[imgleft]http://matope.pixel-blueberry.com/image ... t_kinu.gif[/imgleft] The swamp water rippled out from each step as the ghostly male tread through the sun dappled swamp. He was hard to miss as his white pelt struck boldly against the natural landscape that surrounded him. He seemed to understand this fact quite well and was ever alert for caiman and other predators who might be grateful for a meal that was exceptionally easy to see. He paused now and again, ears perked, body rigid, as he tilted his nose upwards to sample the air. Still nothing. He was grateful to be getting closer to land finally, he was tired of having soggy legs. Snuffing the water at his hooves he continued onward, his eyes on the prize which was a sunny patch of land rising out of the muck. It was harder than usual as the sun tended to beat down upon this area far more unmercifully than most places, dry land was a treasure in these parts. Mist was tired of mud and muck. He could never stay very clean as it was.
As hoof hit the hard earth he shook himself free of the deep swamps hold and blinked his yellow eyes lazily at the shady tree which greeted him. He was so incredibly bored. Having the misfortune of being born mute wasn't so bad unless you actually enjoyed company and conversation, which he did, he tried his best to make friends and to join groups but things just never seemed to work out. He usually ended up alone again as very few had the patience for a Buck who said nothing. Flopping himself down in the shade he shook his head, rubbing his neck against the tree bark and sighing at the pleasure of such a simple act. He took nothing, and no-one, for granted. Maybe he should just find himself a pet. At least it would assuage some of the loneliness.
Web huffed as the sounds of the filly laughing at him died away to the sounds of the swmp. His stories were NOT ridiculous or impossible. What was so hard to believe about places like the swamp, but with no water, or like the mountains and desert had merged, but never had snow, and was even temperature? Of course, asking a child to imagine these things was pointless. She probably didn't even know a single acha, or totoma or anything! Web snorted in irritation. He truly did need someone to tell his stories to.
The yellow buck walked along the shallows of water, sometimes on roots and rocks, other times up to his ankles in water as he headed towards a dry patch he'd heard of from the filly. As he approached the area where she had indicated, Web paused when he saw something very white shaking water from it's pelt. Was that... a buck?
Rolling Mist gave a dull yawn and rubbed his shoulders against the tree trunk, gazing upwards into the branches and watching tiny birds hop from point to point. Their chirps rang sweetly in the air and he smiled wistfully at them from below. He thought about flying, the freedom of it. Wouldn't it be great if Kimeti could fly as well? Though he supposed such things were considered mad by common standards. Still, he couldn't help but dream. It was his very nature. The sound of the wind rustling the leaves brought him back to earth and he gazed out across the swamp.
It was so peaceful here. Not a threat in sight, no din of aimless chatter about which trees were looking sick or who was eaten by a caiman yesterday. He enjoyed conversation but his tastes ran differently than most. He couldn't stomach small talk really, instead he preferred ideas, passions, and fanciful tales. It wasn't often he met a Kin who could drag themselves from the mire of everyday gossip and present him with a tale worth hearing. Then again, he didn't make the acquaintance of many other Kin in general. A burst of yellow caught his eye and his gaze quickly snapped to take in the approaching form. A Buck? Getting quickly to his hooves, uncertain as to the newcomers intentions, he watched carefully and waited. If need be he'd run. Mist wasn't a violent creature but he was impressively quick on his feet and had no qualms about choosing flight over fight.
Lural wrote:"Oh for the love of fireflies." Web saw his posture. "Do I look like I could hurt you?" Well, that wasn't a fair question, as images of the doe in his dream tried to crowd his mind. "That is... I'm not looking for a fight, I've no energy for it. Being laughed at and told you're silly by a child takes the wind from your mane quite rapidly." He snorted. "Kids these days, honestly. You would think they never dreamed beyond their naming dream. Is it so hard to imagine that there is more to the world then the swamp? I mean really?" Oh boy, Web had gotten started. "You've met a Kiokote or an Acha... or even a Zikwa, right? Someone who has lived beyond this lovely swamp and spoken of lands beyond, right?" He had walked closer to the buck, around the small island above water and plopped himself down on the hard packed, sun dried earth and looked at the buck expectantly.
