✦ Twilight Cove: A Children of the Night AU ✦

User & Staff booths giving out collected prizes!
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✦ Twilight Cove: A Children of the Night AU ✦

Post by subducting »


As you wander through the bizarrely sunny market, you find once again the snow and swamp mud turn to sand under your hooves. The beach you’ve found your way to is lit in a glowing twilight, with mushrooms and foliage framing the view. It looks really relaxing.

An acha with flowers adorning her beams and trots over to you.


“How am I holding this drink? Oh, don’t worry about it. Come on, the beach is so relaxing and warm, you’ll love it. What d’you fancy doing?”
I’ll just follow your lead… (main event)
Are you running your guessing game? (emoji cats)
Where can I get a drink? (lei and coconut accessories)
Where’s Dark Moon Rising? (dark moon rising shades accessory)
I’d love to just stargaze actually… (twinkle accessory)
That’s… a lot of choices… (Frankii please I cannot go through that much flavour text pls just tell me what’s up)

All is calm. Here, you are safe. Listen to the gentle lapping of the waves and let yourself drift away.
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✦ Twilight Cove: A Children of the Night AU ✦ MAIN EVENT

Post by subducting »


Chase leads you down to the beach, nodding to beachgoers and beaming ear to ear.

“Okay, so, we kinda had to improvise, but, the Children of the Night have put on the most spectacular, the most extravagant, the most wonderful game we’ve done to date! This year, you will-“

“Chase,” a voice interjects kindly. You both turn and see Dark Moon Rising, the tribe’s leader, eyeballing you both over a neon pair of shades.

Chase smiles, a little sheepish. “Sorry. I get overexcited.”

Her half sister comes closer. “I know you’re excited, but look at them,” she nods at you, gaze serious. “It’s been a hard year. They look like they could use a rest. People won’t mind a quieter time.”

Chase waits til Dark Moon Rising is gone, before winking at you. “If you change your mind, I’ll be over there!” she hisses, before scuttling off to join a handful of other kin down by the waves.

So yeah, I had planned this whole thing where people enter by adding your kin into a scene I had made, but then I was like, there’s loads of fun art booths already, maybe I could do something different. So to enter this contest, all you have to do, is spend half an hour doing something you’d find genuinely restful. Something that’s a bit of a treat. Play a video game, watch a tv show, read a book, work on a craft.

If, and only IF, you’d find it restful, you can do the original art task here, but please don’t do it if there’s something else more relaxing. There will be no extra tickets for effort (I may doodle people’s kin but that’s a big maybe).

1. Do something you find truly relaxing, restorative or enjoyable for half an hour (if you’re extremely busy 20 minutes is okay)
2. Post the form and tell me about it - just a sentence or so about what you did
3. Winners will be rolled on the 23rd of December
4. One ticket per person and one kin win max per person

Code: Select all

[b][size=125][color=darkmagenta]let the waves wash over you[/color][/size][/b]
[b]preference list[/b]:
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✦ Twilight Cove: A Children of the Night AU ✦ EMOJI CATS

Post by subducting »


Oh, it’s Chase again. She seems… weirdly less detailed than a second ago, you mention. She laughs and brushes it off.

“I’m SO happy you’re here. I’ve been waiting AGES to play the guessing game again!”

How does the game go again? Chase grins and gestures to a collection of items at her feet - dried starfish, seashells, glowing mushrooms.

“Oh it’s so easy. I’m going to hide some of these under my hooves and YOU have to guess what I’m hiding. I’ll give you a hint if you’re doing really badly. You in?”

1. Figure out what three emojis you think were used to create this week’s cat!
2. Fill in the form
3. All entries will be entered into a raffle at the end of the week - if you guess correctly you get three entries instead of one
4. At the end of the market, everyone who has entered but didn’t win will be entered for a raffle for the final cat
5. One cat maximum per user can be won
6. the end raffle may also include some slots for custom cats
This weeks little meow meow

Closes 26/12

whoops I seem to have missed one of this cats emojis off the grid! my bad - please guess which TWO emojis that actually made it onto the grid were used

Code: Select all

hint: each emoji is only used once and there are several red herrings! choose wisely…
another hint: I colour pick for each cat from the three emojis that I use
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✦ Twilight Cove: A Children of the Night AU ✦ LEI ACCESSORY

Post by subducting »

You wander over to a bar where a pair of kimeti does are busily shaking up hollowed out coconuts. They wave you over with a smile.

