 11
  144. Lutz
  145. Gl!tch~
  146. Beejoux
  147. kuropeco
  148. Astraea
  149. lilacfishie
  150. elvy
  151. Tara de Draiocht
  152. doomsayer
  153. Fasti
  154. lilacfishie
  155. kuropeco
  156. Gl!tch~
  157. Lutz
  158. Beejoux
    Page 12
  159. Astraea
  160. doomsayer
  161. kuropeco
  162. Lutz
  163. Fasti
  164. lilacfishie
  165. Gl!tch~
  166. Astraea
  167. doomsayer
  168. Fasti
  169. lilacfishie
  170. Lutz
  171. Astraea
  172. Tara de Draiocht
  173. doomsayer
    Page 13
  174. Gl!tch~
  175. Beejoux
  176. Fasti
  177. Tara de Draiocht
  178. Lutz
  179. doomsayer
  180. Astraea
  181. lilacfishie
  182. Fasti
  183. subducting
  184. Gl!tch~
  185. Astraea
  186. doomsayer
  187. lilacfishie
  188. Lutz
    Page 14
  189. Fasti
  190. Lutz
  191. Tara de Draiocht
  192. Gl!tch~
  193. subducting
  194. lilacfishie
  195. doomsayer
  196. Astraea
  197. Appeal
  198. HuniPi
  199. Beejoux
  200. Fasti
  201. Lirilei
  202. Gl!tch~
  203. Lutz
    Page 15
  204. lilacfishie
  205. Astraea
  206. doomsayer
  207. Owlsomniac
  208. lilacfishie
  209. elvy
  210. AstoriaFallen
  211. Lutz
  212. doomsayer
  213. Tara de Draiocht
  214. Gl!tch~
  215. Astraea
  216. Ruriska
  217. Lutz
  218. Fasti
    Page 16
  219. lilacfishie
  220. Beejoux
  221. subducting
  222. Aria Starstone
  223. Gl!tch~
  224. elvy
  225. Tara de Draiocht
  226. doomsayer
  227. Gl!tch~
  228. Fasti
  229. lilacfishie
  230. Astraea
  231. Tara de Draiocht
  232. fluo
  233. Lutz
    Page 17
  234. doomsayer
  235. Fasti
  236. Beejoux
  237. AstoriaFallen
  238. lilacfishie
  239. Ruriska
  240. Astraea
  241. kuropeco
Last edited by lolternative on Fri Dec 15, 2023 11:02 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 333
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The Taste Tea Tribe Spills the Tea.

Post by lolternative »

word count: 1
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The Taste Tea Tribe Spills the Tea.

Post by lolternative »

word count: 1
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The Taste Tea Tribe Spills the Tea. [ Open! ]

Post by Astraea »

The tea has been spilled!
Hot gossip: "I heard that you love to step on cracks and steal hearts"
RP response: I hear Sunny loves to step on the cracks of ice and frozen mud in order to break kin up so she can steal their hearts for herself! I wonder if it works, it couldn't possibly could it?
Prize prefs: 9, 7, 5, 2, G, I, H, E, B, D, 10, 3, F, 6, 11, 1
Dice rolls
[3, 10, 10] = 23
3d10:  [
] = 23
Last edited by Astraea on Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:25 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 78
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The Taste Tea Tribe Spills the Tea. [ Open! ]

Post by Ruriska »

The tea has been spilled!
Hot gossip: "I heard that you watch other kin licking frogs and collecting bird droppings!"
RP response: Mud-blooming shrugged awkwardly. "I mean, it just kind of happens when you hang out by the pond. You'd be surprised how many kin like licking frogs. Or how weird it makes them."
Prize prefs: 2, 9, 7, 5, 6, 1, 8, 11, 4, G, 10, 3, H, I, F, E, A, C, D. B
Dice rolls
[9, 1, 3] = 13
3d10:  [
] = 13
word count: 78
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The Taste Tea Tribe Spills the Tea. [ Open! ]

Post by Astoria »

