BLACK PASSAGE COLORIST blue OBTAINED mist-shrouded obelisk meta PERSONALITY A hole yawns before him, stretching deep into the earth. He cannot see the end of it as it sleeps in darkness. A light breeze, barely felt along his skin, wafts out of it, smelling faintly of water and salt. It is almost like a breath. If he listens closely, he can hear it whisper to him, telling him to come forward, come closer, beckoning him in. It is made for him. This is his. He is selfish, unafraid, and a bit pushy. He doesn't really respect boundaries and so has as many enemies as friends. LOOKING FOR Open to breedings with either gender.
Last edited by phoe on Sun Oct 23, 2022 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 115
GOLDENLEAVES COLORIST blue OBTAINED patreon: entoma PERSONALITY Solitary, earthy, a bit witchy. Always has a warm, herbal and woodsy smell about her. Mothering and kind, but can be vengeful if crossed. LOOKING FOR Open to breedings with either gender.
Last edited by phoe on Mon Nov 14, 2022 8:38 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 39
THREE FACES COLORIST starrydance OBTAINED winter market fancybox 2021 PERSONALITY Nobody really knows who he is. He can be whoever you need him to be. He doesn't show his true self to anyone. LOOKING FOR Open to breedings with either gender.
COLDDRAKE COLORIST blue OBTAINED premade PERSONALITY Slow to rouse and slow to anger, then sharp and biting like the harshest ice. Calculating and intelligent with a thread of something sly and dangerous in her voice. LOOKING FOR Open to breedings with either gender.
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GHOST FOREST COLORIST blue OBTAINED patreon: elkimeti PERSONALITY Slips through the trees unseen and unheard. Serious, cutthroat, a dirty fighter. Knows the hidden trails through the deepest parts of the swamp and will lead you if you ask him. Doesn't speak much, with a hard expression and a lean, scarred frame. Not particularly friendly, but civil enough. LOOKING FOR Open to breedings with either gender.
SPRING ONION COLORIST phoe & blue OBTAINED breeding PERSONALITY She appears somewhat superficial and is prone to the occasional social blunder. Loud and a bit saucy. She also loves puzzles and mysteries and is decently good at sniffing out the culprit. LOOKING FOR Open to breedings with either gender.
SPRING ONION COLORIST blue OBTAINED winter market boxpile 2022 PERSONALITY Smiling and pleasant but a dangerous hunter. Mostly keeps to himself but is capable of a shocking turn of violence. LOOKING FOR Open to breedings with either gender.
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