No seriously, you wonder, how the buck is everyone holding the coconuts in their hooves, it makes absolutely no sense—

“What can we get you?” A blue and pink doe with flowing white hair gestures to a menu, “Our signature cocktails are the Vapourwave, the Twilight Cove and the Shooting Star! What’ll it be?”

1. You select what “flavour” drink you’d like - see the form for details
2. Quote me with a short roleplay of your kin requesting their drink from Tides of Light
3. You may only submit another request once your previous one has been fulfilled
4. You can submit however many requests you’d like over the course of the winter market

Code: Select all

[b][size=125][color=dodgerblue]Order up![/color][/size][/b]
[b]Kin[/b]: [img]kin uncert here please[/img]
[b]Flavour[/b]: Vaporwave (pink) Twilight Cove (purple) or Shooting Star (blue)
[b]RP Response[/b]:
Last edited by subducting on Sun Dec 01, 2024 4:41 pm, edited 14 times in total. word count: 185
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✦ Twilight Cove: A Children of the Night AU ✦ SUNGLASSES ACCESSORY

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The leader of the Children of the Night is famous for being… not the chattiest… and she currently is laying back on a lounger, shades covering all but a sliver of her gaze.

“Can I help you?” she sits up, a little brusque, before seemingly remembering something and giving a smile that’s only ever so slightly strained.

When you explain your request the smile stays in place but she shakes her head.

“Nope, you’re not getting the shades, sorry.”

This is a silly little chance based roleplay game to see if any determined kin can convince Dark Moon Rising to part with her very cool shades.

The Rules
1. Roll a d10 to determine how good a job you do convincing Dark Moon Rising to loan you her shades - 1 is dreadful, 10 and you did it!
2. Roleplay out your kin’s attempt using the form
3. When your roleplay has been responded to you are free to try again
4. One pair of shades per user maximum - these are the shiny Pokémon of booth accessories

Code: Select all

[b][size=125][color=fuchsia]I promise I’ll give them back![/color][/size][/b]
[b]Kin[/b]: [img]kin uncert here please[/img]
[b]RP Response[/b]:
Last edited by subducting on Sun Dec 01, 2024 3:37 pm, edited 6 times in total. word count: 217
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✦ Twilight Cove: A Children of the Night AU ✦ TWINKLE ACCESSORY

Post by subducting »


A group of kin are standing around watching the stars. That pink one looks kinda familiar. Is that-

“Dark Moon Rising’s sister, yes,” the starry pink doe beams, eyes dropping from the sky to you, “I’m Yield the Sky, the co-leader of the tribe. This is Stars Guide Us,” the buck dips his head to you.

“Would you like to stargaze with us?” he asks softly, eyes lit up with more than just their glow, “there’s shooting stars here every single evening!”

Back by popular demand, is the wishing star contest!
This is a number matching contest, where you can enter once daily for a chance to match a number out of a table.

The Rules
1. Roll 1 d20 daily and match to the list below
2. If you roll an insta win number you can quote me for an accessory right away
3. If you haven’t won a twinkle accessory ever (as in you didn’t get one last time they were available) you can roll two die every day instead of one
4. Keep track of your tickets and there will be a raffle at the end of wm
5. There is no obligation to write a response but you can feel free if you’d enjoy it!

Please note, Yield the Sky and Stars Guide Us are not necessarily available for roleplay, Starry and Ami just kindly loaned me them for the flavour text.