The white buck seemed hesitant at first to allow him any closer and yet the way this other Kimeti talked kept him from bolting outright. He found himself nodding in agreement when he mentioned how close minded many young kin were and as the other buck approached, and eventually settled down in front of him, Mist lowered himself back down to the ground. Was this.. was this buck talking to him? His eyes sort of widened in surprise but he didn't mind one bit. What a curious happenstance. He hardly expected to run into anyone willing to have a conversation way out here in the middle of the swamp. And without any prompting! Maybe his luck was turning after all.
His mouth fell open a little as he continued nodding in response to the males query and he had to snap it shut once he realized. He had indeed met some Kin from others lands in his travels, always in passing, but he knew they were from places quite different than the swamp. His ears perked a little, tail swishing up to fall around his body as he lay. The bright hued male before him was intriguing and seemed to have a strong presence which kept Mist quite entertained. Where had he come from? He'd been laughed at? How very rude indeed. No wonder he was miffed. Mist hated to be laughed at so he understood the other Kins frustration. There was no call for one to be rude to another and most of the time, if he could have, he would have happily given those lacking manners a piece of his mind. Or at least a decent telling off.
Lural wrote:Web's tail lashed against the ground a couple times. He stared at the pale buck. Well, he wasn't laughing at him; that was a good sign. "So you have at least heard of other places beyond the swamp. Oh, what I wouldn't give to go somewhere else..." He sighed, then seemed to realize something. "If I'm bothering you, I apologize." He just needed to vent... he wanted to tell stories, wanted to learn more stories, but no one ever seemed interested.
Rolling Mist nodded again, showing he'd certainly heard of other places. He had heard of many places from many Kin in fact. There was also a draw within him to explore these places, to see them for himself as well. And as the male before him sighed with longing Rolling Mists head nodded vigorously. He felt the same! How he longed for windswept icy peaks, for vast lakes filled with fish as silver as the stars, for emerald valleys covered in the most succulent grasses, caves so large they swallowed you whole, and lands beyond even his ability to imagine though he could dream up some fantastic places indeed.
He shook his head and have a humored snort, hardly. There was no way the brightly hued male could bother him, unless he began to tease him once he figured out his impairment. Sadly this wasn't an uncommon occurrence for Mist. As introductions rolled around he tensed up slightly, this was it. The male would either keep talking, which he hoped was the case, or he'd realize Mist was a mute and decide he didn't want to waste his time. Tangled Web. Mist inclined his head low in greeting and struck one hoof out in the dirt, giving the earth a little tap he cocked his head and scuffed it enough to draw the symbols that made up his name. Rolling Mist. Hopefully Tangled could read basic symbols, though if not he didn't really mind.
Lural wrote:For a moment, Web was becoming concerned. The buck wasn't saying anything, and he really... wasn't sure why. He stared at the buck for a moment, then he began pawing at the ground. Web looked curiously at what he was doing, then saw what it was. "Oh!" He craned his neck to look. "Rolling... water? No wait." He got up and moved so he could look at it right side up. "Mist? Rolling Mist?" He looked back at the buck for confirmation on his name. "I take it you can't speak then?" This was terrible! How could they share stories if the other male couldn't talk?
Rolling Mist watched to see how he would take the symbols. His ears flatten and he cringed a little as he said Rolling Water but his features brightened again quickly in good humor, close. As Web got up and finally read his name out loud he nodded happily and crossed out his name in the dirt. At the mention of his impairment he grimaced a little and nodded grudgingly. Unfortunately, yes. Mute. He opened his mouth and nothing came out so he stuck his tongue out instead for a minute before shaking his head. He couldn't talk. But he could certainly listen. Seeing the concern on his new companions face he smiled to try and assure him it wouldn't be too much of a hindrance.
Thinking for a moment, his yellow eyes searching the ground, he perked up. Pointing a hoof at Web he opened his mouth and mimicked talking, then he tucked his chin to his own chest to signal himself and perked one ear to show he was listening. Lifting his gaze back to Web he seemed worried Web would just end their interaction abruptly. He wanted to hear stories. He truly did. He wondered if Web actually had some good ones to tell. He seemed as if he had a few, at least from his entrance anyway. Or at least stories imaginative enough to gain him scorn from the younger generation. And stories with enough imagination to ruffle the feathers of those who stopped dreaming after birth was fine by him.
