Kin Name: What Lies Beneath
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When stories of monsters are told, they are usually big and scary and full of fangs and leathery wings, dripping blood and eating little foals who wander too far from home. Or they are slithering and hissing in dark shadows with beady, glowing, red eyes that draw an unsuspecting doe or buck in to swallow them whole.
Sometimes, however, monsters aren’t what they’re expected to be.
Sometimes they might be charming. They might tell good stories and make those around them laugh. Sometimes they have very nice smiles and beautiful eyes that draw a kin in while promising sweet things with a voice like warm honey. After all, no one expects a monster to be handsome or good at listening. No one expects them to be gracious or humble, or even kind.
But this is exactly what a monster ought to be. That is what makes a monster good at being what it is. A monster that has been found out is shunned, or as the stories might suggest -- soon to be dead.
What Lies Beneath does not plan on ever being either of those things -- and so he is very good at being a monster.
He smiles, flirts, charms, and teases his way into their circles of trust. Sometimes he even genuinely admires them a little -- and these ones he always leaves alone. Others, however, get under his skin and that just won’t do. The greedy, the liars, the weak and the vicious (well, he can’t have competition now, can he?) -- these are all fair game. Oh, and what a game it is…
There is nothing more fine, in his opinion, than the initial phase. Stalking them like the prey they are as they go about their daily lives and he discovers just what kind of mask he might need to woo them. Buck or doe, it doesn’t matter.
Like this one.
A fine young buck…. lithe and beautiful, and even charming. He has a cute tail and a sleek little pair of horns -- but his mouth is quite foul, indeed. Spewing anger and insults, brash words at every opportunity. So rude. So very rude for one so good-looking. A perfect target.
Lies Beneath waits and watches until the moment is right, approaching with a smile and a limp as if hurt. Yes… the gleam in the buck’s eyes when he realizes how he might show off his prowess by helping is too perfect. Lies Beneath could almost laugh. Of course he doesn’t. He allows the other to walk him “home”. A den in the thick of the swamp that is difficult to get to -- and all the more reason to lean on his savior.
Of course, he soon realizes his folly when Lies Beneath smiles a serene smile and straightens, shoving him down into the dirt, the warm glow of his eyes suddenly quite ominous.
“Now… let me show you just how rude you’ve been, little buck. You’ve been quite the little monster of late, haven’t you?”
And if he screams, well -- there’s no one around to hear him.
WC : 519
[gaia] 2016 Colorist Love Drabbles - Monster
- Owlsomniac
- Legendary
- Pebbles: 574.62
- Posts: 2193
- Joined: Fri May 31, 2019 10:03 pm
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