Water Lantern Festival | Closed - Happy New Year!

User & Staff booths giving out collected prizes!
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Water Lantern Festival | Raffle & game both open!

Post by SkylerKarashi »

I want to test my fortune
Username: SkylerKarashi
Participating Kin: Image
7. Deep in the swamp lies a treasure you have been seeking. But perhaps it is not what you truly desire. Good luck (+1 ticket)
Your Kin’s Response: (optional - for an extra ticket)
Prize preferences: 2, 1
Dice rolls
[7] = 7
1d16:  [
] = 7
word count: 49
Rolling Kin <3 Image
Rolling Pets <3 Image
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Water Lantern Festival | Raffle & game both open!

Post by Owlsomniac »

I want to test my fortune
Username: owlsomniac
Participating Kin: Image
Roll: 7
Deep in the swamp lies a treasure you have been seeking. But perhaps it is not what you truly desire. Good luck (+1 ticket)
Your Kin’s Response: Since they first came out of their sac, Fated has felt a longing for something. An urge they cannot place. Out roaming along the sandy beaches, they find a lonely kin and stop to share a moment with them. For a moment, it eases the ache to search and find, but too soon they part once more. Still, Fated feels lighter as they head off back into the shadows of the Swamp.
Prize preferences: 2,1

I want to test my fortune
Username: owlsomniac
Participating Kin: Image
Roll: 16
You will find opportunities that seem to arrive unexpectedly. Act quickly; they are meant for you. Good luck (+1 tickets)
Your Kin’s Response: Endless Summer Sun feels that this winter festival was practically designed for him. He loves nothing more than hot sunny days at the beach. As he wades into the shallows for a brief dip, a school of fish swim by. Something must be chasing then but it's an opportunity he can't pass up! Quick and a flash he catches one, two, three good sized fish, flinging them onto the sand where they can't escape. He'll eat well tonight!
Prize preferences: 2,1

I want to test my fortune
Username: owlsomniac
Participating Kin: Image
Roll: 1
The cold season brings steady rains. Your luck will come not in a rush, but slowly and in quiet moments. Good luck (+1 ticket)
Your Kin’s Response: As the heat fades and the cold draws in, Snared in Sea and Foam finds herself feeling more and more at peace. The cold is a comfort to her. Even as the waves that wash over her hooves bring a chill to her steps, it's refreshingly bracing. She breathes in deeply and smiles as she shakes her mane and turns her nose into the cold breeze.
Prize preferences: 2,1
Dice rolls
[7, 16, 1] = 24
3d16:  [
] = 24
word count: 349
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Water Lantern Festival | Raffle & game both open!

Post by subducting »

I want to test my fortune
Username: subducting
Participating Kin: Image
Roll: 16. You will find opportunities that seem to arrive unexpectedly. Act quickly; they are meant for you. Good luck (+1 tickets) (3 total - entry + roll + rp response)
Your Kin’s Response: Frog had bounded into the booth eagerly, spotting kin at the back talking quietly and throwing sticks around. As they got closer they realised the sticks were bones, carved carefully into shapes. Interesting! They sat and then the bones, tilting their head at the top number and looking expectantly at the kimeti. When they heard their fortune they chuckled. “Oh, that’s not a problem,” they said proudly, “I ALWAYS act fast.” They were incredibly impulsive - sometimes to their detriment. Hopefully this year wouldn’t bring chaos as Frog rushed headlong into it. The gangly zikwa gave the fortune teller a grin, before careening away from the booth.
Prize preferences: 2, 1
Dice rolls
[16] = 16
1d16:  [
] = 16
Last edited by subducting on Sun Jan 05, 2025 1:22 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 154
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Water Lantern Festival | Raffle & game both open!

Post by subducting »

I want to test my fortune
Participating Kin: Image
Roll: 13. This year will bring challenges that feel sharp and biting, like the first frost. Its storms will test your resolve. Misfortune (-1 ticket) (1 total +1 for rp)
Your Kin’s Response: Endeavors wasn’t superstitious, but she was curious, and she couldn’t help but be drawn to the secluded area behind the well lit booth- although, as with everything, she brought her own light with her - like it or not. She settled herself down and tossed the bones, watching them scatter and turning to receive her fortune. When it came, she smirked. “That sounds about right,” she conceded, nodding to herself for a moment before shrugging, her powerful shoulders rolling with the motion. She dipped her head politely to the doe and thanked her, before rising and heading out of the booth, consumed with a thoughtful silence.
Prize preferences: 2, 1
Dice rolls
[13] = 13
1d16:  [
] = 13
Last edited by subducting on Sun Jan 05, 2025 1:23 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 154
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Water Lantern Festival | Raffle & game both open!

