BREEDING INFO;Post this only once. Colorist's Username: Beejoux Mother's Name:Gleaming Quill Father's Name:Tooth and Maw Generations of Parents: 1, 1
FOR SAME SEX PAIRINGS ONLY: Do not delete this section. Transformation Flower or Blessing from a Subverted kin? Yes, take flower from Lutz
OFFSPRING INFO;Post this for each offspring in the breeding in numerical order. Kin's name: Pretty Deadly Owner username: Lutz Link to uncert:If looks could kill
OFFSPRING INFO;Post this for each offspring in the breeding in numerical order. Kin's name: Dangerously Pretty Owner username: AMItotic Link to uncert:Watch out for those teeth
OFFSPRING INFO;Post this for each offspring in the breeding in numerical order. Kin's name: Cold Burns Owner username: SilverShieldWolf Link to uncert:So cold he's hot
Pet Name: Eyes In The Darkness Watching All Always Colorist Username: starrydance Kin Owner: Walk Through Owner Username: seru_ame Link to uncert:Baby~!