Taste The Swamp

Groups of kin working on a similar goal.
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Taste The Swamp

Post by Lirilei »

Two friends with similar desires in life one day were lamenting to one another how so many in the swamp were "lacking" in knowledge of the tastes of the swamp be it through food, or drink. It came about quickly that the two should work together to enlighten the swamp on what they were missing as well as to recruit like minded kin. So, with glee Drink It Up and Bone Chewer decided that together they (along with others) would Taste The Swamp, and chronicle their findings.

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Taste The Swamp - Roles

Post by Lirilei »

Within Taste The Swamp are a few vital roles.

Collectors (Gathering) - These are the ones who spend their time scouring the surroundings the tribe is currently inhabiting in their wanderings, to find new items for the tasters to try. Anyone is able to be a collector.

Tasters - The ahem guinea pigs of the tribe. They try the new things the Collectors find, and describe tastes, any affects the food or drink might have, and its properties (slimy, gooey, tough, etc). They are especially interested in anything that alters their perception of reality, the more hallucinogenic, the better in their minds. Only adults can be tasters.

The Clear Minded - They still partake of various new food and drinks within the tribe (I mean they need food/water to survive after all), but they steer clear of anything mind altering, as they are the ones who will work to keep track of the various findings of the things the Tasters describe thus need theirs wits about them to be able to remember specific foods, effects, and even toxic things. Anyone can be a Clear Minded, they just have to have a strong memory.

Watchers (Healers/Nanny's) - Those who watch over anyone currently dealing with the effects of food/drink in any way to ensure nothing happens to them. They make sure those who are reacting to ingested food/drink do not end up injured or worse. They're also the tribes babysitters, watching the young who are not allowed to partake in the more mind altering findings the Collectors locate.  This is usually older kin, who are unable to go collecting, no longer wish to be Tasters, or are unsuited for being a Clear Minded.

Hunters - These are the brave kin (be it from food/drink induced bravery or simply how they are), that go hunting for new meats and such for the tribe to eat. Hunters can be anyone who are strong enough, and brave enough to hunt, and bring back the animals.

Preparers (Cooks) - Those who prepare the items brought back by the Collectors, to be consumed by either the Tasters, or the tribe as a whole. Adults are better suited for this role.

The Rooted - Those who only join the tribe in one specific location during the tribes wanderings, and stay behind when they move on. Traveling with, or staying behind they're still part of the tribe, but The Rooted get to promote the tribe where they are, and give directions (however vague) of where the tribe went for others to find and join. They also describe foods in the area to those who are unaware of them, as well as tend well loved items in case the tribe should wander that way again and wish to partake (or even send a runner for more). Anyone can be a Rooted

Honorary - Those who seek to help the tribe (and others) with specific things. Be it knowledge of foods that could be fatal, the best abundance of foods, etc. Similar to the Rooted, except it's more like advice from a friendly stranger. Anyone can be an Honorary member.

(Other roles may be added as their need arises)

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Taste The Swamp - Location

Post by Lirilei »

The tribe has no set location and are instead a nomadic tribe that collects members in their travels. It's hard to taste the entirety of the swamp if you're rooted in one area after all! So they wander as they feel, and not always in any way that makes any particular sense. Hard to have clear decisions made when your leaders are in some sort of altered state of mind most of the time after all!

Last edited by Lirilei on Fri May 31, 2019 1:34 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 78
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Taste The Swamp - News & Events

Post by Lirilei »

This is where information about tribe news/events will be posted!

4/20/19 - Taste The Swamp created

Old News -
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Taste The Swamp - Join Us

Post by Lirilei »

Does wandering the swamp with a food and drink-centric group of kin sound like your cup of tea? Then fill out the form below and let us know what role your kin would have within the tribe, everyone is welcome! There can be specialties within the tribe too. Those who specialize in tasting food will work closely with Bone Chewer, those who specialize in tasting drinks, will work closely with Drink It Up.  There can be specialties for each role, just let me know if your kin is a specialist (if not, they do anything that role would require not any one specific thing.)

