↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

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Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Post by Toshiful »


An abstract artist, restless, impatient, brooding. He feels that other Totoma don't think enough.
He got his name from a demonstration, where he showed a seemingly weak and pliable material will withstand great amounts of force, while a strong, unyielding material will break.

It was, to his bitter disappointment, considered a very practical lesson.
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Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Post by Toshiful »

sudden drop

info: A delicate totoma who enjoys peace and beautiful vistas. Loves flowers and walks in the shade. Enjoys the silence of snowfall. Likes singing.

scaling new heights
info: Brave and determined.
name: The totoma had always been sensitive. The sun was too bright, the rocks too hard, the wind too loud. It did not help that his horns were small, and his fur was soft. He was inclined towards gentler activities.

The other totoma were surprised he volunteered to undertake the long journey to the Swamp. As they traveled, everyone saw how different the new terrain was from the mountains.

One day, while the group was gathering food and branches for shelter in the warmer climates, the Totoma stood stock still. He threw his carefully-collected bundle of edible plants and branches to the ground, and stomped them into useless pieces. Then he turned to the totomas next to him, commanding "Drop it," and quickly did the same thing to their supplies.

There, in the broken collection of foliage, was the bruised body of an adder. He alone had heard the hissing and slide of scales.
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Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Post by Toshiful »


info: Invasive, she likes to observe. Has a tendency to follow kin without their knowledge. A stilted conversationalist, smiles too often to be friendly. The eldest, she is a natural assistant for both her father and siblings.

info: Something's not quite right about it.
wrote: Gallery
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Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Post by Toshiful »

deep end

Walking across ice is always risky.

A crack across the surface has spelled death for many totoma. When she disappeared under the surface, they gave her up for lost. Only if she could swim to the shallow bank, where the ice was thinner, would she have a chance. And not many totoma were strong enough swimmers.

They waited anyway on the shore, watching the ice for movement.

One of them, a scout, suddenly spotted movement elsewhere. In the heart of the pool, where the ice was thickest.

She struggled out of the Deep End.
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Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Post by Toshiful »

keep safe

info: Relentlessly calm, a stoic who acts as an emotional rock for anyone who leans on him. He is never seen without his twin, and his affection for her is unsurpassed.
twin: stay together

moon division
info: Helpful, a healer and guide.
A rockslide trapped a scouting party in an uncharted cave, with no light and the way back blocked. It was the youngest members who were able to remain calm and keep their heads together. They decided to follow the smell of fresh air to find another opening.

The male Totoma took the head of the group, to feel for pitfalls and clear a safe path for those that followed.

The female Totoma took the flank, making sure nobody fell behind or got scattered in the pitch black.

They got out of the cave without losing a Totoma. Their reliance and trust in each other was what had kept them so calm. Their words of encouragement in the dark earned the twins their Names.
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Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Post by Toshiful »

no exit

A haunted individual who beckons other kin to follow her, but it is never a good idea. Friend or enemy may find themselves lost.

twists and turns
info: An intelligent creature whose respect is hard-earned.

Since she was a lamb, the Totoma always had been interested in terrain. She was an unreliable companion, leaving and reappearing sporadically. She grew up exploring the mountain canyons and ice cave systems.

As an adult, she was often put on scouting duty, and wandered off for days at a time. On one occasion, while walking with a group through dangerous terrain, they realized they were being stalked by a pack of predators. As usual, she withdrew from the group. Alone and faking a limp, she turned into one of the nearby caves, and lead the predators deeper and deeper into the labyrinthine twists of the rock.

When she emerged, it was alone.
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Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Post by Toshiful »


Once a passionate speaker, now a bitter and blooded shadow of his former self.
He, along with his ideas, had been buried.
They had weighed him down and watched him sink under the mud, and although he should have been unconscious from the berries (or at least the violence), he opened one swollen eye and stared them down until the bog swallowed him up.
They had congratulated each other.
They had gone back to business as usual.
And later, when they heard the squelch of mud, he was the last thing they had expected.
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Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Post by Toshiful »


A mysterious totoma with a heavy burden.
Always formal, always polite.
No one was sure where she'd come from.
She had followed the tribe a while from a distance, but was never threatening. Slowly, she fell into their patterns. Helped with gathering, preparing, care taking, scouting. She did not fight. She was silent when she moved.
At the height of the harvest when food was plenty, she broke off from the tribe. Alone, she hunted and gathered for days. She prepared. Then, finally, in the seclusion of the woods, set out a meal, as if for a large gathering.
Nobody could make sense of the odd event.
When the tribe was killed later that winter by a bad patch of blizzards, she was not there. Still, nobody connected meal with the misfortune. At first.
She prepared many meals with no attendants.
Sometimes there would be enough places for an entire tribe, sometimes for only one kin. Whether she was a catalyst, or an ill-omen, or if the catastrophes really were unrelated, it was hard to say.
But whispers started.
And no matter how polite, or how formal, the kin who met her came to dread her Banquets.
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Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Post by Toshiful »

final act

info: A nimble entertainer, she loves a good show, but especially if it's a tragedy. She is always looking for that one, big, enduring act that no one will ever forget.

info: A parasite that, for a brief and enchanting moment, looks like an ethereal pair of attached wings.
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Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Post by Toshiful »

shorter days

info: A heart filled with yearning, she is a searcher and a wanderer. She lives in the coastal regions, and spends many nights watching the clear and open sky for meteor showers.

I found you
info: ♀ A cuddly and always attached companion.
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Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Post by Toshiful »


info: Kind and incredibly gullible, he is several sizes too large for a kio. A quiet soul, he prefers to spend his time with familiars. He is very close to nature, and gentle even towards the smallest creature. He finds peace in the hot summer buzz of insects and the rustle of trees in the breeze.

info: A soft friend that sleeps near Remedy in the heat of the day, and dances between the stars at night.
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Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Post by Toshiful »

winding path

info: A grizzled kin with an old soul, he smells like pine and frost. A navigator with an uncanny sense of direction, he often uses the stars. If he finds a lost kin, physically or otherwise, he does his best to set them down the right path.

a little lost
info: cuddly, clownish, useful, a good hunter.
wrote:RP LOG
Find the Way
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Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Post by Toshiful »


info: Mostly sugar with just a pinch of murder. She loves you, loves you, LOVES YOU! Yummy!
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Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Post by Toshiful »

last hour

info: A lurking predator that lives for the fight. Keeps her hooves sharp and her teeth sharper. She is aggressive and difficult to get to know, and not the best for socializing or casual encounters.
As their numbers dwindled, they started to discuss their options. But with their tribe, there was only one. They held their position, and they were going to hold until the last creature fell.

They had sent familiars asking for help, any help, but they couldn't be sure if anything had gotten through.

When she showed up, it wasn't out of a desire to help. She just liked to fight. She wasn't the reinforcements they expected. It was almost too late.

But when the dust cleared, it wasn't them who were down to the last creature.
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Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Post by Toshiful »


info: A physician like her father, with all of his curiosity but none of his calm and kind nature. Her experiments are extreme and probably count as sins against most available swamp deities. Still, she is friendly and clingy, eager to show off or involve you in her latest attempt at progress. Very family-oriented. Blood is thicker than water! (Depending on the dilution.)

stab of hunger
info: ♀ A big furnace with no sense of personal boundaries who is just as needy as their master, if not quite so thoroughly...invasive.
Last edited by Toshiful on Thu Dec 15, 2022 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 92
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