{PRP}Twisted Trunks Telling Tall Tales

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{PRP}Twisted Trunks Telling Tall Tales

Post by seru_ame »

A gentle click of strong, sturdy beak, the subtle squish of moss. Head slung low, drinking from a clear pool. Delicate lifted his beak, little rivulets streaming down his iridescent feathers as Fragile Form used her hooves to scrape bark, capturing a gesture of his neck, the way his beak curved so sharply. How shapely his legs, how fine his feathery mane. After a few moments of quick scrapings, she took a moment, set aside the birch shavings and stretching out her hoof. Delicate yawned, stretched, and then flopped against her side lazily. It was a fine day, to rest, and relax. The only thing that could make it better would be more personable company, but her children had scattered to the winds, and would not come home until winter, at the earliest. Her brief morose mood was broken as Delicate leaned his head over, and gently dragged his beak through her hair.
word count: 153
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{PRP}Twisted Trunks Telling Tall Tales

Post by Beejoux »

It had been a quiet summer, at least for Twisted Trunks. He hadn't been hearing many rumors as of late, no stories of stolen suns or new creatures emerging from only Motherfather knew where. In a way that was a good thing, he thought. Life maintaining, moving on in a steady line.

It was also boring.

He longed for a bit of companionship, a bit of enjoyable conversation, at the least. Something to break up the monotony a little.

He stopped short beside a stream, scaled brows arching as he looked down at a dainty doe and what looked to be an eaglehound resting against her side, but not nothing like any eaglehound he'd ever seen before. More eagle, now, than hound.

"Excuse me, that's a very unique looking companion you have there." His voice felt a little hoarse from disuse and he cleared it softly. "I don't mean to intrude, I've just not seen an eaglehound looking so very eagle-like before."
seru_ame wrote:sorry for the delay!!
word count: 175
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