The Rolls

Straining your head, you try and relax your eyes - Chase helpfully trotted by and told you it would be easier to see them that way - and wait to spot any falling stars...
1. Nothing but empty sky…
2. Ow! Your back’s gone stiff… take a break to roll around
3. You spot a shooting star! +1 ticket
4. You manage to alert Dark Moon to a shooting star in time for her to see it! Very sharp eye +5 tickets
5. That cloud kinda looks like a bass…
6. You spot a shooting star! +1 ticket
7. WOW! What a beautiful shooting star! quote or discord dm subducting with your roll to redeem a kin accessory using the form below!
8. You see two stars streaking across the sky, one after another! + 2 tickets
9. Nothing but empty sky…
10. You spot a shooting star! +1 ticket
11. Nothing but empty sky…
12. You spot an especially impressive shooting star! +2 tickets
13. Nothing but empty sky…
14. You spot a shooting star! +1 ticket
15. Dead leg, dead leg! You need to get the feeling back in your legs…
16. You see three stars, one after the other! +3 tickets
17. Nothing but empty sky…
18. You spot a shooting star! +1 ticket
19. Nothing but empty sky…
20. WOW! What a beautiful shooting star! quote or discord dm subducting with your roll to redeem a kin accessory using the form below!
The Forms
1. Tracker for first post
2. Daily ticket post
3. Insta-win claim

Code: Select all

[b][size=125][color=darkcyan]I’m wishing on a star![/color][/size][/b]

Code: Select all

[b][size=125][color=darkcyan]I wish I wish I wish…[/color][/size][/b]
[b]Tickets today[/b]:
[b]Running total[/b]:

Code: Select all

[b][size=125][color=darkcyan]My Wish Came True![/color][/size][/b]
[b]Kin[/b]: [img]kin uncert here please[/img]
[b]Star Colour[/b]: What colour/s stars would you like - if you’re not sure I can match with your kin’s colours!
Last edited by subducting on Sun Dec 01, 2024 4:42 pm, edited 11 times in total. word count: 604
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✦ Twilight Cove: A Children of the Night AU ✦ LOW SPOONS VERSION

Post by subducting »

Here is the low spoons version of the booth info for my fellow swampmates who are also chronically low on energy, time or both this year and just wanna get to the point.

Main Event
Prizes: kin
Entry method: do something chill for 20 mins/half an hour
Frequency: once in the market
Entry limit: one
Deadline: 23rd December

Emoji Cats
Prizes: emoji cats
Entry method: guess the emojis used to design cats from a table of options
Frequency: once a week
Entry limit: one per week
Deadline: EOD Sunday

Lei Accessory
Accessory: lei and coconut drink accessory
Entry method: short rp and selection of colour
Frequency: unlimited, but you must wait for a response before submitting another request
Entry limit: unlimited, see above
Deadline: end of WM

Shades Accessory
Accessory: vapourwave shades
Entry method: roll and rp, trying to hit a 10 for a success
Frequency: unlimited, but you must wait for a response before submitting another request
Entry limit: one win per user
Deadline: end of WM

Twinkle Accessory
Accessory: starry twinkles
Entry method: roll and match from a list, for tickets or an insta-win
Frequency: daily rolls
Entry limit: once per day for anyone who’s won before, twice per day for anyone who has never won
Deadline: end of WM

Other Notes

Sorry the accessories can’t be more readily available but I’ve set them up in an attempt to not get overwhelmed - if it’s not working out I’ll tweak them

I’m on GMT so deadlines are end of the day in US timezones, I’ll roll things the morning after my time (which is roughly midnight pacific)

Sorry if I don’t get to roleplay replies and accessories quickly, please be patient with me as I’m working until the 20th so I will be extremely busy until then.

Feel free to message me on discord if anything doesn’t make sense!
Last edited by subducting on Sun Dec 01, 2024 4:00 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 322
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✦ Twilight Cove: A Children of the Night AU ✦ WINNERS

Post by subducting »

The main kin roll won’t happen til near the end of WM but weekly cat wins etc will go here
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✦ Twilight Cove: A Children of the Night AU ✦ THANKS

Post by subducting »

thank you to blue and bee for colouring the prizes, thank you to Astoria for making sure I HAD prizes, thank you to Liri, Ami and Starry for loaning me your goats for the flavour art, thank you to Lolli, Lilac, Corvus and Dizzy for letting your kin model for me and thanks everyone who looked over art and ideas for me while I was putting this together!
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✦ Twilight Cove: A Children of the Night AU ✦ (coming soon)

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✦ Twilight Cove: A Children of the Night AU ✦ (coming soon)

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✦ Twilight Cove: A Children of the Night AU ✦ (coming soon)

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✦ Twilight Cove: A Children of the Night AU ✦ (coming soon)

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✦ Twilight Cove: A Children of the Night AU ✦ (coming soon)

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✦ Twilight Cove: A Children of the Night AU ✦ (coming soon)

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