This booth closes at 12pm PST on January 2nd 2025!
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[b][size=130][color=lime]♫[/color][/size] Username:[/b]
[b][size=130][color=#FF007F]♫[/color][/size] Pref list:[/b] Dark Doe / Light Buck
[b][size=130][color=purple]♫[/color][/size] Have you won any kin from Winter Market?:[/b] [i](This includes boxes from advent, gifting, booths etc)[/i] No / Yes only unedited / Yes
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[b][size=130][color=teal]♫[/color][/size] Your Participating Kins Name: [/b] (Please link to the OL)
[b][size=130][color=#FFFF33]♫[/color][/size] Your Kins AU Name: [/b] (this is the AU name for your participating kin, to fit the Pic Crew below!)
[b][size=130][color=white]♫[/color][/size] Your Kin's Theme Song: [/b] (link to a youtube song that works for your participating kin)
[b][size=130][color=cyan]♫[/color][/size] Name of the Band: [/b] (using [url=https://www.indiesound.com/band-name-generator/]this site[/url] create a band name for your kin.)
[b][size=130][color=#FFA600]♫[/color][/size] Pic Crew: [/b] (use [url=https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/523501]this Pic Crew maker[/url] to create an AU version of one of your own kin as though they were joining the band you've named above) [imgwidth=400][/imgwidth]