Groups of kin working on a similar goal.
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Post by Maxx »


[imgleft]http://matope.pixel-blueberry.com/image ... s_maxx.gif[/imgleft]
The Sun Also Rises, the patriarch of the esteemed Rise and Co. Preserved, Prepared and Exotic Foods, perched upon the highest mangrove root behind his base and smiled the smile of a buck who had everything. The owner of his heart, Moonfrost-Like-Ashes lay sleeping, brows creased in annoyance at the bustle of the shop - indeed, their area of operations was creeping over their initial stone-set boundaries, now marked by strings of salted, dried foodstuff in categorised stacks and their customers' payment of plants and meat. The Kin that he had welcomed into the fold all had impeccable work ethic (what they lacked in competence they made up in enthusiasm) and a shared passion for the coalition's main focus: amazing food. But a shop wasn't made by staff alone - their customers had been crucial in recent preserving advancements, bringing the most fascinating resources from all over the swamp to their humble headquarters for further research and development.

Rise may have everything, but he was also an ambitious buck. With the discovery of further lands and the new blood entering the swamp, there was surely so much more to explore on culinary horizon. Rise was also a compassionate family buck, and the thought of Kin out there scavenging for scraps when the Motherfather had granted them such abundance was simply perverse. Finally, demand was growing fast, and haphazardly expanding without further planning would be irresponsible. They needed to reach out to more Kin, to ensure that Rise & Co. remained a sturdy establishment and most importantly, brought joy and purpose to as many as possible.

The Sun Also Rises called out to his kin:

"Everyone, we need to start recruiting!"


Rise & Shine consists of Rays of Sunshine - Kin from all walks of life, with varying personalities and moral codes, brought together by the passion for good (read: prepared, preserved and/or exotic) food. The longevity and portability of preserved food has proven useful especially to hunters and travellers, leading several to join their ranks as top notch suppliers who bring us meats and fruits from their long treks all over the swamp. Arguably one of the most successful (and perhaps the only) purveyor of prepared, preserved and exotic food, Rise & Co.'s good reputation and quality products has resulted in demand for supplies that require network expansion.

Payment for foodstuff is simply barter trade for Rise & Shine's continued culinary forays - Rise & Co. accepts all sorts of stock for equivalent exchange of food, evaluated by quality, freshness and desirability in developing new techniques and flavours.
Above all, Rise seeks to bring purpose to kin by pushing food preparation in the swamp to its limits.

It is at heart a family business, which is sort of true because all the kids are in it, but also primarily true because Rise’s definition of family technically extends to anyone who can withstand his well-meaning if somewhat confused paternal affections.
The rapid expansion of the business and presence of trade, however, has generally turned R&S from a hippie socialist commune to a pervasive, if kindly, systematic presence in the swamp.

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History & What We Do

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. History .
Rise & Co. was technically formed when the founder, The Sun Also Rises, met his second-in-command and best friend, Sky Fell In (forming 'Co'). Together they started from humble salamander traps and rudimentary submersion preservation, and later became more prominent in the public eye when sisters Summer Fades and Saddened Eyes joined the team. The arrival of Moonfrost-Like-Ashes, Rise's lifemate, brought significant advancements in preservation, and the range of produce that Rise & Co. as well as the size of their network increased significantly.

Today Rise & Co. preserves, prepares and purveys everything from fruit to poultry to reptiles with various flavour influences, and boasts a large team 'family' members spanning generations.

. What We Do .
Rise & Co. began with preserved food and have expanded considerably with several culinary advancements, and now serves prepared and exotic foods as well.

The presence of the tribe's fire salamander has introduced rudimentary cooking techniques, harnessed by heating up turtle shells of food, and crudely constructing hot rocks and spitroasts over the beleaguered fire salamander (and when it takes breaks, fire pits that can be easily controlled and put out where needed).

An accompanying drinks division includes pure fermented juices and mixed fermented juice drinks. Rise & Co. recommends pairing these with our excellent salted goods.

The Coughing Bean, though not within the tribe, is a partner establishment in the tribe's territory, providing a bitter concoction that's bound to wake anyone up.

Besides trading directly at the tribe's home base, Rise & Co. will also happily accept catering and delivery requests.

Rise & Co. also trades the by-products of food production, such as tanned skins, furs, shells and so on.

. Organisational Tribe Structure .


Rise & Co. Preserved and Exotic Foods has a process hierarchy, consisting of a head management team which oversees operations and provides assurance, support and love (from 1 buck) to the rest of the tribe. Many of the management team are part of the research and development innovation team and the production team.

Following those groups are the suppliers, which branch out into hunters, gatherers, and others who acquire crucial non-produce items like salt and vines. This level has the largest number of Kin due to the tribe's desire for range and variety of produce.

Next comes the production team - Kin in this section are in charge of the magic process where food becomes stronger, better and faster tastier. Processing the items before and after preservation and sunning is open to any meticulous Kin to handle (i.e. whoever’s free at the moment).  The careful balance of ingredients for preserving, however, is a closely guarded secret that is only shared with direct family and highly trusted individuals. The production team is also in charge of preparing a wide range of foodstuff that are not preserved, from meats to sweets, and more beyond.

The in-store sales Kin set up the storefront, ensure that all the stock is in order and accounted for, and engage with customers who visit the store. They must use their judgment to complete sales and ensure payment is fair for sold items.

Products are also delivered by (relatively) speedy Kin with a good sense of the swamp. Though the task may seem straightforward, it is more complex in execution - after all, much of the swamp looks mostly the same and preserved food may attract unwanted parties. Deliverykin must be able to handle all these dangers and keep products pristine.

The relations team are basically in charge of anything that involves communications with Kin outside of in-store customers and delivery. They are convincing Kin with thorough knowledge of products and should know how to marry consumer tastes with different Rise & Co. goods. They are often sent out to swampwide gatherings and events to offer samples and educate the public on the virtues of their preserved (and otherwise) foods, and handle organisation for various Kin events requesting Rise & Co. catering. They also communicate customer feedback for further research and development.

Recruiters specifically look for Kin to fill the necessary gaps in the tribe, though it is a role that many of the Kin take on unofficially due to their love and investment in Rise & Co.

Due to the high interconnectivity of the process, many members may circulate across departments and perform multiple duties. Tribe members will receive exciting exposure to many parts of Rise & Co.

All the kin work to satisfy and reach more customers! Rise is very invested in raising the standard of living for the average Kin and encourages all members to take an active interest in their needs, desires and payment options. Sharing the convenience and delight of preserved food is a boon for both Rise & Co. and the general populace.

Last edited by Maxx on Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:19 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 792
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Tribe Benefits

Post by Maxx »


. Promotion Opportunities & Employee Benefits .
Rise & Co.’s patriarch and core members appreciate and recognise competence and earnestness. (Rise, in particular, is very concerned about the happiness and sense of purpose that his tribe members derive from their roles.) Kin are welcome to take on and/or try various roles and can be sure of well-deserved promotion opportunities, naturally provided that their skills are suited to their desired station. Since the top management are still very hands-on in the shop, your efforts will not go unnoticed.

Tribe members receive many employee benefits. All Kin get samples of new products and additional bonuses on top of basic compensation in seasons of abundance. Rise & Co. has deep interest in your well-being, and will use our ample resources to ensure that any ailments are taken care of by way of barter for external services. As one big family, Rise & Co. welcomes staff’s children into the main shop space and provides complimentary childcare services. Finally, Rise & Co. has a strong support system for troubled Kin - no issue is too personal to tell and receive advice on (*please note we have high levels of transparency and the entire tribe will probably know of your troubled love life by the end of the workday).

We Have Chickens
Rise & Co. have successfully domesticated these wonderful plump fowls, and are the sole steady suppliers of chicken and their by-products in the swamp. Join us for a chance at feathery, clucky companionship and other benefits.

Please check the Chicken Directory post for T&C.

. IC Guides .
These guides will give you an overview of how things work within the Matope context and what can be canonically assumed/brought up in RP.

Overall: members outside of the core team are not privy to the secrets of how salt is acquired and the preservation and pickling formulas/recipes. Such knowledge is only be granted to very special members of the tribe.

'Science': Rise & Co.'s R&D revolves around two aspects: 1. engineering 2. culinary.
The engineering side looks at methods of entrapment as well as the technicalities of the preservation process, for example setting up rudimentary dams of saltwater and methods of acquiring salt. All of these engineering feats are achieved by teamwork and very basic tools from the swamp: branches, stones, vines, etc.
The culinary side experiments with optimum preservation times and flavouring produce in the preservation process.