The tea has been spilled!
Hot gossip: "I heard that you like stepping on cracks and shaking bushes"
RP response: Green Treat glanced over towards Sunny and smiled, this was truly a unique game. "Well, Stepping on Cracks is fun and you never know what you might find shaking bushes." and looked towards the next kin, curious to know what was going to be said about them.
Prize prefs: 1, 6, A, I, B, D, E, H, G, 10, 3, 4, 9, 11
Dice rolls
[1, 10, 1] = 12
3d10:  [
] = 12
Last edited by Astoria on Sun Dec 03, 2023 10:42 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 83
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The Taste Tea Tribe Spills the Tea. [ Open! ]

Post by Tiarana »

The tea has been spilled!
Hot gossip: "I heard that you watch other kin throwing eggs at others and copying cats!"
RP response: Bite looks scandalized. "Th-that is certainly u-u-u-untrue, m-madam!"
Prize prefs: 2, G, 10, E, B, D, 1, A, C, F, I, H, 3, 4
Dice rolls
[9, 8, 7] = 24
3d10:  [
] = 24
word count: 52
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The Taste Tea Tribe Spills the Tea. [ Open! ]

Post by Pandora Talie »

The tea has been spilled!
Hot gossip: "I heard that you are addicted to scaring cranes and speaking in tongues.
RP response: With wide eyes and mouth agape, Star Collector explains, "I would never do such a thing...". She rambles on in shock at the accusations.
Prize prefs: 6,1,2,9,11,5,7,10,3, H, G, I, E, D, B, F, A, C
Dice rolls
[6, 4, 3] = 13
3d10:  [
] = 13
word count: 66
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The Taste Tea Tribe Spills the Tea. [ Open! ]

Post by AMItotic »

The tea has been spilled!
Hot gossip: "I heard that you watch other kin licking frogs and fighting imaginary friends."
RP response: Lucky Bandit cackles. "Well, if they didn't want to be watched, they probably should have kept their tongues off of frogs, no?"
Prize prefs: 2, 9, 7, 5, 6, 11, 1, 10, 3, C, F, A, I, H, G, D, B, E
Dice rolls
[9, 1, 9] = 19
3d10:  [
] = 19
word count: 65
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The Taste Tea Tribe Spills the Tea. [ Open! ]

Post by rexcorvus »

The tea has been spilled!
Hot gossip: "I heard that you hate eating funny mushrooms and being a silly goose!"
RP response: Sleepy Time shook his head as though it was a tragedy. "Tsk tsk. You could be taking a nap instead of spending all that time hating things!"
Prize prefs: 2, 9, G, I, H, 7, 5, 1, 6, 11, 10, 3, B, E, D, F, A, C
Dice rolls
[2, 2, 8] = 12
3d10:  [
] = 12
word count: 69
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The Taste Tea Tribe Spills the Tea. [ Open! ]

Post by Beejoux »

The tea has been spilled!
Hot gossip: "I heard that you like licking frogs and Pretending to be a monster."
RP response: Worlds Within Worlds blinked at the other doe, her head tilting as she processed what she'd just heard. "I've not tried it myself, but I have heard if you lick the right sort of frog you'll pretend to be a monster, and much more. Though I'm not sure what the right sort of frog looks like, if I'm being honest." She smiled sweetly, inclining her head in a little nod, turning to wander away.
Prize prefs: 9, 2, 1, 6, 11, 5, 7, B, I, H, G, D, E, A, C, F, 10, 3, 4
Dice rolls
[1, 1, 2] = 4
3d10:  [
] = 4
word count: 122
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The Taste Tea Tribe Spills the Tea. [ Open! ]

Post by Dizzy_Kat »

The tea has been spilled!
Hot gossip: "I heard that you Hate Knocking on wood and Pretending to be a monster!"
RP response: Kiss me Deadly laughed, genuine and deep. "Oh Precious. Bless your heart. I don't need luck and I Never pretend." With that she winked and sauntered off.
Prize prefs: 2, 5, 7, 9, 6, 11, 1, B, D, E, H, G, C, F, A, 10, 3, 4, 8
Dice rolls
[2, 9, 2] = 13
3d10:  [
] = 13
word count: 72
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