◢◣ The Lunarian Isles ◢◣ DRAGON RACING

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◢◣ DRAGON RACING (open!)

Post by rexcorvus »

(thank you LOLLI qAq for this masterpiece)
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◢◣ The Lunarian Isles ◢◣ DRAGON RACING

Post by Lutz »

Storm Soul and Glory rolled his shoulders and reached down to touch his toes as he limbered up for the race. It wasn't often he partook in challenges like this, but when water was involved he felt like he had to. His soul yearned for water, whether it was a river or the sea or a lake or anything in between. Feeling the water move over his body was always something that put him at peace.

Stepping up to the starting line with the other racers, Storm waited for the call to start. He eyed the gently rolling waves and as the shout for 'go!' came, he shot forward, running through the damp sand to splash into the water. This first part would be interesting with everyone splashing around him. They couldn't dive deep since the reef was in the way, forcing the swimmers to stay at the surface. Storm growled into the water as he was cut off by a few different racers, finding himself at the back of the pack. He kept his pace, having to slow down a bit to stick to the course...but there were too many slow swimmers in front of him. He glanced at the rings they were supposed to swim through, denoting safe water, and decided it would be best to try to veer around the slower pack and risk the eels.

Veering off course, Storm kicked hard as he picked up the speed. He passed the slower swimmers but at a price: he'd swam right through a small group of eels! He yelped in pain as they defended themselves against what they thought was something bigger coming to eat them, shocks running through his body. By the time he'd managed to get away from the eels Storm found himself at the back of the pack again. He'd learned his lesson: he'd just have to follower the slower swimmers and make up time later.

Once the group was clear of the reef and the rings, Storm let loose. He could see the swirling water up ahead as well as some hapless racers that had gotten too close to the edges of the whirlpools and were stuck within them. Storm focused hard, catching the edges of the whirlpools to give himself a boost of speed but ensuring he didn't get sucked in. He passed quite a few of the slower swimmers this way and found himself at the front of the pack by the time they reached the largest obstacle. Hanging tight to the edge, Storm had to kick harder than before to ensure he wasn't sucked into the center of the pool and found himself towards the front.

With the last whirlpool gone, Storm focused on the next obstacle. Lionfish weren't anything to sneeze at: they were small but packed a punch. He slowed down quite a bit to avoid the pain of the stings and came a little too close for comfort for a few of the patches, but thanks to his more careful swimming he managed to avoid being stung. The eels had been pain enough earlier on and he didn't want to swim with any further aches and pains. His caution set him back a bit, but once the lionfish were out of sight he focused on picking up speed again.

Next was the dive. Storm tilted downward and kicked hard to the bottom of the sea floor, entering the dark trench without worry. Breathing wasn't an issue, but as he got further into the crevasse it became harder and harder to see. He had to slow down so he didn't swim headfirst into a wall, using his hand to skim the edge of the trench. He couldn't go as fast as he wanted since the walls were uneven, sometimes jutting out and other times cutting in, but he managed to reach the end without issue.

Finally he rose from the trench and found himself among sharks. They were apex predators here in the sea but Storm gave them no mind. If he respected their space and didn't act like prey they would leave him be. Indeed, the sharks seemed to not care about his quick swimming and some were even interested, swimming along side him. A few ended up in front of him, creating an underwater slipstream of sorts to pull him along just a bit faster. As he broke the surface of the water at the finish line he watched the dorsal fins of the temporary friends he'd made turn and head back to their spot just on the other side of the trench.

Storm was breathing hard as he exited the water but he felt good about his time. He wasn't the fastest, but he'd done pretty well. Minus the electrocution at the start.
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◢◣ The Lunarian Isles ◢◣ DRAGON RACING

Post by Astoria »

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Part One (first die): The Reef
A long expanse of coral absolutely thriving with various plant and reef life. The goal is to get past the reef line and through the preset rings that have been set up along the way without deviating from the path. If you miss a ring, you risk veering into eel territory, and they're known for making things a little electric...

Part Two (second die): The Whirlpool
Once you get past the reef, you enter a wide area with several eddies growing in size until the last is almost as big as one of the homes above. Your goal is to swim along the current of them without being dragged into the spiral - Lunarians can get motion sick, so maybe it's best to try and avoid these...

Part Three (third die): The Lionfish Fields
Try not to get stung as you navigate your way through a veritable obstacle course of disgruntled looking lionfish that cluster here and there, just waiting for a chance to stab you with one of their quills. You're not going to die from a lionfish sting, but it sure won't be pleasant.

Part Four (fourth die): The Deep Dive
This leg of the race is down below, where you dip into a chasm in the ocean floor and follow along the edge of it until you reach the other side and can go back up again. While Lunarians can both breathe and see clearly underwater, there is no light source in the chasm; you're going to have to trust your instincts and your other senses to make it back up.

Part One (fifth die): The Sharks
Sharks are a natural companion in the Lunarian seas, but can be both temperamental and competitive. While you can't communicate with them in the normal sense, they can sense emotions and are sometimes willing to help - if you can barter with them properly. In order to complete the final leg of the race, you're going to have to make nice with some of the ocean's wildlife and get them to accompany you across the finish line.
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◢◣ The Lunarian Isles ◢◣ DRAGON RACING

Post by Beejoux »

[image to come!]

