I want to test my fortune
Username: owlsomniac
Participating Kin:
Roll: 7
Deep in the swamp lies a treasure you have been seeking. But perhaps it is not what you truly desire. Good luck (+1 ticket)
Your Kin’s Response: Since they first came out of their sac, Fated has felt a longing for something. An urge they cannot place. Out roaming along the sandy beaches, they find a lonely kin and stop to share a moment with them. For a moment, it eases the ache to search and find, but too soon they part once more. Still, Fated feels lighter as they head off back into the shadows of the Swamp.
Prize preferences: 2,1
I want to test my fortune
Username: owlsomniac
Participating Kin:
Roll: 16
You will find opportunities that seem to arrive unexpectedly. Act quickly; they are meant for you. Good luck (+1 tickets)
Your Kin’s Response: Endless Summer Sun feels that this winter festival was practically designed for him. He loves nothing more than hot sunny days at the beach. As he wades into the shallows for a brief dip, a school of fish swim by. Something must be chasing then but it's an opportunity he can't pass up! Quick and a flash he catches one, two, three good sized fish, flinging them onto the sand where they can't escape. He'll eat well tonight!
Prize preferences: 2,1
I want to test my fortune
Username: owlsomniac
Participating Kin:
Roll: 1
The cold season brings steady rains. Your luck will come not in a rush, but slowly and in quiet moments. Good luck (+1 ticket)
Your Kin’s Response: As the heat fades and the cold draws in, Snared in Sea and Foam finds herself feeling more and more at peace. The cold is a comfort to her. Even as the waves that wash over her hooves bring a chill to her steps, it's refreshingly bracing. She breathes in deeply and smiles as she shakes her mane and turns her nose into the cold breeze.
Prize preferences: 2,1