As you wander through the bizarrely sunny market, you find once again the snow and swamp mud turn to sand under your hooves. The beach you’ve found your way to is lit in a glowing twilight, with mushrooms and foliage framing the view. It looks really relaxing.
An acha with flowers adorning her beams and trots over to you.

“How am I holding this drink? Oh, don’t worry about it. Come on, the beach is so relaxing and warm, you’ll love it. What d’you fancy doing?”
Are you running your guessing game? (emoji cats)
Where can I get a drink? (lei and coconut accessories)
Where’s Dark Moon Rising? (dark moon rising shades accessory)
I’d love to just stargaze actually… (twinkle accessory)
That’s… a lot of choices… (Frankii please I cannot go through that much flavour text pls just tell me what’s up)
All is calm. Here, you are safe. Listen to the gentle lapping of the waves and let yourself drift away.