[B] Following Magic [Mostly Water x Hush]

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[B] Following Magic [Mostly Water x Hush]

Post by Gl!tch~ »

For a time, life had crawled along in a wonderful way.

She had the chance to feel love bloom and enjoy every moment of it.

Then, the joy of having children and raising them.

After that, love blossomed once more.

Mostly Water felt fortunate that she could stop and smell the flowers, and enjoy her life so much.

Still, she found herself racing. And not for the first time, either.

Less panicked this time, but it felt like time was not on her side for once.

She was to be a father again, and that was thrilling! But her choice in partners kept being rather...fragile.

And she could only hope she could find someone, again, who had the ability to make sure that everything would go all right.

So the kiokote ran through the swamp, focused on her quest. She did not know how to find the legendary who assisted last time. Really, she could only hope anyone could help her at all. And soon. Who knew when the babies were going to come. She didn't want to be gone for too long!
Owlsomniac wrote:
word count: 187
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[B] Following Magic [Mostly Water x Hush]

Post by Owlsomniac »

Despite the fact the days are beginning to lengthen once more, Hush still finds that traveling through the trees is the easiest method. After all, it keeps her out of the cold snow, and is often quicker, too.

She's playing a game of tag with a group of wild mongoose when she feels that undeniable tug of a kin in need of her, and bids her playful friends farewell before going to see who it might be.

A rustling of tree branches overhead gives away her presence, and she sits perched ahead, watching, her mongoose ears twitching. The stark black and bright red of her glowing eyes is easily discernible in the day against the white and grey of Winter's palette- and she waits.
Gl!tch~ wrote:
word count: 129
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