Lural wrote:"What?" He looked at the buck. You... OH! You want me to... keep talking? Does this mean you want to hear stories then?" That got him so excited that he didn't wait for a response. "You know, I was a king." He then bit his lip a little. "Well, sort of. It's complicated." How to start. "See, there was this doe who was, I guess, the queen of this... dream world. But she was trapped and couldn't leave or something, and I guess... I was her knight, because when she was freed, I inherited her kingdom."
Rolling Mist nodded enthusiastically once he'd got the hint. Yes! Stories! He was exceptionally interested to hear what this Web fellow might have to share. His ears perked as the other buck began to weave his tale and he settled against the tree comfortably though his expression was ever in a state of wonderment.
As Web seemed to pause Rolling Mist tapped a hoof once on the ground in encouragement. Telling him to keep going. This story sounded quite fantastic. A knight? A queen of the sky? This was Mists kind of tale already. He smiled and his eyes suggested intrigue. What would it be like to have a kingdom of ones very own? The ghostly male could hardly fathom it.
Last edited by Kinu on Sat Aug 10, 2019 7:33 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 122
Lural wrote:"Well then! First I must apologize that I do not know any real details surrounding the former queen of the land. I met her but once and she had me sing her a lullaby. Her sleeping was what, I assume, took her from the kingdom. But that's beside the point. The main point is, there was so much to that kingdom... no, that LAND." He was sure it existed. My favorite place was called a forest. It was much like the swamp, only the ground was not covered in water. It was filled with grasses and shrubs. Sure there were streams and rivers to bring water through the trees, but it was just... There was just something about it. There were more butterflies there then stars in the sky..." Ah, the stars. That was something else he missed. All the familiar constellations he'd learned in the dream land... were not in the sky above the swamp. Thinking of this, he got a bit of a far away look in his eyes.
Last edited by Kinu on Sat Aug 10, 2019 7:32 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 175
The ghostly buck listened in complete wonderment as he recounted his dream. He desperately wanted to know what lullaby Web has sung the queen to make her sleep. Was it one he knew? A familiar Matope lullaby? Or one as strange and exotic as his dream had been? A forest? At the mention of this Mist got a curious look on his face, he had certainly never heard of such a thing before but as Web began to explain it his eyes widened and his mouth opened a bit in shock and delight. How marvelous it sounded! He could hardly contain his interest. He wanted to know everything there was to know about this.. forest.
The thought of butterflies flittering about in groups more vast than he could ever hope to count made him sigh happily but he snapped out of it when he noticed Webs face. A look of concern crossing his features he nosed a stone over to Web and cocked his head quizzically. As if wondering after his sudden departure from the here and now.
Last edited by Kinu on Sat Aug 10, 2019 7:32 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 178
Lural wrote:The stone moving caught Web's attention and he stared at it a moment, then blinked and looked at Mist. "Sorry. I lived for what seemed a lifetime in this world... Thinking about the stars made me think of the nights I spent traveling about with my friends. The constellations in my kingdom are far different then the ones we know. I could always find my way if I knew where the brightest star in the winding vine was." At this, he idly drew his hoof through the dirt, making a strange picture, and marking a dot on it. It was the constellation of his dream kingdom, the winding vine.
Last edited by Kinu on Sat Aug 10, 2019 7:32 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 112
Mist's expression was understanding as the other male recounted his time, his voice tinged with an evident ache, for the adventures he had once been a part of and the companionship of fellow travelers, friends, who Mist assumed were not around. The white male looked skyward as he explained what the constellation looked like but even though he hoped to see it, he knew he wouldn't.
Looking back down he noticed the movement of Webs hoof and leaned forward as far as he could, his muscles straining in order to give him a good look. It was an unfamiliar set of stars indeed and Mist wracked his brain to try and remember where he had seen something even similar before. The only place he could think that had strange constellations was the nightmare he'd had recently with that terrible black stone rising towards the heavens. Even the thought of it made him shudder and he did so outwardly before settling back down so Web could continue his story if he so desired. Giving the other an encouraging nod and a comforting smile of reassurance.
Last edited by Kinu on Sat Aug 10, 2019 7:31 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 187