Merry Go Round

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Merry Go Round

Post by rexcorvus »

A kin who, for all intents and purposes, could be deemed a "wild child" of sorts, Merry was raised with two quite loving - but quite distant - parents who treated her both with kindness and with absence. Caught up in a whirlwind romance with one another, Merry's mother and father were often whisking away on adventures without their daughter, leaving her in the care of other family and friends. Always promising grand prizes and thrilling stories about their times around the swamp, Merry's parents couldn't be bothered to stay more than a few days back in the presence of their children, though not for lack of trying. Their blatant selfishness and self-absorption with one another left little room for love of anyone or anything else, and although they professed to adore their children, it was clear they were a low priority.

To this day, Merry's parents are still out and about around the swamp, every so often popping back in as though nothing has changed. Merry herself has grown to be a self-reliant, confident acha who is almost as passionate about adventuring as her parents, though for a different reason altogether. Merry's desire to never stay in one place for very long stems from an inability to connect with those around her due to a lack of connection with her family, in spite of her inner longing to just want to belong somewhere. She has no place that she really feels is her home, and so she continues to move around, looking for something that can't be found.

Merry is whimsical, flighty, unwilling to stay in one place for very long lest she get bored of her surroundings and wind up cranky about it. She isn't air headed by any stretch of the word; her intelligence runs quite deep, even if she'd rather use it to do things for pleasure than for any other more serious reason. Prone to flights of fancy, Merry loves very easily and very shallowly; she doesn't like to set her heart on one thing specifically but instead many different things, and she's the sort of kin who will fall in love very fast and then fall out of love just as quickly. She rarely holds any resentment towards losing a former partner, because most of the time she's already moved onto the next one.

Life for Merry is a grand adventure she wants to continue traveling, which does mean there's a fair bit of selfishness and self-assurance that can crop up when things don't go her way. Being tied down to anything is her idea of a nightmare, Merry's strong desire to seek out the next more fun or more pleasurable thing often getting in the way of her more rational side. She has a rather large family, but this stems from her somewhat toxic desire to be loved and adored constantly and continuously. Don't make her regret anything, because the moment she stops moving is the moment when she has to think about all of her actions and the fact that she isn't actually that confident, and she would much prefer not to do that.
Naming Dream:
merriness goes around and around
circling, ever faster, until the laughter breaks
and all you can feel is joy
Storytelling: Roleplays: Artwork:

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Last edited by rexcorvus on Tue Aug 24, 2021 12:08 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 606
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