She likes shiny things and fluffy animals, she's probably adhd, always moving or dancing or jumping around. She talks a lot, even if nobody wants to listen. Doesn't sing though, she prefers to dance to music than help create it.
Tribe: The Outliers
Home Range The Outliers have their own territory. The edge of the boundary running through the water is where Sorrel's garden is.
Swim to the Moon always has her head in the clouds, often helped along by some mushroom or other. She spends her time day dreaming and collecting stories. Sometimes she'll make her own up, or adding to or changing stories she's heard.
Home Range
Mostly wanderer, she's got a few favorite spots she returns to regularly. These are scattered throughout the swamp.
She believes it's her duty to help kin pass on, listen to their last words, make them comftorable, take care of their remains in whatever way they ask. But, to her anyway, the most important thing is that she remembers them. And makes sure to leave some way for other kin to know about them. Because one isn't truly dead as long as someone remembers them.