With the acquisition of what Rise heralds as 'a miracle', the effects of the tribe's in-house salamander's fire is being investigated in both engineering and culinary aspects. Charring, searing and just plain ol' cooking is in the works - indeed, it will revolutionalise the on-going culinary pursuit of the tribe!

Food: In Rise's opinion, any animal with flesh on its bones in the swamp can be pickled and should be eaten. However, due to potential public disapproval, Rise & Co. generally holds off hunting species commonly owned as pets and those held sacred. Naturally, large predators are less common but not impossible - however, there must be a very good IC reason for it (eg. Red Ring of Death and Cry More can bring down a relatively big alligator because they are professionals in top shape who specifically and constantly train for hunting and combat). As long as the kill is justifiable, it’ll be fine!

All fruit in the swamp can be dried and are either left whole or post-processed (i.e. torn into strips manually). Fruit may also be mashed up as foal food, a recent innovation developed after the birth of Rise and Grey’s own children, as the consistency suits their young digestive systems much better.

Rise & Co. can also provide unprocessed foodstuff courtesy of the gatherers and hunters, though that's not the main province of the shop.

At the behest of certain employees who own pets, Rise & Co. have also developed pet-specific food which the in-house pets regularly enjoy (reports show that they appear more obedient and alert to commands with the opportunity to gain a treat; portliness varies according to daily exercise).

Due to the far-flung supplier network and the fact that some rare items do not pickle well, Rise & Co. also stocks non-preserved, limited time-period (for obvious reasons) exotic food. These include exciting possibilities from the shore thanks to skilled and swift suppliers, such as fruits and saltwater fish.

. Meta information .
Please note that RP is not really required in this tribe, but greatly loved and encouraged. As long as there's a basic plot for significant events (such as the joining of the tribe), that'll work just fine!

Nature of RP
Unless there is a pressing issue [eg. unforeseen weather, lost children, horde of rogue boars devouring everything], RP will usually tend towards being lighthearted, humourous, perhaps a little mundane and all around heart-warming (your mileage may vary...). However, there are a variety of personalities in the tribe, and there can be Serious Work RP depending on the situation. Keep in mind that the boss is a very loving buck, some members of the core team are hilariously gossipy and staff are well-compensated[/fed], so angst has to work around that.

Main People Involved
The top 2 involved are myself, Maxx, and Jun, followed by our poor Ruriska who has to RP with us a lot. We both RP in short, succinct ways, especially when it comes to quick-fire conversations, and lovely Ruri is very used to our shenanigans. Don't stress out about RPing lengthily and sophisticatedly when it comes to us.

Expectations and Guidelines
If you decide to join in the tribe RPs, we hope that you'll be at least semi-active and work towards a clear, purposeful end in your RPs. Please try not to keep others hanging.
We don’t need you to be actively engaged, but if you’re going to disappear permanently and should be taken off the roster, please let us know - we would really appreciate it.

Please, no God-moding - be conscious of your fellow RPers and be reasonable in your Kin's actions. Do not control the actions of another person's Kin without permission. In RPs or metas with Jun and Maxx, please go with our flow: we will always try to resolve it in everyone's best interests, and if we're subtly herding you in a certain direction we're planning a plot payoff.

Last edited by Maxx on Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1081
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Joining Application

Post by Maxx »


. Requirements .
We provide excellent on-the-job training, and really only require earnestness and competence! It is of great benefit if you apply for roles that match your skills. Though RP is not required, please be at least semi-active so we can confirm your IC status in plots with you. We are comfortable with flexi-time but trade doesn’t slow down for one kin!

READY TO JOIN? Please fill and post the code below!
Applications will be considered individually - please fill everything out succinctly and await our response. Thank you!

(Should you want to RP your kin joining/requesting to join Rise & Shine with the patriarch himself, please contact @Maxx !
All I ask is that if you start an RP with me, that you see it through to the finish as much as you can. I personally always finish RPs.)

