[PRP] Sea's blessing [Bay Sleep/Worlds Within Worlds]

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[PRP] Sea's blessing [Bay Sleep/Worlds Within Worlds]

Post by Beejoux »

"Bay?" Bright hooves were quiet as she walked along the wave soaked sand, the long tendrils of her tail swaying in the gentle breeze coming up off the ocean. She was looking for her sweet and sleepy paramour, unsure if he'd gone off wandering, or succumbed to an afternoon nap on the sun warmed beaches of the bay. There were only so many placed he could be.

"Where is he?" She asked gently of the ocean to her side, ears trained on the soft crashing of the waves for an answer.
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[PRP] Sea's blessing [Bay Sleep/Worlds Within Worlds]

Post by lilacfishie »

Bay Sleep kicked his long legs through the water, his long mohawk whipping behind him as he chased a fish around. He carefully held his first catch in his mouth, trying not to crush it before he could actually eat it properly, as he darted around. The lanky buck hadn't thought through how he would catch this new fish once he got the opportunity with a fish already in his mouth, but he would cross that bridge when he got to it. Behind him, he heard what he thought was a kin calling out. It sounded sort of familiar, but his brain was too focused to parse what they were saying.

Then he heard the voice again, a little more clearly this time as he chased the fish closer to the shore. He knew that voice anywhere. There was a moment of indecision as he followed the fish and darted left after it, but he ultimately slowed and let the fish go. He already had one, after all. Well, what was left of one. It was a little crushed in his jaws at the moment, but he would still be able to eat some of it. Probably.

Bay Sleep turned towards the shore and swam until his hooves caught sand. He emerged from the water, a few strands of kelp tangled in his hair from the chase, and walked further up the beach. With a mighty shake, he splashed water in a wide circle around him and managed to dislodge the kelp. Well, most of it. Now that he could see, he turned his head to look upon Worlds Within Worlds. He smiled as much as he could around his fish, and trotted over to the lovely doe.

[Words: 288 | Total: 288]
Beejoux wrote:He may have splashed her legs a little...Whoops...
word count: 304
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[PRP] Sea's blessing [Bay Sleep/Worlds Within Worlds]

Post by Beejoux »

Ah, fishing rather than sleeping. The colorful doe smiled to herself as she watched him dip and turn through the waves, powerful tail helping him keep pace with whatever fish he was chasing. She waited patiently for him to spot her, and smiled warmly as turned to head towards the shore.

When he shook a fin mist of droplets landed on sleef fur, but she paid them no mind. Water didn't bother the doe. "So this is what you were up to. I've been searching for you in the wrong places."
lilacfishie wrote:
word count: 95
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[PRP] Sea's blessing [Bay Sleep/Worlds Within Worlds]

Post by lilacfishie »

Bay Sleep smiled again, and realized this conversation would be a lot easier if he wasn't talking around a fish. He flicked an ear a few times before gently setting down his mangled prize amongst the washed up kelp. He nudged it gently towards her, offering to share. "Gotta eat some time," he said. "And sometimes it's fun to have a little chase. Though I could use a nap now," he added, his last words caught in a light yawn. HIs lady love was looking for him though, so trotting off to snooze was probably not a good idea...yet. "Did you need me for something?" he said, maybe with a little hope in his voice to spend some time with her.

[Words: 121 | Total: 409]
Beejoux wrote:Sorry for short reply, wasn't sure what else to say haha
word count: 142
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[PRP] Sea's blessing [Bay Sleep/Worlds Within Worlds]

Post by Beejoux »

The vibrant doe chuckled lightly, and tipped her head to nose gently at the underside of his chin. "I do, and then you may sound a soft patch of sand for a nap," she assured, though she had to wonder if he'd still want to sleep after what she had to tell him.

Stepping in closer, she rubbed her cheek omg his, head lifting so she could speak close to his ear, her voice soft and warm and secretive. "You're going to be a father."

She drew back after, watching his face keenly for his reaction. She thought he'd be happy, excited, but there was always the chance he wouldn't be. Worlds didn't know if he'd clutched before, but this was all new to her, and more than a little nerve-wracking.
lilacfishie wrote:
word count: 140
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[PRP] Sea's blessing [Bay Sleep/Worlds Within Worlds]

Post by lilacfishie »

Bay Sleep felt warmth seep through his body as Worlds Within Worlds got close to him. He leaned into her nudge as she whispered in his ear. The words took a moment to process before he cocked a confused brow. "But I'm already," he started, before he met her eyes. There was a different sparkle in them as she looked at him. She almost seemed...nervous? But there was a joy under it that shined through her eyes. The lanky buck's two remaining braincells finally connected and he felt a chill go up his spine, ruffling his mohawk. Before he knew it, he closed the distance between himself and his lady love.

"Oh, that's wonderful! That's magical!" he cried, nuzzling all over Worlds' face and neck. Bay's chest heaved with excitement as he stepped back to meet her eyes again. "And you, a mother!" he said, more gently this time. Gently, Bay Sleep pressed his forehead to hers. "While you're still comfortable to travel, we ought to seek out someone to bless them. I think my Auntie is a bit far, but maybe someone will come to us? I can set us up a nice nest and fish some more? Whatever you like?" he rambled, his mind moving simultaneously through molasses and like a cheetah.

[Words: 214 | Total: 623]
Beejoux wrote:
word count: 227
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