Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [PRIZES AWARDED, THANK YOU ALL FOR A WONDERFUL MARKET!]]
- SkylerKarashi
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Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSES & ROLLS ON 1/5]
Farewell to...
Username: SkylerKarashi
Preflist: unedited breeding token, unedited kin revamp, slime puddle, salamander egg
This year said farewell to: feeling lost
Username: SkylerKarashi
Preflist: unedited breeding token, unedited kin revamp, slime puddle, salamander egg
This year said farewell to: feeling lost
word count: 23
Rolling Kin <3 

Rolling Pets <3 

- Illusei
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- Kin Journal: viewtopic.php?p=127594#p127594
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Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSES & ROLLS ON 1/5]
Farewell to...
Username: Illusei
Preflist: Unedited breeding token, unedited kin revamp, muskwolf, chibi token, slime puddle, salamander egg
This year said farewell to: Prioritizing work over my own well-being / working until burnout instead of taking care of myself
Roleplay: Taking Root had spent all season preparing for new arrivals. She was a new mother, but she remembered what her mother and her tribe had done before her. She had carefully chosen her den in a more secluded area and spent many early mornings collecting only the best nesting materials, so that it would be warm and comfortable for her coming clutch. It was nearly ready, but she worried it was not hidden enough. Taking Root knew she could not - nor did she want to - spend all her waking hours in the den. She must occasionally leave to hunt and tend to herself, so she could care for others. What then?
It would ease her mind if her clutch had a protector who could stay with them. A muskwolf perhaps, not uncommon in the plains but difficult to tame. They were fierce and hardy and would make a good companion for her and her growing family. Perhaps if she could create a den that would be very suited to a muskwolf, it would be keen to stay.
She looked about her den. From the outside, it is but a narrow hole in the plains soil but with some determined wriggling, one would soon find a tunnel leading to a wide space. The rocky ceiling that provided shelter and structure was just a twig's length taller than Taking Root but would be quite spacious for young Kiokotes - or a muskwolf. Lined with a hardy grass, the den was shaped like a gourd and at its widest end, she had created a warm bed for the cold nights. She would need to make some room for the muskwolf.
The next morning, she busied herself digging and creating a new smaller bed near the one she had already created, in preparation for a new addition.
Username: Illusei
Preflist: Unedited breeding token, unedited kin revamp, muskwolf, chibi token, slime puddle, salamander egg
This year said farewell to: Prioritizing work over my own well-being / working until burnout instead of taking care of myself
Roleplay: Taking Root had spent all season preparing for new arrivals. She was a new mother, but she remembered what her mother and her tribe had done before her. She had carefully chosen her den in a more secluded area and spent many early mornings collecting only the best nesting materials, so that it would be warm and comfortable for her coming clutch. It was nearly ready, but she worried it was not hidden enough. Taking Root knew she could not - nor did she want to - spend all her waking hours in the den. She must occasionally leave to hunt and tend to herself, so she could care for others. What then?
It would ease her mind if her clutch had a protector who could stay with them. A muskwolf perhaps, not uncommon in the plains but difficult to tame. They were fierce and hardy and would make a good companion for her and her growing family. Perhaps if she could create a den that would be very suited to a muskwolf, it would be keen to stay.
She looked about her den. From the outside, it is but a narrow hole in the plains soil but with some determined wriggling, one would soon find a tunnel leading to a wide space. The rocky ceiling that provided shelter and structure was just a twig's length taller than Taking Root but would be quite spacious for young Kiokotes - or a muskwolf. Lined with a hardy grass, the den was shaped like a gourd and at its widest end, she had created a warm bed for the cold nights. She would need to make some room for the muskwolf.
The next morning, she busied herself digging and creating a new smaller bed near the one she had already created, in preparation for a new addition.
word count: 343
- Tara de Draiocht
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Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSES & ROLLS ON 1/5]
Farewell to...
Username: Tara de Draiocht
Preflist:unedited breeding token, Unedited Kin Revamp, salamander egg, Male Muskwolf, slime puddle
This year said farewell to: a hard year, 2024 was a lot emotionally/mentally.
Username: Tara de Draiocht
Preflist:unedited breeding token, Unedited Kin Revamp, salamander egg, Male Muskwolf, slime puddle
This year said farewell to: a hard year, 2024 was a lot emotionally/mentally.
word count: 34
- FrostyPeaches
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- Pebbles: 5,664.66
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- Joined: Thu Aug 29, 2019 10:21 pm
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Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSES & ROLLS ON 1/5]
Farewell to...