Post by Astoria »

I want to test my fortune
Username: Astoria
Participating Kin: Image
Roll: 1 ticket
9. Your luck this year will come through patience and careful tending. What you start now may take time, but it will yield results. Good luck (+1 ticket)
Your Kin’s Response: (optional - for an extra ticket)
Prize preferences: 2, 1
Dice rolls
[9] = 9
1d16:  [
] = 9
word count: 54
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Water Lantern Festival | Raffle & game both open!

Post by Astoria »

I want to test my fortune
Username: Astoria
Participating Kin: Image
Roll: 0 tickets
5. There is a danger in seeking the unknown, but also an opportunity for those who are willing to risk all. Neutral luck (+0 ticket)
Your Kin’s Response: (optional - for an extra ticket)
Prize preferences: 2, 1
Dice rolls
[5] = 5
1d16:  [
] = 5
word count: 51
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Water Lantern Festival | Raffle & game both open!

Post by Astoria »

I want to test my fortune
Username: Astoria
Participating Kin: Image
Roll: 1 ticket
16. You will find opportunities that seem to arrive unexpectedly. Act quickly; they are meant for you. Good luck (+1 tickets)
Your Kin’s Response: (optional - for an extra ticket)
Prize preferences: 2, 1
Dice rolls
[16] = 16
1d16:  [
] = 16
word count: 47
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Water Lantern Festival | Raffle & game both open!

Post by subducting »

I want to test my fortune
Username: subducting
Participating Kin: Image
Roll: 10. A chase through the plains awaits you, a journey not just of feet but of heart. Make your choices wisely. Neutral luck (+0 tickets) (2 total, post + rp)
Your Kin’s Response: Cinnamon Bark hummed as she wandered towards the fortune teller, sitting and tossing the sticks. She had come to trade spices in the winter market, and was preparing to head home to her corner of the swamp, but the fortune teller’s words gave her pause. The plains? She had heard of the paths through the Obelisks, strange and confusing and winding, and she wondered if her new year’s path lay behind them in the distant home of the kiokote. Maybe there were new flavours there, ones she could bring back to the swamp and spread and share. Interesting… she’d have to think about a trip.
Prize preferences: 2, 1
Dice rolls
[10] = 10
1d16:  [
] = 10
word count: 156
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Water Lantern Festival | Raffle & game both open!

Post by Illusei »

Test Your Fortune game closed~
word count: 5
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Water Lantern Festival | Raffle & game both open!

Post by Illusei »

Let's see who has the ultimate good luck!

1. Fasti
2. Fasti
3. Fasti
4. Fasti
5. Fasti
6. Fasti
7. Lirilei
8. FrostyPeaches
9. FrostyPeaches
10. FrostyPeaches
11. FrostyPeaches
12. FrostyPeaches
13. FrostyPeaches
14. FrostyPeaches
15. FrostyPeaches
16. Lirilei
17. Lirilei
18. Lirilei
19. SkylerKarashi
20. SkylerKarashi
21. SkylerKarashi
22. SkylerKarashi
23. SkylerKarashi
24. SkylerKarashi
25. SkylerKarashi
26. Owlsomniac
27. Owlsomniac
28. Owlsomniac
29. Owlsomniac
30. Owlsomniac
31. Owlsomniac
32. Owlsomniac
33. Owlsomniac
34. Owlsomniac
35. subducting
36. subducting
37. subducting
38. subducting
39. Astoria
40. Astoria
41. Astoria
42. Astoria
43. Astoria
44. subducting
45. subducting
Dice rolls
[14, 43] = 57
2d45:  [
] = 57
word count: 99
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Water Lantern Festival | Raffle & game both open!

Post by Illusei »

Congrats to the Fortune game winners! Both are colored by rexcorvus!
FrostyPeaches wrote:
Astoria wrote: Image
word count: 15
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Water Lantern Festival | Raffle & game both open!

Post by Illusei »

And with that, the water lantern festival is over. Happy new year everyone!
word count: 13
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