Turtle and Tortoise Time with Strange Creature - CLOSED, everyone won something!

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Turtle and Tortoise Time with Strange Creature - Trivia Game Open!

Post by Anhelisk »

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Turtle and Tortoise Time with Strange Creature - Trivia Game Open!

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Turtle and Tortoise Time with Strange Creature - Trivia Game Open!

Post by Anhelisk »

This is the absolute best I could do with the ChatGPT version A! Creative liberties were taken in interpreting some steps! Like the pointy shapes on top of the head for ears? They said ON top, not OVER the top, so clearly this could be ambiguous. The curled tail is also kind of pushing it, but I at least wanted to try making something passable out of this word salad.
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Turtle and Tortoise Time with Strange Creature - Trivia Game Open!

Post by Anhelisk »

This is Turt-turt. Turt-Turt is anxious ALL THE TIME, probably because their name would seem to imply they're a turtle when they're actually a tortoise and they don't want to disappoint anyone.

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Turtle and Tortoise Time with Strange Creature - Trivia Game Open!

Post by Anhelisk »

Lisk's Turtle Trivia Part 2!

Section 3: Heroes in a Half-Shell

7. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were based off of real turtle species-- but not just one! While many people know they were inspired by red-eared sliders, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles had Donatello as a soft-shelled turtle, Leonardo as a red-eared slider, Michaelangelo as a box turtle, and Raphael as a snapping turtle. [7]

8a. Like many other popular pieces of media, TMNT caused an international craze where turtles-- particularly red-eared sliders, the specific species the turtles canonically were, to be sold at low prices with free (insufficient) living conditions. Parents bought young individuals who would quickly outgrow their freely-provided enclosures, leading to mass releases of invasive former pets across the world. [8]

8b. In fact, at least partially because of their exploitation in the pet trade, Red-eared sliders are invasive in most parts of the world and are considered one of the top 100 worst invasive alien species! [9]

9. Returning to storied warriors of history, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are only a recent addition to a storied history of animal warriors. In fact, a story from Mesopotamian mythology sees a hero, Ninurta fight a turtle warrior made from clay for the fate of the world itself-- which the turtle wins, digging a deep pit in which to cast Ninurta's evil to save the earth. [10]

Section 4: Local Wildlife

10a. The Western Painted Turtle is the only turtle native to Alberta, where I grew up, although I never got to see one in the wild, as western painted turtles are only present in the very southeasternmost tip of the province, where I have never been.

10b. As such, the only turtles I ever saw in the wild growing up were the invasive red-eared sliders!
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Turtle and Tortoise Time with Strange Creature - Trivia Game Open!

Post by Astoria »

All Tortoises are Turtles, But Not All Turtles are Tortoises

Tortoises have been around for over 230 million years – longer than lizards, birds, mammals, crocodiles and snakes. In fact, turtles coexisted with dinosaurs and survived the conditions that made dinosaurs extinct!

Some turtles and tortoises can live to over 100 years old – and beyond! One such tortoise was Harriet, who is said to have originally been found and looked after by Charles Darwin from 1835 and later arrived at Australia Zoo in Queensland. She died there in 2006 and was believed to have been 175 at the time.

A turtle shell contains around 50 to 60 interconnected bones. The shell is actually a part of the turtles’ spine and it cannot come off.

The Colour of a Tortoise’s Shell Indicates Origin

Tortoises and turtles have nerve endings in their shells so they can feel when they are touched there.

The main collective noun for turtles is a bale.

Turtles can live in most climates that are warm enough for them to breed. They live on every single continent except Antarctica!

Turtles don’t grow out of their shells.

There are over 350 species of turtles.
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Closing Time!

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

This is now closed!
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Week 3-end raffle!

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

Hay-gathering ticket list!
1 - 10. anemosagkelos
11 - 19. LOLLI qAq
20 - 31. lilacfishie
32 - 42. SkylerKarashi
43 - 49. AstoriaFallen
50 - 54. Anhelisk
55 - 62. Tiarana
63 - 75. Lirilei
76 - 85. kuropeco
Rolling 5, taking the first unique 3
Dice rolls
[21, 60, 53, 80, 63] = 277
5d85:  [
] = 277
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Turtle and Tortoise Time with Strange Creature - Trivia Game Open!

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

lilacfishie wrote:First pick!
Tiarana wrote:Second pick!
Anhelisk wrote:Third pick!
Give me some prefs from the main prize pool (unedited kin and all the fams)!
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Turtle and Tortoise Time with Strange Creature - Trivia Game Open!

Post by Anhelisk »

scaramouche fandango wrote:
Ooh! Totoma 1, Moss Turtle 7, Moss Turtle 6
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Trivia Answers!

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

Do you want to know what the actual answers were? Of course you do.
1. This novel, featuring tortoises, was the last book that Roald Dahl published before his death. Esio Trot

2. Morla, the Ancient One, is a giant swamp turtle in The Neverending Story. What is she allergic to? Youth

3. This neurotic turtle’s catchphrase is “I’m nauseous! I’m nauseous!” Who is this sad creature, and what media is he from? Fillburt from Rocko’s Modern Life

5. Most people know the names of the four teenage mutant ninja turtles, but fewer people know that there was a fifth teenage mutant ninja turtle- a girl named Venus de Milo. What TMNT series did she debut in? Ninja Turtles: The next Mutation

wait, 5? 5??? Oh THIS is how I screwed up the number of questions. Wow. Good job Scara.

