[B] Loner x The Killing Moon [fin]

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[B] Loner x The Killing Moon [fin]

Post by Lirilei »

(copying over the already done posts from gaia to this first post for ease...)

Loner as a rule was a loner. Oh sure there was a couple other kiokote she considered to be like family but even those interactions were far and few between, and as limited in time as possible. It was just her nature. But I Will Work Harder was a kin she was immediately intrigued by. Wanted to get to know better, and helped her to see that being a loner wasn't the only way to go through life. He spoke highly and often of his family and it made something in her change enough that she found herself sort of liking what she was hearing.

Finding out she was expecting after their time together was something else to wrap her mind around and she find herself hoping they were less loners like her, and more family oriented like he was. They deserved that much was her reasoning. She was also worried she wouldn't do right by them, she'd never been very family oriented after all.

And it was with this worry on her mind she found herself wandering lost in thought, worries churning in her mind.
Ruriska wrote:The world around Loner came alive with sound. Barks and growls, howls and whines. It grew closer and closer until the pack spilled out in front of the Kiokote, surrounding her, tongue lolling and teeth bared.

Two wolves with wild eyes that looked ready to bite, two spectral hounds that barely seemed to touch the ground and two Eaglehounds, one with eyes that glowed.

It stepped forward, too much intelligence in its gaze and stared down Loner. Run or fight, it seemed to ask.
Lirilei wrote: The sudden sounds around her was a sharp pull from the thoughts she'd been mulling over and instead forced her to focus on what was right in front of her.

She'd never seen such a pack before and it was a bit startling especially the eaglehound that was staring at her, challenging her, and she lifted her chin slightly, hoof stamping at the ground in a challenge. She wouldn't go down without a fight, to protect the young she carried.
Ruriska wrote: The Eaglehound accepted the challenge and looked ready to pounce, muscles tensed and teeth bared in a snarl. Lithe furry bodies swarmed around, blocking her escape from the back and sides. If she wanted to live, she would have to go through them. It would be a fight to the death.

And then suddenly, it wasn’t.

The pack dissipated without warning, slipping away into the undergrowth, leaving the glowing-eyed Eaglehound behind. He continued to stare, waiting, expectant.
Last edited by Lirilei on Tue Jun 04, 2019 11:20 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 455
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Re: [B] Loner x The Killing Moon

Post by Lirilei »

She was standing her ground, aware she was surrounded and yet unwilling to simply give up. Loner was used to fending for herself though she knew now was extremely different. Still she couldn't just give up, she'd do everything in her power to protect the life she carried, to keep it safe.

The sudden silence was jarring and eerie, and she looked around a moment in surprise before her head swiveled back to the Eaglehound, the glowing eyes seeming to bore into her a moment. It was the eyes that finally clued her in though it took her an embarrassingly long few moments to comprehend. This was what she was searching for, someone touched by the MotherFather and she dipped her head in reverence, and there soft words from her.

"It took me a moment longer than it should have to realize this was a test..." and she sounded embarrassed by this face. "I hope that the life I carry will be smarter than their mother, and notice things faster than I."

word count: 175
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Re: [B] Loner x The Killing Moon

Post by Ruriska »

“Well done,” said the stag, standing where the Eaglehound had been just a second before.

There was no shame in taking a long time to realize who and what he was, rather he was impressed in her instinct to live and fight for her unborn children. It was that spark, that determination, that he had been looking for.

The Killing Moon chuckled at her request. “No, may they be as bold and strong as their mother, ready to defend themselves and others.” He considered her for a second longer and then added, “and clever enough to know when not to fight.”

The stag gave her one last smile. “Farewell.”

Then he was gone, away on four paws.

(@Lirilei I'm not sure if you get auto notifications for your threads or not haha)
word count: 133
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