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Snailshell wants your help - OPEN - Form added for Sorrel's flower corner
Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2024 11:10 am
by Astoria
Participating kin:

Task: spend time with pets
Rolled result: 1. You didn't fail, exactly. But you wouldn't call it a win either. (+1 ticket)
Preference list: regular, spectral
Previous roll links:
Roll 1 Roll 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Total tickets: 24
Was she losing her touch? The animals didn't seem particularly interested in her little tricks and she wondered if maybe playing fetch with a stick had run out it's interest.
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN - Form added for Sorrel's flower corner
Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 12:19 am
by Illusei
Participating kin:

Rolled result: You did so-so, Snailshell doesn't seem displeased by the attempt. (+1 ticket)
Preference list: Regular, Spectral
Previous roll links:
roll 1
Total tickets: 5
Once the pups were tired out, Moonspell figured she might as well try her hand at fishing. She didn't know that much about fishing, but she thought herself a quick learner and a strong swimmer.
In the end, she caught only small fish, but they looked tasty enough.
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN - Form added for Sorrel's flower corner
Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2024 11:09 pm
by Astoria
Participating kin:

Task: spend time with pets
Rolled result: 1. You didn't fail, exactly. But you wouldn't call it a win either. (+1 ticket)
Preference list: regular, spectral
Previous roll links:
Roll 1 Roll 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Total tickets: 25
So the stick had gotten boring and she looked around for something else that she could entertain the pets with, however all she could find was a rock. She tried to throw it but they were uninterested in that too.
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN - Form added for Sorrel's flower corner
Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2024 11:12 pm
by Astoria
Participating kin:

Task: fishing
Rolled result: 4. Wow. You really did great. Snailshell beams at you as she thanks you for the help. (+3 tickets)
Preference list: regular, spectral
Previous roll links:
Roll 1 Roll 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Total tickets: 28
With how great she was doing when it came to fishing here she might just take this up as a full time hobby afterwards. Though, she wasn't sure what to do with a ton of fish if she wasn't giving them to anyone.
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN - Form added for Sorrel's flower corner
Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2024 11:13 pm
by Astoria
Participating kin:

Task: snacks
Rolled result: 1. You didn't fail, exactly. But you wouldn't call it a win either. (+1 ticket)
Preference list: regular, spectral
Previous roll links:
Roll 1 Roll 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Total tickets: 29
She figured she'd try and look for some snacks in her bag for the pets but she had finally run out. Frowning she realized she had dropped one on the ground and offered it to them.
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN - Form added for Sorrel's flower corner
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 1:35 pm
by Illusei
Participating kin:

Task: Spend a while with the pets, give them a way to burn off energy
Rolled result: 4. Wow. You really did great. Snailshell beams at you as she thanks you for the help. (+3 tickets)
Preference list: Regular, spectral
Previous roll links:
roll 1,
roll 2
Total tickets: 8
Small blurb about how the task went:
After a brief spell, the pups were full of energy. Moonspell decides to teach them how to fish. Why not get two things done? It turns out the pups aren't so bad at fishing and they had a lot of fun.
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN - Form added for Sorrel's flower corner
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 8:18 pm
by SkylerKarashi
Participating kin:

4. Wow. You really did great. Snailshell beams at you as she thanks you for the help. (+3 tickets)
Previous roll links:
Roll 1
Roll 2
Roll 3
Roll 4
Roll 5
Roll 6
Roll 7
Total tickets: 15 tickets
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN - Form added for Sorrel's flower corner
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 9:07 pm
by Astoria
Participating kin:

Task: spend time with the pets
Rolled result: 6. You did pretty good, Snailshell seems pleased enough. (+2 tickets)
Preference list: regular, spectral
Previous roll links:
Roll 1 Roll 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Total tickets: 31
She decided to try spending time with the pets again and beamed brightly when snailshell seemed pleased by her efforts.
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN - Form added for Sorrel's flower corner
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 9:19 pm
by Astoria
Participating kin:

Task: fishing
Rolled result: 4. Wow. You really did great. Snailshell beams at you as she thanks you for the help. (+3 tickets)
Preference list: regular, spectral
Previous roll links:
Roll 1 Roll 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Total tickets: 34
Fishing was really her thing it seemed. Once more she took to the water and managed to catch quite the haul.
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN - Form added for Sorrel's flower corner
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 9:21 pm
by Astoria
Participating kin:

Task: snacks
Rolled result: 4. Wow. You really did great. Snailshell beams at you as she thanks you for the help. (+3 tickets)
Preference list: regular, spectral
Previous roll links:
Roll 1 Roll 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Total tickets: 37
Looking around she decided to go and dig up some snacks. Did wolves eat worms? Grimacing she didn't think so and then found another berry bush and brought some back for the pets to eat.
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN - Form added for Sorrel's flower corner
Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 1:40 am
by doomsayer
Participating kin:

Task: Find some snacks for the pets. They'll eat anything pretty much.
Rolled result: You did pretty good, Snailshell seems pleased enough. (+2 tickets)
Preference list: spectral, regular
Previous roll links:
Total tickets: 19
Azure Lightning ran around looking for some treats she could give the pups. With the speed she could run, she covered a lot of land and gathered a considerable amount of snacks for them.
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN - Form added for Sorrel's flower corner
Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 1:44 am
by doomsayer
Participating kin:

Task: Go fishing, Snailshell would like a few large fish to feed the kin.
Rolled result: 5. Snailshell tries her best to not look unhappy, but you really hecked this one up. (+0 ticket) (Sorrell will gift you a flower as a consolation prize)
Preference list: spectral, regular
Previous roll links:
Total tickets: 19
Azure Lightning was not good at fishing. It entailed staying still for a long time and that was something she couldn't physically do. She may have even ruined other people's chances at getting fish...
Stop and smell the roses (or pansies)
Kin uncert:

Which flower: Rose
Up to 2 colors: #99D2E8 (Lightning Blue)
Payment: rolled a 5. Sorry.
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN - Form added for Sorrel's flower corner
Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 1:47 am
by doomsayer
Participating kin:

Task: Go fishing, Snailshell would like a few large fish to feed the kin.
Rolled result: Wow. You really did great. Snailshell beams at you as she thanks you for the help. (+3 tickets)
Preference list: spectral, regular
Previous roll links:
Total tickets: 22
Azure Lightning picked a nice open meadow a played chase the leader with both pups. They had potential, keeping up with her at times, but when she kicked it up a notch, she left them in her dust. At the end of it, they were tuckered out.
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN - Form added for Sorrel's flower corner
Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 8:18 am
by Astoria
Participating kin:

Task: snacks
Rolled result: 6. You did pretty good, Snailshell seems pleased enough. (+2 tickets)
Preference list: regular, spectral
Previous roll links:
Roll 1 Roll 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Total tickets: 39
Procuring some snacks this time took a little bit more effort than before, she had to make something herself from a few things since she was beginning to wonder if they were clearing the area out of it's supply of food.
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN - Form added for Sorrel's flower corner
Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 8:19 am
by Astoria
Participating kin:

Task: Fishing
Rolled result: 5. Snailshell tries her best to not look unhappy, but you really hecked this one up. (+0 ticket) (Sorrell will gift you a flower as a consolation prize)
Preference list: regular, spectral
Previous roll links:
Roll 1 Roll 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Total tickets: 39
Apparently her fishing luck had run out.
Stop and smell the roses (or pansies)
Kin uncert:

Which flower: CC
Up to 2 colors: you pick
Payment: n/a