Code: Select all

[size=160][color=green][b]I'm Ready To Taste The Swamp![/b][/color][/size]
Kin Name: name linked to OL page please!
Role within tribe and why: Collector/Taster/Clear Minded/Watcher/Hunter/Preparer/Rooted/Other  (if you select other, please describe what this new role is and why. I will contact you about any proposed new role to discuss!)
Specialty: If you feel your kin specializes in something let us know
About your kin: tell me a little about their personality!

Last edited by Lirilei on Sun Jul 05, 2020 5:53 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 191
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Taste The Swamp - Members

Post by Lirilei »

Collectors - Image | Image

Tasters - Food Specialist - Image*  | Image | Image¤ | Image | Image¤ |

Tasters - Drink Specialist - Image* | Image | Image | Image

Clear Minded - Image | Image¤

Watcher - Image |

Hunter - Image | Image | Image | Image | Image¤ |

Preparer - Image | Image

Rooted - Image |

Honorary - Image | Image | Image |

*Denotes Tribe Leaders
¤Denotes Child of one/both of the leaders

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Taste The Swamp - Affiliates

Post by Lirilei »

In their travels Taste The Swamp has made many ties with individual kin, and other tribes alike. They will be listed here.

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Taste The Swamp - Reserved

Post by Lirilei »

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Taste The Swamp - Reserved

Post by Lirilei »

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Taste The Swamp - Reserved

Post by Lirilei »

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Taste The Swamp - Reserved

Post by Lirilei »

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Taste The Swamp - Now Open!

Post by Lirilei »

Open for joining!
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Re: Taste The Swamp

Post by sheepcakes »

I'm Ready To Taste The Swamp!
Kin Name: Zesty Star
Role within tribe and why: Taster, also happy to collect, mainly he wants to eat the stars, and watches the night sky for any falling to the swamp. He'd be delighted to expand his tasting journey, however.
Specialty: He's able to get around decently well in the pitch of night.
About your kin: He's curious, and excited by life. He tries to be cautious, which has him yo-yoing back and forth between being overly cautious and forgetting caution all together. His journey to eat the stars has given him a desire to see every possible thing he can.

I'm Ready To Taste The Swamp!
Kin Name: Sorrel
Role within tribe and why: (honorary) Collector and Hunter, she hunts to help her mom's tribe, and collects things for another tribe already, as well as bits for her own gardens and just generally has a passion for plants and food.
Specialty: Sorrel has a garden in her part of the swamp, and knows the edible and toxic plants there well. She can point out what plants are good to eat, which ones are mind altering, which will make you sick, and which she suspects are lethal, based on observations of animals eating them as she hasn't yet tasted those ones herself. She even has a growing knowledge of what animals (mainly amphibians and insects) have mind altering properties or are toxic.
About your kin: Sorrel adores her family, which is absolutely massive. Even if you count only her own children, there's a lot of kin. She's fairly relaxed, sort of a dreamy quality about her. She loves her garden, and creating things, especially combinations of food. She is not opposed to partaking of mind altering substances, mushrooms being her particular favorites, but how she views it has changed a bit. She used to be fully carefree and do it just for the fun, but now she's been using the altered state of mind to try and commune with the MotherFather. She's got a bit of wanderlust, and will periodically leave her garden (being sure someone will take care of it) to go wandering the swamp in search of more plants, or even just a friend.

Sorry that Sorr has like, a whole novel in her's. I've had her for so long, she's got an enormous amount of back story and character development. And I've done very little with Zesty Star so far, so he's really just got a smol idea ready to take form.