Username: frostypeaches
Preflist: unedited breeding token , salamander egg , unedited kin revamp , slime puddle , chibi plush
This year said farewell to: candy for breakfast
Roleplay: N/A
Username: frostypeaches
Preflist: unedited breeding token , salamander egg , unedited kin revamp , slime puddle , chibi plush
This year said farewell to: candy for breakfast
Roleplay: N/A
word count: 28
- Gl!tch~
- Legendary
- Pebbles: 1,207.14
- Posts: 1929
- Joined: Fri May 31, 2019 9:29 am
- Location: Sleepytown
- Avatar Art Credit: Ryuukishin
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Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSES & ROLLS ON 1/5]
Farewell to...
Username: Gl!tch~
Preflist: Male muskwolf, unedited breeding token, unedited kin revamp, slime puddle, salamander egg
This year said farewell to: Toxic co-workers
Roleplay: Here
Username: Gl!tch~
Preflist: Male muskwolf, unedited breeding token, unedited kin revamp, slime puddle, salamander egg
This year said farewell to: Toxic co-workers
Roleplay: Here
word count: 28

- subducting
- Patron
- Pebbles: 1,239.80
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- Joined: Mon May 27, 2019 3:38 pm
Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSES & ROLLS ON 1/5]
Farewell to...
Username: subducting
Preflist: salamander egg, slime puddle
This year said farewell to: spending home time doing work (as much as humanly possible)
Roleplay: n/a
Username: subducting
Preflist: salamander egg, slime puddle
This year said farewell to: spending home time doing work (as much as humanly possible)
Roleplay: n/a
word count: 27
- Scaramouche Fandango
- Legendary
- Pebbles: 6,369.50
- Posts: 3889
- Joined: Thu May 23, 2019 8:42 pm
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Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSES & ROLLS ON 1/5]
Farewell to...
Username: Scaramouche Fandango
Preflist: Unedited breeding token, muskwolf, salamander egg, slime puddle, unedited revamp, chibi plush
This year said farewell to: honestly a lot of stuff I wanted to hang onto, so I'm gonna just say goodbye to one awful year.
Roleplay: Splinter was a quiet buck, but not because he was shy. He simply didn't need to talk much; he was imposing and enormous, and his massive horns told enough tales of their own. He protected his forest, a peculiar place in the swamp. Drier than most, the deciduous hardwoods rose to meet the sky on a rather large hillock, meaning that it wasn't your standard cypress and mangrove bog. No, there were actual oaks and maples here, healthy ones that didn't like having their feet wet all the time. He patrolled the hill, rarely leaving, rarely coming across others of his own kind– save for his daughter, a hill guardian like himself and nearly the spitting image of him.
It was lonely work, sometimes. A companion who loved the territory as much as him would be a fine thing, a creature of habit like himself. His home wasn't large, but it was comfortable. He'd made the shelter seasons ago, lovingly weaving ash saplings into a partial dome, bending them and nurturing the so that they'd grow into the shape he desired. Mosses had colonized on their own, and he kept the interior floor dense with sweet-smelling dry leaves. It was a sturdy thing, his shelter. He'd built others like it elsewhere in the forest, one for Snag, others for temporary refuge for those who came across them. Or permanent, if they bore no ill-will towards his trees and wanted to stay. His shelter would be a cozy den for a beast, his forest a bountiful territory to defend and hunt.
On one of the rare occasions of his leaving, he'd seen muskwolves- at places like the winter market and other gatherings. He thought one would be a good fit for his own territorial nature. Not one of the vixens, he'd heard they were roamers. But the males were like him. They held space. As he laid a new bed of leaves and prepared to depart to seek his friend, he hoped that his home would be sufficient. It was for him; hopefully it would be enough for the beast.
Username: Scaramouche Fandango
Preflist: Unedited breeding token, muskwolf, salamander egg, slime puddle, unedited revamp, chibi plush
This year said farewell to: honestly a lot of stuff I wanted to hang onto, so I'm gonna just say goodbye to one awful year.
Roleplay: Splinter was a quiet buck, but not because he was shy. He simply didn't need to talk much; he was imposing and enormous, and his massive horns told enough tales of their own. He protected his forest, a peculiar place in the swamp. Drier than most, the deciduous hardwoods rose to meet the sky on a rather large hillock, meaning that it wasn't your standard cypress and mangrove bog. No, there were actual oaks and maples here, healthy ones that didn't like having their feet wet all the time. He patrolled the hill, rarely leaving, rarely coming across others of his own kind– save for his daughter, a hill guardian like himself and nearly the spitting image of him.
It was lonely work, sometimes. A companion who loved the territory as much as him would be a fine thing, a creature of habit like himself. His home wasn't large, but it was comfortable. He'd made the shelter seasons ago, lovingly weaving ash saplings into a partial dome, bending them and nurturing the so that they'd grow into the shape he desired. Mosses had colonized on their own, and he kept the interior floor dense with sweet-smelling dry leaves. It was a sturdy thing, his shelter. He'd built others like it elsewhere in the forest, one for Snag, others for temporary refuge for those who came across them. Or permanent, if they bore no ill-will towards his trees and wanted to stay. His shelter would be a cozy den for a beast, his forest a bountiful territory to defend and hunt.
