Winter Market was upon them and Worlds Within Worlds could scarcely contain her excitement, the usually composed doe nearly buzzing as she watched eagerly as other kin started to arrive, taking their places along the beach. The weather, usually cold this time of year, was delightfully warm and pleasant, and the sun was high and shining. She nuzzled at Bay's cheek before heading down along the sand so she could look smile a greeting to the other kin that had come to play their little game. "Well met, and good morning," she offered brightly, curled tail swaying gently in her wake.
In her wake a bright little filly followed, she had her mother's tail, her father's mane, and no one quite knew where she'd gotten her boundless energy from. "Mom, when's the game going to start?" There was barely a pause before she fired off another question. "You said we get to help, right? Mom?"
Worlds looked back at her exuberant daughter and smiled gently. "Yes, you and your siblings can help. Of course you can." She paused, letting Sunset Swells catch up with her so she could give the filly and nuzzle against her ear. "Patience, though. We must give others time to join us and prepare."
Further along the beach, near the rockier parts where tide pools collected, another of Worlds and Bay's children was sitting at the edge of one of the pools keeping a watchful eye over some of the lion fish they'd managed to wrangle up to give out to kin who won at the game his parents had set up. He was watching two of the fish posture at each other, mouths wide and fins spread. It Had Deep Found Peace giggling softly before he poked a hoof into the pool to break them up. "None of that, now. Be nice to each other, for now." He glanced up to watch his Mother and sister for a moment, then looked around for his other siblings and father.
[Worlds Within Worlds, Sunset Swells, and Deep Found Peace are all open to interact with!]
lilacfishie wrote:
appeal wrote: