Unedited Breeding for owlsomniac x owlsomniac
Unedited Breeding for owlsomniac x owlsomniac
Unedited Breeding for owlsomniac x owlsomniac
Your Kin:
Other person's Kin:
Growing or Adult Only? cc
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? no
Legendary blessing? will get
Extra Baby Token? no
Throwback info:
Additional notes:
Unedited Breeding for owlsomniac x mystery parent
Your Kin:
Other person's Kin: mystery kin inspo
Growing or Adult Only? cc
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? no
Legendary blessing? will get
Extra Baby Token? no
Throwback info:
Additional notes:
Unedited Breeding for owlsomniac x owlsomniac
Your Kin:
Other person's Kin: mystery parent inspo
Growing or Adult Only? cc
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? no
Legendary blessing? will get
Extra Baby Token? no
Throwback info:
Additional notes:
Semi-Custom Pet Request for your username
Pet Name: can be left blank
Pet Species: jellyfish, frogs, fatfish, boar, giant slugs (all open variations where possible, please!)
Request: as many as you're willing to color lol. Any of the following inspo images can be used! Or feel free to also create your own mushroom inspired designs!

Notes: WM booth prizes. Small chance I might keep one but otherwise the rest will be prizes!
These are for High Times' mushroom collecting booth!
Offering art. 1-2 color sketches per 3 pets (depending on pet size), or a combination of sketches and higher quality art depending on how many you pick up. If you're doing more than 3 just let me know and we can talk. :3
Samples: under spoiler
Semi-Custom Pet Request for your username
Pet Name: can be left blank
Pet Species: frogs, beetles, crabs (all open variants as well please!)
Request: as many as you're willing to color lol. Any of the following inspo images can be used! Or feel free to also create your own colorful frog designs!

Notes: WM booth prizes. Small chance I might keep one but otherwise the rest will be prizes!
These are for High Times' mushroom collecting booth!
Bribe: see above
Semi-Custom Pet Request for your username
Pet Name: can be left blank
Pet Species: wolves, dogs, eagle hounds (and eagle-headed eagle hounds), eagles, lions, boar and lynx
Request: as many as you're willing to color lol. Any of the following inspo images can be used! Or feel free to also create your own similar designs!

Notes: WM booth prizes. Small chance I might keep one but otherwise the rest will be prizes!
These are for Born Again's booth!
Bribe: see above