Watch Me

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Watch Me

Post by Ruriska »

The founder of The Royal Rainbow Troupe, Watch Me is a friendly, confident and boisterous fellow. Though he might come off as a bit dopey or shallow, he is actually very canny and capable of drawing kin to him with his bright personality. He traveled to the swamp from the plains as soon as he was old enough to make the distance and has never regretted leaving. He truly believes he should have been born as an Acha, and he has always felt a deep love and connection towards them. His Kiokote body just never seemed suited to the song and dance he loves so much. Over time this developed into a clear favoritism, with his troupe originally comprised of only Acha.

However, as time went these beliefs were challenged and he began to change his way of thinking. Other kin also hold varied talents and are just as worthy of following their dreams as anyone else. Especially, his own children born as Kiokote, who were often denied their chance to shine. He has also come to accept his own self. Perhaps the light and beautiful body of an Acha would have suited him but he enjoys the strength and endurance that allows him to dance and party all day long. 

As a Legendary, Watch Me would be lighthearted and energetic, blessing mostly for good looks and skills for singing and dancing and for lots of Acha children.

+5 [FIN] Who Let the Dogs Out [Rouge / Watch Me] 
+5 [PRP] Negotiations [RR Troupe/Rise Tribe] [FIN!]
+5 [WP03] Watch Me, Royal Rainbow Troupe 
+5 [PRP] Dancing Words [Watch Me/Secret Pleasures] [FIN]
+5 [WP02] Watch Me, Red-Stained Blossom
+5 [CJ] With Legs Like These and Watch Me  
+5 Albatross' Fail Bait Version 3.0
+1 Winter Solstice - Mushrooms!
+1 Winter Solstice - The Bonfire 
+1 Wandering Prompt - [FOAWP2] Watch Me & family
+5 [FOAWP1] Watch Me & Grim Grinning Ghosts 
+5 [FOAWP3] Watch Me and Parrot Head
+5 [ORP] The Royal Rainbow Troupe Impromptu Party Fun Time! 

+2 Artwork by zeflamigo

Points: 55/50
Last edited by Ruriska on Tue May 05, 2020 5:30 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 347