Code: Select all

[color=darkred][size=200][b]I'm a Ray of Sunshine![/b][/size][/color]
[b]Username:[/b] [ your username here! ]
[b]Kin:[/b] [img]Kin cert here[/img]
[b]Journal Link:[/b] [ if you have a journal post for this Kin, please put it here ]
[b]Applying for:[/b] [ supplier - hunter, gatherer, other / production / in-store sales / delivery / relations / r&d innovation / recruiter ]
[b]Relevant skills:[/b] [ please inform us of your capabilities ]
[b][ Kin’s name] is[/b] [ one-line description of personality, refer to employee master list for examples ]

Customers may sign up for a membership scheme that guarantees more convenience, more variety and more excellent food! Customers need only prepare payment at regular intervals, which will be picked up on scheduled deliveries to their living spaces or a drop-off point. Our relations team will notify you of incoming limited-time items and possible reservations for said items. It’s a great way to ensure you’re on top of all the fantastic food that’s coming in at Rise & Co.!

If you're a customer interested in the membership scheme, please fill this in!

Code: Select all

[color=olive][b][size=200]You Light Up My Life![/size][/b][/color]
[b]Username:[/b] [ your username here! ]
[b]Kin:[/b] [img]Kin cert here[/img]
[b]Journal Link:[/b] [ if you have a journal post for this Kin, please put it here ]
[b]No. of dependents:[/b] [ please let us know how many Kin you live/travel with ]
[b][ Kin's name ] is:[/b] [ one-line description of personality, refer to employee master list for examples ]
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Chicken Directory

Post by Maxx »


. Chicken Directory .


Chicken Terms & Conditions
- chickens semi/customs cannot be bribed or RLed, sorry!
- however, they can be bred with the following guidelines:
- chickens cannot breed with other chickens; the colourist will make up a 'mystery rooster parent' for the chicken being bred
- tribe members who own chicken may breed them after Rise's approval [i.e. ask Maxx, please!]
- chicken offspring must be given to tribe members only. Meta-ly speaking, they can join the tribe for the sole purpose of owning a chicken, but must remain a member.
- Members who leave the tribe will have to give up their chicken(s). ICly, they will enjoy a spectacular going-away party with a whole roast chicken as a main dish.*

(*not strictly true but please don't join and quit. D8 It's really not hard to remain a member, and we encourage you to enter kin who are suited to the R&S life.)

Original 10 :: Naturals [ Rejam ]

Original 10 :: Colours [ and be blue ]

Night of Stories 2015 :: Chicken's Clutch [ Aric Val ]
Image Image Image

Night of Stories 2015 :: Little Lady's Clutch [ and be blue ]
Image Image Image

Winter Market 2020:: Stay Puffed's Clutch [ maxx ]
Image Image Image

Last edited by Maxx on Wed Nov 24, 2021 3:16 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 194
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Management Chart

Post by Maxx »


[imgleft]http://matope.pixel-blueberry.com/image ... orises.gif[/imgleft]

Management Roles: Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer
Personality: Rise is a good, capable and loving family buck, spare the urge to pickle everything.
Management style: He holds the tribe together by sheer love and is highly skilled in guilting people into doing their best (without even knowing it), due to his inherent trust in all his employees. His worst trait as a manager is a keen, good-natured interest in your love life and potential children.

[imgright]http://matope.pixel-blueberry.com/image ... ell_in.gif[/imgright]

Management Roles: Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer
Personality: Fell is an accomplished and devoted engineer who is horrifically socially awkward and in dread of everything.
Management style: Technically the co-founder of the tribe, he is the originator of most of the trapping systems used, and pioneer of their signature preservation technique. While R&D is now his central job, he may still be pressed into service wherever needed, however much he hates it.

[imgleft]http://matope.pixel-blueberry.com/image ... -ashes.gif[/imgleft]

Management Roles: Chief Executive Officer
Personality: Grey is a brilliant researcher with anger management issues and no people skills whatsoever.
Management style: She is the mastermind behind much of the method innovation and logistics of the tribe, but refuses to have anything to do with the relations aspect of it, which is really for the best of everyone involved, since her idea of employee management consists of ‘You. Do this. No no no not like that, you are an idiot!’ Splitting her work in the shop with her personal research, her hours are largely nocturnal, and she is thus rarely glimpsed by customers. Thankfully.

[imgright]http://matope.pixel-blueberry.com/image ... rfades.gif[/imgright]

Management Roles: Chief Operations Officer
Personality: Fade is a social crusader/flapper when she isn’t gossiping and enjoying life by (unknowingly) annoying everyone else - in other words, she’s a disgrace.
Management style: She is a great motivator because she displays how enthusiasm and a dubious level of competence can really get you places. She is, however, the best communications manager and is capable of disseminating important news* at ridiculous speeds. (*important things like babies, babymaking and, sadly, breakups.)

