What’s In The Burrow? Dice Game!
Tortoise burrows aren’t just for tortoises– they’re used by many members of the animal kingdom! This is why tortoises are considered landscape architects. For this game, you’re going to stick your head in a big ol’ tortoise burrow and see what’s inside.
To play this game, roll 7d20 and see what you get.
1. You find a cache of dried grass. Delicious…?
1 piece of hay
2. You find a sleepy tegu.
2 pieces of hay.
3. You find a small bitey mammal and it is furious.
1 piece of hay, and a nosebleed.
4. You find a whole hibernating mini bear. Awww!
2 pieces of hay.
5. You find an awake mini bear. Fortunately, it’s pretty docile.
1 piece of hay.
6. You find a grumpy skunk. OH NO!
No pieces of hay.
7. You find a clutch of tortoise eggs.
1 piece of hay.
8. You find a clutch of tortoise eggs… well, the egg shells. You also find a fat tegu. Is this a coincidence?
1 piece of hay.
9. You find a tor- wait no this is a turtle.
2 pieces of hay.
10. You find a tortoise… shell. Oh, this guy’s been dead for a while.
1 piece of hay.
11. You find a pile of miscellaneous small animal bones and several tufts of downy fur. Looks like a small carnivore is using this as a den.
1 piece of hay.
12. You find some marshfowl. You get pecked a little.
2 pieces of hay.
13. You find several stolen items- little trinkets and the like. A rox chitters at you angrily for messing around with its stash.
2 pieces of hay.
14. You find that this hole is just crawling with slugs and snails. Ew. Or delicious, depending on your perspective on escargot.
1 piece of hay, mais oui.
15. You find a pool of muddy water. It could be a refuge during the hot months, but for now, it’s just a mud puddle.
1 piece of hay.
16. You find several tegus and they all want to be your friend.
2 pieces of hay.
17. You find… oh my god someone’s kid is down here, they say they’re playing hide and seek. You don’t need to worry, because tortoise burrows are really stable and more difficult to collapse than most burrows, but like. Wow. A whole child fit in here.
2 pieces of hay.
18. You find nothing; unfortunately, a swan finds you. How did a swan get in here and why does it want to kill you so badly?
No pieces of hay, you have to flee the swan.
19. You find a whole bunch of owlcat kittens. They are screaming.
2 pieces of hay and tinnitus.
20. You found a tortoise!
A pick from the unedited/familiar prize pool if you’re the first person OR the last person to roll a 20, otherwise 3 pieces of hay.
Once you’re done, fill out this form! You can stick it in a new post or edit or do whatever you want.
I found a lot of stuff!
Roll 1: NUMBER = X pieces of hay
Roll 2: NUMBER = X pieces of hay
Roll 3: NUMBER = X pieces of hay
Roll 4: NUMBER = X pieces of hay
Roll 5: NUMBER = X pieces of hay
Roll 6: NUMBER = X pieces of hay
Roll 7: NUMBER = X pieces of hay
Total pieces of hay: Y pieces of hay
These pieces of hay translate to tickets for the
weekly raffle.
Here’s how you’ll get tickets for the end raffle:
If you rolled, you get 2 tickets for the end raffle.
If you RP a reaction, you get 2 extra tickets for the end raffle.
The person with the
least amount of hay gets 5 hibiscus flowers. Perseverance pays off!
This game runs from... now until the end of WM on the 3rd. It's gonna be a fast turnaround, friends.
Anhelisk wrote: