Username: Astraea
# of Tickets: 1
Rp response:
Waves Under the Moon huffed. Only ONE ticket? Really? Tch.
He was extremely cross with himself. He'd been pretty ok at this game the last couple of years, but this year...
Maybe his mojo was off, maybe he was spending too much time sulking. He'd been kind of down lately, well, maybe more then usual. Maybe.
Waves decided to kin watch, observing others who were shooting berries. Maybe by watching others do it, he could do better the next time he came by. The buck watched closely as others tried their turns at the shooting. Hm..small berries seemed to be preferred as the larger berries seemed to fall short from the targets. Shooting straight seemed to be the more successful strategy, but the smaller berries seemed less accurate, tending to fly by intended targets and hitting other targets.
Next he watched for force. Too little was of course, too little and some berries just plopped on the ground. Sometimes a bird or other small animal ran in to grab the berry remains and took off with their treat. To much and the berries tended to end up stains way, way, way past any target and disappeared into the swamp to be someone else's snack.
It really was harder then he realized and his bad mood eased. To find the perfect way to use the shooter, the size and weight of berries, the tension on the pull. It all had to come together near perfectly to hit the paw targets. Next time he'd try a different way of shooting berries then he had done in the past, see if his hit rate would get better.
5 - Small paw print - 1x ticket to the final pet raffle.
6 - X - Better luck next time! No ticket.
3 - X - Better luck next time! No ticket.