[imgleft]http://matope.pixel-blueberry.com/image ... edeyes.gif[/imgleft]

Management Roles: Chief Operations Officer
Personality: Weep is a great believer in the economy of words and actions - and always mysteriously in the know.
Management style: Any task set to her, she can accomplish with competence and flair, streamlining the process where appropriate. Unfortunately, much of the time she could spend accomplishing more incredible tasks is wasted by having to ensure Fade does not bork up hers.

Last edited by Maxx on Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:21 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 457
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Employee & Customer List

Post by Maxx »


Employees (chronologically listed)
The Sun Also Rises . Maxx D . Management/In-store Sales/Recruiter .
[left-indent]Rise is a good, capable and loving family buck, spare the urge to pickle everything.[/left-indent]
Sky Fell In . Jun D . Management/R&D/Production/In-store Sales/Relations .
[left-indent]Fell is an accomplished and devoted engineer who is horrifically socially awkward and in dread of everything.[/left-indent]
Moonfrost-Like-Ashes . Jun D . Management/R&D .
[left-indent]Grey is a brilliant researcher with anger management issues and no people skills whatsoever.[/left-indent]
Summer Fades . Maxx D . Management/Supplier/Production/In-store Sales/Delivery/Relations/Recruiter .
[left-indent]Fade is a social crusader/flapper when she isn’t gossiping and enjoying life by (unknowingly) annoying everyone else - in other words, she’s a disgrace.[/left-indent]
Saddened Eyes . Jun D . Management/Supplier/Production/In-store Sales/Delivery/Relations .
[left-indent]Weep is a great believer in the economy of words and actions - and always mysteriously in the know.[/left-indent]
Dark is a Way . Jun D . Supplier .
[left-indent]Dark is reserved, naive, gullible, loving; a traveller and a competent hunter, engaged especially to bring back fish from her occasional trips to the sea.[/left-indent]
My Trouble . Jun D . Supplier .
[left-indent]Vexed is an uncanny shot with a rock, hunting exclusively birds; small, shy, sweet, and plagued with a terrible, all-consuming OCD.[/left-indent]
Red Ring of Death . Maxx D . Supplier.
[left-indent]Death is patronising and cocksure, a strength fighter with not so much a love for sport, but for proving his dominance.[/left-indent]
Cue Queue . Jun D . Supplier .
[left-indent]Cue is not nice, but fair; a silent, deadly, fighting Hunter with a humourless laugh and a preternatural insight to the Cycle of Things.[/left-indent]
Cry More . Jun D . Supplier .
[left-indent]Cry is a dispassionate, intellectual, calculating tactician, healer, herbalist, and fighter in his own right; wholly devoted to his brother.[/left-indent]
Pull Through . Maxx D .Supplier/Production/In-store Sales
Come Running . Maxx D . Supplier/Production/In-store Sales/Delivery .
[left-indent]Run is loving, no-nonsense and sharp-tongued - she may be harsh, but she’s always got your back.[/left-indent]
The Killing Moon . Ruriska . Production/In-store Sales/Relations .
[left-indent]Killing Moon is good-natured, confident and always pleasant; though his smile hides a shrewd mind that will have you leaving with much more than you intended to buy. [/left-indent]
Love Becomes You . Jun D . R&D/Production/Delivery .
[left-indent]Beloved is her mother’s daughter, with all the brains and none of the anger, possessing instead an inscrutable gaze and a strangely morbid sense of humour.[/left-indent]
My Very Best . Maxx D . Supplier/Production/In-store Sales/Delivery .
[left-indent]Best is a (bratty) handful: bad at following instructions if he disagrees with them, yet also loyal and true to his word.[/left-indent]
Only the Ashes Remain . Jun D . R&D/Production/In-store Sales .
[left-indent]Left is his mother’s son, but harbouring for all his brilliance an inferiority complex that causes him to lash out often in frustration.[/left-indent]

[Little Poison - R&D]
[2012 june Tidings - Supplier & Delivery]