On one of the rare occasions of his leaving, he'd seen muskwolves- at places like the winter market and other gatherings. He thought one would be a good fit for his own territorial nature. Not one of the vixens, he'd heard they were roamers. But the males were like him. They held space. As he laid a new bed of leaves and prepared to depart to seek his friend, he hoped that his home would be sufficient. It was for him; hopefully it would be enough for the beast.
word count: 405
- Lural
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- Joined: Sun Jun 02, 2019 10:28 pm
Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSES & ROLLS ON 1/5]
Farewell to...
Username: Lural
Preflist: Male Muskwolf, unedited breeding, salamander egg
This year said farewell to: a lot. I'm ready to say farewell to the year and forget it happened
Roleplay: Banished never really put any thought into how the season's changed, or those that came and went with them. But this year? This year was a little different. He hadn't realized it until he was eating breakfast, but... he was alone. Things were quiet, almost dead feeling. The quiet hadn't really bothered him before, but suddenly, he felt like he wanted to see someone. His mother, perhaps? Or perhaps he just needed a companion. Yes, that was it. He'd like a companion. Someone to break up the silence, and the... loneliness.
But not a partner. No, he didn't want someone who would insist on talking all the time. Perhaps a pet? Yes, that sounded like a good idea. Before he realized it, Banished was picking things up and putting away things that might be tempting to chew on. He was thinking about the sorts of animal he could bring in. It couldn't be something too small, and definitely nothing aquatic. A canine perhaps? Yes. With that in mind, he shifted gears, putting an old, thick blanket on the floor, and rumpling it up into a bit of a nest. There were a few sorts of canines he could look into. He thought about all the different creatures he had ever met, and which ones he got along with.
After a long time of thinking, and far too long fussing with the blanket on the floor, Banished finally settled on the idea of a muskwolf. He'd never met one, and they seemed loyal, but still independent and intelligent. He could train one, he was sure. There was room enough in his home for it, and him, and he could take it out with him. Yes, he decided he needed to look into a muskwolf.
Username: Lural
Preflist: Male Muskwolf, unedited breeding, salamander egg
This year said farewell to: a lot. I'm ready to say farewell to the year and forget it happened
Roleplay: Banished never really put any thought into how the season's changed, or those that came and went with them. But this year? This year was a little different. He hadn't realized it until he was eating breakfast, but... he was alone. Things were quiet, almost dead feeling. The quiet hadn't really bothered him before, but suddenly, he felt like he wanted to see someone. His mother, perhaps? Or perhaps he just needed a companion. Yes, that was it. He'd like a companion. Someone to break up the silence, and the... loneliness.
But not a partner. No, he didn't want someone who would insist on talking all the time. Perhaps a pet? Yes, that sounded like a good idea. Before he realized it, Banished was picking things up and putting away things that might be tempting to chew on. He was thinking about the sorts of animal he could bring in. It couldn't be something too small, and definitely nothing aquatic. A canine perhaps? Yes. With that in mind, he shifted gears, putting an old, thick blanket on the floor, and rumpling it up into a bit of a nest. There were a few sorts of canines he could look into. He thought about all the different creatures he had ever met, and which ones he got along with.
After a long time of thinking, and far too long fussing with the blanket on the floor, Banished finally settled on the idea of a muskwolf. He'd never met one, and they seemed loyal, but still independent and intelligent. He could train one, he was sure. There was room enough in his home for it, and him, and he could take it out with him. Yes, he decided he needed to look into a muskwolf.
word count: 332
- peanutbutter
- Legendary
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- Joined: Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:22 am
Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSES & ROLLS ON 1/5]
Farewell to...
Username: peanutbutter
Preflist: unedited breeding, salamander egg, unedited kin revamp
This year said farewell to: the year entirely and some health anxiety
Roleplay: n/a
Username: peanutbutter
Preflist: unedited breeding, salamander egg, unedited kin revamp
This year said farewell to: the year entirely and some health anxiety
Roleplay: n/a
word count: 27
- Zuki
- Patron
- Pebbles: 1,149.18
- Posts: 422
- Joined: Sun Oct 27, 2019 7:12 am
- Location: Tuesday.
Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSES & ROLLS ON 1/5]
word count: 4
- Zuki
- Patron
- Pebbles: 1,149.18
- Posts: 422
- Joined: Sun Oct 27, 2019 7:12 am
- Location: Tuesday.
Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSED! ROLLING UNDERWAY]
Rolling for the male muskie first, removed people without their RP requirements linked, and added a bonus ticket to everyone who RPed in this thread, or completed their male muskie requirements during this WM. If the person who is rolled has the muskie as a later pick, they will have a guaranteed prize: a chance at their earlier picks on the main raffle, and failing that, they will win the muskie.