Other mentions, kin who really aren't into tribe life but if the tribe ever crosses paths with them, they'd be willing to help.
Fish Bones weaves baskets and would be more than happy to give some to the tribe, or you can find one/more of his caches, all labeled "Take them" so kin know they are free to have.
Fish Bait lives near the sea and if the tribe ever finds their way there, she'd be happy to help them fish up ocean fish. So long as they don't mind that she uses herself as bait for bigger things. She's gotten very good at it, and has even managed, with help, to catch mediumish sharks. (like almost as long as a kio is nose to tail tip, not sure what counts for shark sizes) She also knows what tide creatures are good to eat, and which ones will make you sick. Though, you'll have to question her extensively there, as she counts mind altering as sick too. She does not enjoy those experiences.
Last edited by sheepcakes on Sat Jun 01, 2019 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 619
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Re: Taste The Swamp

Post by Lirilei »

sheepcakes wrote:@sheepcakes
I'm Ready To Taste The Swamp!
Kin Name: Zesty Star
Role within tribe and why: Taster, also happy to collect, mainly he wants to eat the stars, and watches the night sky for any falling to the swamp. He'd be delighted to expand his tasting journey, however.
Specialty: He's able to get around decently well in the pitch of night.
About your kin: He's curious, and excited by life. He tries to be cautious, which has him yo-yoing back and forth between being overly cautious and forgetting caution all together. His journey to eat the stars has given him a desire to see every possible thing he can.

I'm Ready To Taste The Swamp!
Kin Name: Sorrel
Role within tribe and why: (honorary) Collector and Hunter, she hunts to help her mom's tribe, and collects things for another tribe already, as well as bits for her own gardens and just generally has a passion for plants and food.
Specialty: Sorrel has a garden in her part of the swamp, and knows the edible and toxic plants there well. She can point out what plants are good to eat, which ones are mind altering, which will make you sick, and which she suspects are lethal, based on observations of animals eating them as she hasn't yet tasted those ones herself. She even has a growing knowledge of what animals (mainly amphibians and insects) have mind altering properties or are toxic.
About your kin: Sorrel adores her family, which is absolutely massive. Even if you count only her own children, there's a lot of kin. She's fairly relaxed, sort of a dreamy quality about her. She loves her garden, and creating things, especially combinations of food. She is not opposed to partaking of mind altering substances, mushrooms being her particular favorites, but how she views it has changed a bit. She used to be fully carefree and do it just for the fun, but now she's been using the altered state of mind to try and commune with the MotherFather. She's got a bit of wanderlust, and will periodically leave her garden (being sure someone will take care of it) to go wandering the swamp in search of more plants, or even just a friend.

Sorry that Sorr has like, a whole novel in her's. I've had her for so long, she's got an enormous amount of back story and character development. And I've done very little with Zesty Star so far, so he's really just got a smol idea ready to take form.

Other mentions, kin who really aren't into tribe life but if the tribe ever crosses paths with them, they'd be willing to help.
Fish Bones weaves baskets and would be more than happy to give some to the tribe, or you can find one/more of his caches, all labeled "Take them" so kin know they are free to have.
Fish Bait lives near the sea and if the tribe ever finds their way there, she'd be happy to help them fish up ocean fish. So long as they don't mind that she uses herself as bait for bigger things. She's gotten very good at it, and has even managed, with help, to catch mediumish sharks. (like almost as long as a kio is nose to tail tip, not sure what counts for shark sizes) She also knows what tide creatures are good to eat, and which ones will make you sick. Though, you'll have to question her extensively there, as she counts mind altering as sick too. She does not enjoy those experiences.

Welcome to the tribe! I listed Sorrel, Fish Bones, and Fish Bait under honorary, and Zesty Star under collector/taster!
word count: 642
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Re: Taste The Swamp

Post by Eevee »

I'm Ready To Taste The Swamp!
Kin Name: Stagnant Water
Role within tribe and why: Taster because he loves tasting various things to see how they taste alone and with other things.
Specialty: He's constantly drinking various kinds of water, no matter how fresh because he loves tasting the differences in water in different locations as well as sampling the various plants around the water.
About your kin: He is a risk taker and will taste various different things,  even if it looks like it's more than not consumable. He loves the thrill of figuring out how most anything tastes but especially how different pools of water taste as well as the surrounding things.
word count: 117
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