Long Ago . Tiarana . Supplier .
[left-indent]Long Ago is a cheerful ditz who supplies the tribe with fresh mushrooms - just watch out for those red spotty ones.  [/left-indent]
Meticulous Owl . Sarano_Krem . R&D/Production .
[left-indent]Talon is a kind intellectual who enjoys learning and making friends. [/left-indent]
Shadow Lark . Queen Kiriux . Supplier .
[left-indent]Shadow Lark is a solitary buck, but loyal and trustworthy.[/left-indent]
Reticent Smiles . charLOLLI sheen . Delivery .
[left-indent]Smiles is a quiet, curious, and painfully shy wanderer; she craves travel and learning, but would prefer not having to deal with other kin in the process. [/left-indent]
Push Past . Jun D . Supplier/Production/In-store Sales
[left-indent]Push is ...[/left-indent]
Sunspot . Ruriska . In-store Sales/Recruiter .
[left-indent]Sunspot is a big ray of sunshine, always cheerful and ready to assist you – oh dear, she just dropped your order; manager to the front please! [/left-indent]
[left-indent]Pull is exuberant, dramatic, much like his mom Fade and so a disgrace of a Totoma - and is convinced he's a bird-whisperer. At some point.[/left-indent]
Black Tongue . and be blue . R&D/Production .
[left-indent]Black Tongue is absolutely willing to eat anything, no questions asked! [/left-indent]
Crossfade . Amizade . Supplier/In-store Sales .
[left-indent]Crossfade is a handsome but incredibly cheesy buck whose attempts to pick up does doesn't always work.[/left-indent]
Shaken . Jun D . R&D/Production
[left-indent]Shaken is a mixologenius. And don't you ever forget that.[/left-indent]
Stirred . Maxx D . Production/In-store Sales
[left-indent]Stirred is the people's mixer - a dab hand at the drinks and a good listener, he'll always remember your name and your secrets.[/left-indent]
Headlong . Maxx D . R&D/Supplier/Production/In-store Sales
[left-indent]Headlong is cautious and approaches things at a distance - but once hooked, is obsessive and meticulous. Currently the effects of cross-pollination in berry plants.[/left-indent]
Forlorn . Jun D . Supplier/Production/In-store Sales/Delivery .
[left-indent]Forlorn is...[/left-indent]

[Everything Must Go & Act Now - 2013 March 14]

Swiftly Disputable . Syrcaid . Relations .
[left-indent]Swiftly Disputable is even tempered and scholarly.[/left-indent]
Sees No Grey . Strawberri Stardust . In-Store Sales .
[left-indent]Sees No Grey is stubborn and patient and has no problem waiting for you to come to his conclusion.[/left-indent]
Strong Swimmer . FrostyPeaches . Supplier - Hunter .
[left-indent]Strong Swimmer is very serious and loves being around water.[/left-indent]

[Nothing Lasts forever, Summer Skin, Fragile Things - 2014 march]

Light the Path . FrostyPeaches . Delivery .
[left-indent]Light the Path is speedy and thinks before taking any form of action.[/left-indent]
Rising Sun . Nuclearity . In-Store Sales/Gatherer .
[left-indent]Rising Sun is a very nice, older doe.  [/left-indent]

[Crit Hit, System Shock, Candid Crush, Silent Hill, Evolve - 2015 jan]

Predicament . Kitty Sprightt . Delivery/Relations .
[left-indent]Predicament is always ready provide service with a smile - especially if you happen to be a pretty doe...  [/left-indent]
Cocoa . Aric Val . Supplier - Gatherer/Delivery .
[left-indent]Cocoa is awkward, shy, not the best or the most skilled but always eager to please, greets everyone with a smile on his face despite him tripping on a hundred branches to fulfill his task.[/left-indent]
Sorrel . The Cake Mage of Sheep . Supplier - Hunter/Gatherer/Delivery
[left-indent]Sorrel is loyal and hard working, though she may indulge in the mushrooms a bit. [/left-indent]
Spotted Egg . Scaramouche Fandango . Production .
[left-indent]Spotted Egg is delighted by egg hunts, but really he prefers hiding them than finding them.  [/left-indent]

[Passenger - 2015 Aug]