Worlds Within worlds, Bien here, had not visited many of the varying realms that had been so recently discovered, but of the few she had peeked in on, this one was by far her favorite. It was a beautiful place with vast expanses of shimmering, turquoise blue ocean and warm, tropical beaches. Even the buildings, so new to her, were a wonderful sight, perfectly crafted to fit the islands they raised on.

She was there today for what appeared to be a number of races between varying kin in one form or another. The notion didn't appeal as much to her, but she was keen to observe.

So she'd found herself a nice little spot on the sidelines, her legs folded nearly to the side and sweeping tail curled around to drape over her thighs. There weren't many competitors just yet, but the ones she could see seemed eager.
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◢◣ The Lunarian Isles ◢◣ DRAGON RACING

Post by Illusei »

Dive In was eager to race. The world she found herself in seemed brimming with energy, and she felt right at home even though it was quite different - more humid and abundant. She was curious about this world, but her competitive spirit made it so that she could think of nothing but the race. She shifts experimentally between her human form (dark blue scaled skin with webbed fin ears and gills, her short white and pink hair flowing freely to her shoulder) - and her dragon form (long and lean, her body ending with a powerful tail). Both bodies were still new to her, and she would need to use them efficiently to get through all the challenges the race had in store for her. But after some shifting and stretching, she felt ready to go. She'd learn as she went. She was never one for thinking; she'd rather do.

When the starting bell rang, she dove into the waters without hesitation. It was warmer than the waters she was used to and so clear she could see the beautiful scenery before her. She had never seen such a coral reef before, the vibrant colors and shapes and textures mesmerizing her. It didn't take long however for her to notice the ring of bubbles in front of her, clearly laying out the path. That must be the way, she thought. She felt confident. While she was still getting used to her new forms, swimming was in her nature. Shifting into her dragon form, she started for the first ring, moving through the coral with ease. Her long dragon form made it easier for her to swim from one ring to another, and she clears them quickly, passing many other racers on the way.

She paused to survey the next leg of the race. The waters in front of her was far less calm, a minefield of swirling water. Still in her dragon form, she pressed on, hoping to get through them quickly and retain her lead. She avoids a few eddies, but soon found herself caught in a current. She pushed through it with all her strength with some success, but it left her disoriented. Swimming more uncertainly now, she continued and realized that she had gone slightly off course. Dizzy, tired, and a little lost, she muddled her way through the rest of the course, losing a lot of time.

It left her ill prepared for the lionfish. Out of energy from pulling herself out of an eddy and swimming the extra distance, she was swimming much slower, too slow to avoid all the lionfish. She felt a jolt of pain as she is stung over. She yelped in pain and her sudden movement in the opposite direction only served to get her stung again. All she could do was grit her teeth and keep going. This was not going as well as she hoped.

But she brightened when she saw what was ahead of her next: a dive. There was nothing she loved more than her namesake. Shifting into her human form, she descended. There was no light to be found and she could see nothing at all, but she let her instincts take over. She let her fingers trail along the edge, letting touch guide her. Despite her fatigue, she found her way easily.

Looking about her as she surfaced, she saw she was now surrounded by sharks quietly circling her. She didn't like sharks. They were standoffish and rather difficult to understand. Assuming they were there to keep swimmers from going forward, she squared up for a fight and attacked first, but there were too many of them. Even shifting into her dragon form gave her only a marginal advantage, and she was beaten back by the sharks. She tried a few more times, but finally gave in. I'm sorry. I'm just trying to get through she tried to communicate. Her change in energy seemed to placate them a little. Perhaps she had been too confrontational. Sensing she was no longer trying to fight, the sharks dispersed, leaving room for her to swim. She tentatively swam around them, nodding in apology to each one as she passed. The waters still felt tense, but they mainly left her alone.

She swam as quickly as she could without disturbing the rest of the sharks. As she neared the finish line, she saw others in front of her, including racers she had passed earlier. Still, she pushed forward and made it across the line. A disappointing end, but the race itself was quite interesting. Already, she was itching to go again.
Dice rolls
[19, 6, 4, 18, 5] = 52
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] = 52
Last edited by Illusei on Mon Jun 10, 2024 2:17 am, edited 4 times in total. word count: 777
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◢◣ The Lunarian Isles ◢◣ DRAGON RACING

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

Strange Creature flexed her wings, enjoying the feeling immensely. This realm, as she understood it, gifted her a form far more aligned with her innermost dreams. It also gave her another form, a strange one with dextrous hands and no scales whatsoever, so she immediately abandoned it for the draconic shape that felt closer to right. She lifted a clawed front foot, looking down at it as she slid the sharp digit-tips over each other. This was so much better than the solid hooves of the shape she was born in, the shape she took in the swamp! She could stay here a long time, certainly, enjoying the changed rules of this place. What, if anything, she would remember when she went back... well, even if she remembered nothing, focusing on the here and the now and the whole being a dragon thing... It would do. It would do nicely.

She was vividly aware of several things. She had another name here, something that felt unfamiliar to her tongue. It was hard to get her mouth around it, but it meant the same thing as what everybody had always called her. She could, perhaps, think more on it later. She was aware of the creatures around her; bright, sparkling things. But more than anything else, she was aware of the water.

She'd always loved swimming. It had been a part of her life since she awoke from her naming dream. She loved being in the water, basking near it, watching the sun sparkle over tiny waves. The sea here was the most alluring water she'd ever been near, and she felt no need to resist splashing down, diving in, using her wings like a pair of fins to direct her dive. Bubbles streamed over scaled flesh, and she laughed as she turned a lazy somersault in the weightless, bottomless blue. