"You can earn their respect with a starting contest. If you can stay cool and unwavering despite them snapping their beaks, spitting their bile, and whipping their tails, they just may decide to tolerate you. They could take a liking to you right away, or maybe not. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to the temper of these birds. You'll have to crouch down to their level, as if you look down at them, they tend to become more aggressive. Best of luck!
This game will conclude December 15th
1. Roll 10d10
2. If
SIX OR MORE of the dice rolled over a 5 (so a 6-10), you have successfully stared down the fowl and get ONE ticket. Edit the response to say Yes or No for Success.
3. You may enter a
total of four times with one kin or a different kin each time.
4. If you put a little doodle of your kin with western/cowboy attire in the optional response, you automatically get a ticket regardless of your roll. This will work
ONCE for a ticket. However, if you want to doodle more, go for it! But it will not continue to count for extra tickets.
5. RP is optional but fun. AND, if you only rolled FIVE dice over 5, a little blurb of RP in the optional response can push it into the success range. This will work
ONCE. However, if you want to RP every try, go for it! But it will not continue to count for extra tickets
6. Winners will be rolled on Dec 16th GMT
Code: Select all
[b]I dare to challenge the fowls[/b]
Kin name:[i][/i]
Kin uncert:
Success?: Y/N
Prize Preferences:
Optional response:[i][/i]