- Lirilei (2nd pick)
- Astoria
- Astoria
- Astraea
- Fasti (3rd pick)
- Fasti (3rd pick)
- Illusei (3rd pick)
- Illusei (3rd pick)
- Gl!tch~
- Gl!tch~
- Scaramouche Fandango (2nd pick)
- Scaramouche Fandango (2nd pick)
- Lural
- Lural
- Dice rolls
- [13] = 13
1d14: [13] = 13
word count: 103
- Zuki
- Patron
- Pebbles: 1,149.18
- Posts: 422
- Joined: Sun Oct 27, 2019 7:12 am
- Location: Tuesday.
Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSED! ROLLING UNDERWAY]
Rolling the rest of the tokens now...Lural wrote: One boyo for Banished! To the certing thread with you! (Colorist is Blinded by Silence)
word count: 24
- Zuki
- Patron
- Pebbles: 1,149.18
- Posts: 422
- Joined: Sun Oct 27, 2019 7:12 am
- Location: Tuesday.
Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSED! ROLLING UNDERWAY]
- Lirilei (Unedited Breeding Token, Salamander Egg, Slime Puddle, Unedited Kin Revamp, Chibi Plush)
- Huni Pi (unedited kin revamp, unedited breeding token, slime puddle, salamander egg)
- Toshiful (unedited breeding token, unedited kin revamp, slime puddle, salamander egg)
- Baneful (Unedited Kin Revamp, Slime puddle, Salamander Egg, Unedited Breeding Token)
- Yuki (unedited breeding token, salamander egg, slime puddle, Unedited Kin Revamp)
- Doomsayer (unedited kin revamp, unedited breeding token, slime puddle, salamander egg)
- Wyrm (unedited breeding token, Unedited Kin Revamp, salamander egg, slime puddle, Chibi Plush)
- Kalahari (Unedited kin revamp, slime puddle, unedited breeding token, chibi plush)
- Astoria (unedited breeding token, unedited kin revamp, salamander egg, chibi plush, slime puddle)
- Astoria - RP Bonus Ticket
- Ryuukishin (Salamander Egg, Unedited Breeding Token, Slime Puddle, Unedited Kin Revamp, Chibi Plush)
- Starrydance (Unedited Kin Revamp, Unedited Breeding Token, Salamander Egg, Slime Puddle, Chibi Plush)
- Owlsomniac (unedited breeding token, unedited kin revamp, slime puddle, salamander egg)
- Owlsomniac - RP Bonus Ticket
- Astraea (unedited breeding, slime, salamander, revamp token, chibi plush)
- Fasti (unedited breeding token, Unedited Kin Revamp, salamander egg, slime puddle, Chibi Plush)
- Fasti - RP Bonus Ticket
- SkylerKarashi (unedited breeding token, unedited kin revamp, slime puddle, salamander egg)
- Illusei ( Unedited breeding token, unedited kin revamp, chibi token, slime puddle, salamander egg)
- Illusei - RP Bonus Ticket
- Tara de Draiocht (Unedited breeding token, Unedited Kin Revamp, salamander egg, slime puddle)
- FrostyPeaches (unedited breeding token , salamander egg , unedited kin revamp , slime puddle , chibi plush)
- Gl!tch~ (unedited breeding token, unedited kin revamp, slime puddle, salamander egg)
- subducting (salamander egg, slime puddle)
- Scaramouche Fandango (Unedited breeding token, salamander egg, slime puddle, unedited revamp, chibi plush)
- Scaramouche Fandango - RP Bonus Ticket
- peanutbutter (unedited breeding, salamander egg, unedited kin revamp)
- Dice rolls
- [5, 21, 23, 19, 11] = 79
5d27: [521231911] = 79
word count: 274
- Zuki
- Patron
- Pebbles: 1,149.18
- Posts: 422
- Joined: Sun Oct 27, 2019 7:12 am
- Location: Tuesday.
Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [CLOSED! ROLLING UNDERWAY]
Congrats all! I will be transferring the items ASAP.Winners! wrote:
- Yuki (Unedited Breeding)
- Tara de Draiocht (Unedited Kin Revamp)
- Gl!tch~ (Slime Puddle)
- Illusei (Chibi Plush)
- Ryuukishin (Salamander Egg)
word count: 89
- Ryuukishin
- Certist
- Pebbles: 4,653.20
- Posts: 3222
- Joined: Fri May 17, 2019 9:51 pm
- Avatar Art Credit: lg_lollipopgod
Kin Count
Kin Species
Balsam's End-Of-Year Clutter Clearout Frenzy! [PRIZES AWARDED, THANK YOU ALL FOR A WONDERFUL MARKET!]]
WAHHH thank you so much! Congrats, everyone!
word count: 7