Starglow . Pigxels . Supplier - Gatherer/Delivery
[left-indent]Starglow is bouncy, excitable, friendly, and hates being alone; therefore everything she does for the tribe will be done with a smile and a chipper little waggle of her tail, if it means she has friends and gets to talk to folks![/left-indent]
Ginger Root . Araucana . Supplier - Gatherer .
[left-indent]Ginger Root is a bit of a grot with mud usually up to her knees. She tries to maintain the manor of a lady as she was raised but her adventurous streak dives her more than anything.[/left-indent]
Primrose Path . anemosagkelos . Supplier - Gatherer/Recruiter .
[left-indent]Primrose Path is dedicated to beauty and the inspiration of happiness in all.[/left-indent]
Shank . fluo . Supplier - Hunter .
[left-indent]Shank is the master wrangler of a traveling black cloud. Beware if and when it descends for barren waters lie ahead.[/left-indent]
Turning Path . Kinu . Delivery .
[left-indent]Turning Path is dedicated. A hard worker who puts his heart and soul into each and every task.[/left-indent]
Blockade . Seruta . Delivery .
[left-indent]Blockade is not exactly the brightest ray of sunshine in the bunch, but he makes up for with dedication, timely precision and brawn.[/left-indent]
Mix . Lural . Production/R&D .
[left-indent]Mix is completely dedicated to the flavors of food.[/left-indent]

[Killing Moon's clutch - Other Daughter, Burn 2016 March]
[Wrangler - 2016 April ]
[Underbelly - 2016 Nov ]

Rises at Dawn . Chibi_Kokoro143 . Relations .
[left-indent]Rises at Dawn is social and friendly...and serves you food with a happy smile. C:[/left-indent]

[Whisperer - 2018 Aug]
[Carol Bob Foster - 2018 Dec]

Peck . CelestialRequiem . Relations .
[left-indent]Peck is a mother hen who just wants everyone to be happy and well-fed.[/left-indent]
Rises with the Sun . CelestialRequiem . Delivery .
[left-indent]Rises With the Sun is a hard worker who maybe works a little too hard. [/left-indent]
Black Blood Red Sky . CelestialRequiem . Supplier - Gatherer .
[left-indent]Black Blood Red Sky is an odd one who's been dragged here by her family.[/left-indent]
A Warm Wind . CelestialRequiem . In-store Sales .
[left-indent]A Warm Wind is full of endless patience and the desire to help![/left-indent]
Dust-Bather . CelestialRequiem . Supplier - Gatherer .
[left-indent]Dust-Bather is a little dirty but he knows where to get the good stuff.[/left-indent]
As Bright as Can Be . Anhelisk . Supplier .
[left-indent]As Bright as Can Be is enthusiastic about good food, especially the foods that dragons eat and produce! [/left-indent]
Morel . Mima . Supplier - Hunter/Gatherer .
[left-indent]Morel is a bit softspoken and a bit mysterious, but definitely has a soft spot where her stomach is.[/left-indent]
Bird Talker . Lirilei . Supplier .
[left-indent]Bird Talker is very, very shy...and very likely to really only talk to the chickens... or someone who resembles a bird. [/left-indent]
Slime . Kaluna skunk . Relations .
[left-indent]Slime is a silver tongued, charismatic buck with unmatched charm.[/left-indent]
Smash-and-Mash . Scaramouche Fandango . Production .
[left-indent]Smash-and-Mash is a one-doe wrecking crew, coming enthusiastically for your squash, apples, nuts, melons... whatever needs to be smashed and/or mashed.[/left-indent]
Defiant . Scaramouche Fandango . Delivery .
[left-indent]Defiant is going to get it to you in thirty minutes or less, no matter what.[/left-indent]
Ribbit . Scaramouche Fandango . R&D .
[left-indent]Ribbit is hopping mad about flavor![/left-indent]
In Harmony . Astraea . Supplier - Gatherer .
[left-indent]Harmony is a single environmentalist (by choice she'll remind you) and passionate animal activist.[/left-indent]
Can't Stop . Yuki . Delivery .
[left-indent]Can't Stop is big, durable, and very socially awkward, he runs from his problems the same way he runs food to you - quickly! [/left-indent]
Weed . Yuki . Supplier - Gatherer .
[left-indent]Weed is a constant, curious presence at the shoulders of those around her, determined to learn everything from everyone and do her very best![/left-indent]
Call to Life . Owlsomniac . Supplier - Hunter/Gatherer . Recruiter .
[left-indent]Call to Life is a nomadic hippie survivalist who is always happy to teach others the way of providing for oneself and how to gather fun ingredients for new food recipes.[/left-indent]
Sweet Treat . Gl!tch~ . Delivery .
[left-indent]Sweet Treat is strong-willed, hardy, optimistic, and has a sweet tooth.[/left-indent]

