Username: Ruriska
Pref List: 2, 3, 7, 1, 8, 9, 5, 6, 4
Kin Entering:

How Well Did You Do?: You certainly made yourself look like a bird, but no one can tell what kind.
(Optional)RP or Art Entry:
There was a real abundance of creatures at this winter market, most remarkably complacent and easy pickings for a quick snack. Slough had just found himself a meal when he accidentally wandered - still chewing - into a quieter area where a group of kin were covering themselves in feathers.
Apparently he stood there long enough that they presumed he was part of the group and judged him in their weird little competition. They told him he did indeed look like a bird. Whether that was because he already came pre-feathered or because nobody wanted to argue with someone splattered with blood, he didn't know.
The owls stared down at him at judgement and he stared back, eyes narrowed.
He’d win this staring contest too!