Everything Grows (Cert) (Kindex)
Sustained use of mushrooms and fermented fruit has left him more than a little addled. He's amicable enough, though. Just wants to hang out, meet new friends, and maybe share in what he's got.
Seeking Peace (Cert) (Kindex)
Prideful, strong, and unimaginably grumpy.
"She was strong- Fastest in her tribe and a member of the council. Her hunting skills were unrivaled and all who met her respected or feared her. Until an accident left her with a broken leg. A broken leg that never healed correctly. Instantly lamed, Seeking was slowed and weak. She hated having to depend on the others, of being looked down upon, and eventually she was deemed unfit to rule on the council. Being cast down and replaced in the only position of strength she had left Seeking Peace started to form ideas of leaving the tribe and being a free doe.
But where would she go?
How would she survive?
That's when the Ache started. Every night when she went to sleep she had dreams of a place where she could live in quiet, with readily available reeds and roots and bugs to eat. Food that in her dreams promised to taste sweeter than the grasses of the plains she had resigned herself to. So one night she did something she hadn't thought she'd ever do again: She ran.
She ran. She stumbled. She made her way to peace."
Bleeding Fruit (Cert) (Kindex)
Soft and deeply personable. She doesn't really go out of her way to make friends, but when she happens upon them she's happy to listen and become a shoulder to lean on. She can be kind of a bleeding heart(har har) and hates to see other kin go without shelter or food. Especially when she can do something about it. She's the type to give her meal away even if it's the first one she herself has had in many days.
Let Me Fall (Cert) (Kindex)
Highly flexible with a love of soaring to new heights; both literally and figuratively. In her younger years she had her eyes on being a star performer and outshining all others, and was happy to quietly take her time. With Thunder at her side as her more vocal co-conspirator; both have started to mellow to a deeper happiness with their lives.
Stranger Danger (Cert) (Kindex)
High anxiety makes him either incredibly snappish or equally quiet. It takes time to meet the nicer, more pleasant, parts of Stranger.
Completely agoraphobic. Will not leave his home in the trunk of a fallen ancient tree and will DEFINITELY not go anywhere near large open spaces.
Suddenly Gone (Cert) (Kindex)
Hyper vigilant. She hates standing in one place for very long. Instead she prefers to do all of her talking and eating while moving if possible.
Current RP log :
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Last edited by LOLLI qAq on Tue Jun 27, 2023 3:01 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 35
Ash of Life (Cert) (Kindex)
Ash of Life wants to help you. Let him help you.
But better yet; don't. Even though he wants nothing more than to be seen as someone's, anyone's, hero ... He's just not cut out for it. He's too nervous and over analyzes every single situation until it's either resolved itself or everyone is dead. Will he ever get out of this slump and grow into the big, strong, kin he knows he can be? Time will tell.
Gifts Unexpected (Cert) (Kindex)
Gifts is that next door neighbor that brings over food because they had extra and just likes to share. That friend that sees something you'd like and gets it because they know it'll make you happy.
Bright Idea (Cert) (Kindex)
Vibrant and curious- Easily excited by things. She sees the best in everyone and every situation. Likes to think of herself of an inventor and problem solver.
Lotus Eater (Cert) (Kindex)
Mostly nocturnal; splits her time between being in a mushroom induced sleep or finding easy marks bucks to spend some quality time with. A man-eater and opportunist.
What the Water Gave Me (Cert) (Kindex)
Fluid and mostly harmless. Every once in awhile, however, the winds will blow wrong or someone will say just the wrong thing and she becomes like the heaviest and hardest of waters. Taking down and drowning everything in her path like a flood.