Customer Membership Scheme
Directional Flow . VelvetVixie . 0 Dependent(s)
[left-indent]Directional Flow is pretty hungry she will eat just about anything, and everything she can.[/left-indent]

The Coughing Bean
[Dearly Departed, Nearly Beloved August 2015]
Last edited by Maxx on Sat Nov 27, 2021 4:49 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1921
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RP Masterlist

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[newest to oldest]

. on-going threads .

. directly tribe-related .
Rise & Shine + Royal Rainbow Troupe's Flame Party! [Tribe Collab ORP]
You in the Moonlight [Courting Grey, w/ Rise, Fell, Fade & Weep - FIN]
A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy [Employing Fade & Weep w/ Rise & Fell - FIN]
You've Fallen and You Can't Get Up [Tribe Origin w/ Rise & Fell - FIN]

archived orp threads
Rise & Co. Preserved and Exotic Foods [R&S Shop ORP]
The Employment Pages [R&S Recruitment RP collective]
Phony Feathers: Pet Tales from Moon Ashes [Moon Ashes pet acquisition]
War Games Arena [Cue Death Cry arena ORP]

GO Rise & Shine Tribe thread
. between members .
Bless Yer Aunt [blessing Fade w/ Cue]
Everybee Old is New Again [acquiring pet Twice Removed w/ Rise & Cue]
Rise from Moon Ashes [naming Rise from Moon Ashes kids w/ Rise & Grey]
Outfoxbunned [acquiring pet Own w/ Cue Death Cry
Once Bitten [acquiring pet Play-Kill w/ Cue Death Cry & Dark]
That Bloody Cat [Acquiring pet That Bloody Cat w/ Rise, Cue & Grey]
I Hear He's Really BIG [gossip w/ Fade & Cue]
Once Bitten [fighting w/ Cue Death Cry]
New Bees [hunting w/ Cue Death Cry]
Turtle Soup [Acquiring pet Soup w/ Fade, Weep, Rise & Fell]
Last edited by Maxx on Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:21 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 211
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The Coughing Bean

Post by Maxx »



The Twice Ended twins, Near and Dear, have always been a little...different. Somewhere along the way, they'd acquired ownership of some...mysterious beans. With their bounty, they travelled to Rise & Shine, and gained permission for...a plot. A shadowy clearing, behind which they cultivate their...mysterious beans. Once berries fruited, they'd borrow a Rise & Shine salamander for a few hours each morning...nobody knows just what they did, but word gradually spread that the strange twins possess a strange beverage that they'd trade you for...favours...a drink so bitter, it'll make you...cough.

Go down to the Coughing Bean, they said, for that is what the shadowy clearing had come to be known, thanks to the tidy crop behind that sustains it, and offer a favour for a taste of that strange medicine. A drink so dark and bitter...that it'll give you strange new life. As for what favours? There are many the twins will take - but there is a neat little plateau in their shadowy clearing, off to the side, like a stage. And if you could step up there, and say a few words...

For even more than the coughing bean that they alone seem to know how to grow for the time, Near and Dear have a consuming love, and that is why they have made this place. For they are...hipsters beat poets.

Last edited by Maxx on Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:22 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 238
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Post by Maxx »


. FAQ .

I'm perfectly serious here. |:

Does this tribe want to own my soul and life???
Rise & Co is a non-exclusive tribe, meaning you are welcome to join and be part of other tribes while being a member of Rise & Co!
Naturally you are expected to do your work and do it well, but ad hoc work and flexitime can be arranged.

Aren’t customers like suppliers too?
There is a key difference: customer items traded are more irregular in content, so those exchanges are considered payment, not supply. Suppliers run on a general schedule with consistency in amount, content, quality and timing. Of course, if a regular customer consistently trades items that Rise & Co. desires, then we will offer to turn that relationship into a supplier one.
Customers also don't always pay, and don't always pay in materials that are directly related to shop activities (eg. in services, medicines and so forth). 

Other questions, if asked, will be added!

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Affiliated Tribes

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The Royal Rainbow Troupe

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