The night stirs with restless whispers,
As clouds gather overhead.
It starts off almost gently,
But quickly the sky darkens, full of intense promise.
Suddenly the night shatters with a boom!
Light streaks across the black like angry raking fingers.
The wind shrieks its malcontent,
Chasing small and large alike to warmer havens.
It falls in fat drops, glistening more precious than silver.
The ground drinks it down in hungry gulps,
The cacti sigh in rigid relief
As streams cut into the sand and run their way.
Tiny frogs join in the chorus,
Their throats working in joyous double-time.
Somewhere in the distance a coyote howls,
His notes sonorous and free.
Slowly the world quietens.
The sky has spent its burden,
And the wind has tuckered itself out.
The sun begins to rise gently through the clouds.
A bird chirps tentatively and streaks across the sky,
Signaling the beginning of a new day.
The rainsong has ended.