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Snailshell wants your help - OPEN
Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2024 8:37 pm
by Anhelisk
Participating kin:

Task: Spend a while with the pets, give them a way to burn off some energy.
Rolled result: 3 (+1 Ticket)
Preference list: Left, reroll
Previous roll links: N/A
Total tickets: 1
Gulp was the BEST at playing with pets. Simply nobody could match her enthusiasm when it came to tiring out the shuppies by the coast! However, the holes she dug didn't seem to be appreciated, and so she spent the rest of the time she had filling them back in.
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN
Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2024 8:38 pm
by Anhelisk
Participating kin:

Task: Go fishing, Snailshell would like a few large fish to feed the kin.
Rolled result: 2 (+4 Tickets)
Preference list: Left, reroll
Previous roll links:
Total tickets: 1+4 = 5
Small Game was nothing if not intent when it came to fishing. Several large catches later, he wandered towards the booth, and blinked surprisedly as he was congratulated. "C'n I kp n'v th'fssh?" he mumbled around a particularly large one, before dropping it. "Sorry. I meant-- can I keep one? I've been trying to lure my mom to the festival, and, well... she likes fish. I think it'd be a good way to go to get her here. The others are all good to share, though."
(For this flower win, could I possibly gift the flower to another user's kin, or another kin of mine? c:)
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN
Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2024 8:39 pm
by Anhelisk
Participating kin:

Task: Find some snacks for the pets. They'll eat anything pretty much.
Rolled result: 1 (+1 Ticket)
Preference list: Left, reroll
Previous roll links:
Total tickets: 1+4+1 = 6
After almost an hour of searching, Eternity settled on flipping a large rock nearby to provide a snack for the animals, unearthing... one earthworm, a millipede, and several isopods that immediately scuttled for cover.
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN
Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2024 9:18 pm
by Scaramouche Fandango
Participating kin:

Task: Find some snacks for the pets!
Rolled result: 6 - +2 tickets
Preference list: Spectral, regular
Previous roll links: First roll
Total tickets: 2
I Will Work Harder shared out lots of crunchy veggies. Even if the taste wasn't the most popular, everybody loves the crunch.
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN
Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2024 9:21 pm
by Scaramouche Fandango
Participating kin:

Task: Fishing
Rolled result: 2 - +4 tickets
Preference list: Spectral, regular
Previous roll links:
Total tickets: 6
"You need some fish? I got you." Before anybody could stop her, Fish barreled off in search of... fish.
And yeah, she found it. Was it flower-worthy? Absolutely. This was the nicest salmon she'd seen in AGES.
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN
Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2024 9:24 pm
by Scaramouche Fandango
Participating kin:

Task: Spending time with animals
Rolled result: 1 - 1
Preference list: Spectral, regular
Previous roll links:
Total tickets: 7
Pile of Secrets thought he was good with animals, but as it turns out... he's actually kind of bad at it! Wolves yes, bats yes,
his pets yes... but anything else? No bueno.
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN
Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2024 9:27 pm
by Scaramouche Fandango
sheepcakes wrote:
Fish won a flower! Sorrel can pick it for her, and could you put it on her horns somewhere?
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN
Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2024 9:53 pm
by sheepcakes
Anhelisk wrote: ↑Thu Nov 28, 2024 8:38 pm
Participating kin:

Task: Go fishing, Snailshell would like a few large fish to feed the kin.
Rolled result: 2 (+4 Tickets)
Preference list: Left, reroll
Previous roll links:
Total tickets: 1+4 = 5
Small Game was nothing if not intent when it came to fishing. Several large catches later, he wandered towards the booth, and blinked surprisedly as he was congratulated. "C'n I kp n'v th'fssh?" he mumbled around a particularly large one, before dropping it. "Sorry. I meant-- can I keep one? I've been trying to lure my mom to the festival, and, well... she likes fish. I think it'd be a good way to go to get her here. The others are all good to share, though."
(For this flower win, could I possibly gift the flower to another user's kin, or another kin of mine? c:)
Snailshell smiles at the pile of fish the buck brings her. "Of course you can keep one, you caught them after all. I hope your mother does join, and has a great time."
((Sure, just post the uncert of the kin getting it and give me 1 or 2 colors. I didnt make the roses dual colored, but I can try if you want rose.))
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN
Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2024 9:57 pm
by sheepcakes
Scaramouche Fandango wrote: ↑Thu Nov 28, 2024 9:27 pm
sheepcakes wrote:
Fish won a flower! Sorrel can pick it for her, and could you put it on her horns somewhere?
Absolutely! Do you have color prefs or cc it?
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN
Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2024 10:06 pm
by Scaramouche Fandango
sheepcakes wrote: ↑Thu Nov 28, 2024 9:57 pm
Scaramouche Fandango wrote: ↑Thu Nov 28, 2024 9:27 pm
sheepcakes wrote:
Fish won a flower! Sorrel can pick it for her, and could you put it on her horns somewhere?
Absolutely! Do you have color prefs or cc it?
CC, please! and here is her uncert:

Snailshell wants your help - OPEN
Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2024 1:32 am
by doomsayer
Participating kin:

Task: Find some snacks for the pets. They'll eat anything pretty much.
Rolled result: You did so-so, Snailshell doesn't seem displeased by the attempt.
Preference list: spectral, regular
Previous roll links: FIRST ROLL!!!
Total tickets: 1 ticket
Born To Lounge despises doing things for other kin, but if it's for these precious little pups, she can put in an effort. it's not going to be much of an effort unless they go home with her, but it's an effort.
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN
Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2024 1:38 am
by doomsayer
Participating kin:

Task: Go fishing, Snailshell would like a few large fish to feed the kin.
Rolled result: You didn't fail, exactly. But you wouldn't call it a win either.
Preference list: spectral, regular
Previous roll links:
A terrible showing.
Total tickets: 2 tickets
Born To Lounge has a small inlet going through her den where fish swim up for her to take them at her leisure--she's not exactly used to
fishing. It takes her a while to get some small fishes for the pups.
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN
Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2024 1:44 am
by doomsayer
Participating kin:

Task: Spend a while with the pets, give them a way to burn off some energy.
Rolled result:You didn't fail, exactly. But you wouldn't call it a win either.
Preference list: spectral,regular
Previous roll links:
Dainty and demure
Total tickets: 3 tickets
Born To Lounge plops herself onto a grassy spot and lets her own pets run around with the pups. She's
SO tired from all this menial labor!
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN
Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2024 4:28 am
by Fasti
day 2
Participating kin:

Task: 1. Find some snacks for the pets. They'll eat anything pretty much.
Rolled result: 0 tickets
Preference list: spectral, regular
Previous roll links:
2 tickets
Total tickets: 2
Moonlit Flower looked at the 2 little wolfs. Food.. she thought what could she bring them. Pondering to herself, she wandered through the woods, always looking for something to eat, but was so caught up in her thoughts that she was on her feet until the evening, but passed every source of food.
5. Snailshell tries her best to not look unhappy, but you really hecked this one up. (+0 ticket) (Sorrell will gift you a flower as a consolation prize)
Snailshell wants your help - OPEN
Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2024 3:23 am
by Fasti
Participating kin:

Task: Go fishing, Snailshell would like a few large fish to feed the kin.
Rolled result: +4 tickets
Preference list: spectral, regular
Previous roll links: its the post above this xP 2 tickets
Total tickets: 6
Icy Ice was sure he could handle the task of fishing. He had recently learned to swim and was very confident. When he reached the water, he ducked over the edge, being careful not to cast a shadow over the water so that the fish wouldn't be frightened. THERE! A fish swam past him. He didn't hesitate, jumped into the water and swirled the fish onto land with his snout. He quickly swam back, took his catch and proudly brought it to the wolves.
2. Spectacular! Amazing job! You really did fantastic here. (+4 tickets) (you also get a flower from Sorrel.)