6. In the kaiju movie Yog, the Monster from Space (also known as Space Amoeba), an alien amoeba wreaks havoc by turning normal animals into kaiju. What kind of turtle did it turn into the kaiju named Kamoebas? Mata mata.

7. There once was a turtle by the name of Bert, and Bert the turtle was very alert. What was his advice to kids? Duck and cover!

8. Which Greek playwright was supposedly killed by a tortoise? And how did it happen? An eagle dropped a tortoise on Aeschylus’s head.

9. The Disc is carried on the back of the great A’Tuin, the world turtle/astrochelonian. But there’s another Very Powerful Tortoise in the Discworld series. Who is he, really? The Great God Om. (I accepted anything with Om in it.)

10. He’s big, he can fly, and he’s a friend to all children. He’s Gamera! But that wasn’t the first choice for a name. What was Gamera’s original name, and why was it changed?
It was kamera, and it sounded too much like “camera.”

11. In the kids’ series Franklin, the titular turtle can count by twos and tie his shoes. But most of the time, he's barefoot. Which Franklin book actually shows him wearing shoes? Franklin and Harriet, and a bunch of others.

12. Crush, the easy-going green sea turtle in Finding Nemo, is missing what secondary sex characteristics that would allow a marine biologist to identify him as a male? Claws and a tail.

13. There are several Pokémon based on chelonians, but of those turtle and tortoise Pokémon, which one (in English) is actually called the “turtle pokemon”? Wartortle. Squirtle is the “tiny” turtle pokemon!

14. Another Pokémon question. Name the Pokémon based on the following turtles: Softshelled turtle, mata mata, archelon
Enamorus’s therian forme, Turtonator, Carracosta.

15. This legendary turtle-esque creature lives in Japan and likes to eat cucumbers. What is it? Kappa.

16. There aren’t a lot of cryptids in the state of Indiana, and one of them is just a big turtle. What’s his name, and where is he from? Oscar, the Beast of Busco, and he’s from Churrabusco.

17. Toby the Turtle is a shy little guy from Disney’s Robin Hood- but his animator is better known for his non-Disney projects. Who took the lead on making Toby come to life? Don Bluth.

18. Bowser from the Mario franchise might be a turtle now- but what was he originally envisioned to be? An ox.

19. Beloved (former) mayor Tortimer is a staple of the Animal Crossing franchise. In the most recent installment (and a couple of the older games), he takes on a new identity every fall. What’s his masked persona’s name? Cornimer.

20. This despotic turtle rules over the chelonians of Sala-ma-sond. What’s his name? Yertle.
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Turtle and Tortoise Time with Strange Creature - Trivia Game Open!

Post by Tiarana »

Tortoise 7, tortoise 5 for me, thank you! :whee:
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Turtle and Tortoise Time with Strange Creature - Trivia Game Open!

Post by lilacfishie »

Ooooh how exciting! Thank you so much!

I would love Moss Turtle 6!
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Time to roll the final raffle!

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

Thaaaaat means... for the final raffle that uses all those tasty hibiscus blossoms... we'll have seventeen winners!




Two more sea turtles! And one of them even seems to be alive! Yes, this means that EVERY PARTICIPANT WILL GET A PRIZE, folks! So without further ado, let's roll the final raffle!
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RAFFLE TICKETS and first roll

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

1 - 3. Nashawryn
4 - 4. LOLLI qAq
5 - 8. Kalahari
9 - 11. Prolixity
12 - 12. elvy
13 - 13. HuniPi
14 - 15. elvy
16 - 17. HuniPi
18 - 22. lilacfishie
23 - 27. Lirilei
28 - 31. LOLLI qAq
32 - 33. AMItotic
34 - 35. Ruriska
36 - 40. Anhelisk
41 - 43. AstoriaFallen
44 - 47. kuropeco
48 - 51. Corn
52 - 55. lilacfishie
56 - 59. Prolixity
60 - 63. Nashawryn
64 - 68. beejoux
69 - 72. HuniPi
73 - 76. Lirilei
77 - 80. Tiarana
81 - 85. Anhelisk
86 - 88. Fasti
89 - 92. anemosagkelos
93 - 94. anemosagkelos
95 - 96. anemosagkelos
97 - 98. LOLLI qAq
99 - 100. LOLLI qAq
101 - 102. lilacfishie
103 - 104. lilacfishie
105 - 106. SkylerKarashi
107 - 108. AstoriaFallen
109 - 110. Anhelisk
111 - 112. Anhelisk
113 - 114. Tiarana
115 - 116. Lirilei
117 - 118. kuropeco
119 - 123. Anhelisk
124 - 133. anemosagkelos
134 - 143. lilacfishie
144 - 149. Anhelisk
150 - 159. Tiarana
160 - 169. Lirilei
170 - 179. LOLLI qAq
180 - 183. Anhelisk
184 - 193. AstoriaFallen
193 tickets total, let's see who our first winners are
Dice rolls
[124, 126, 105, 82, 63] = 500
5d193:  [
] = 500
word count: 163
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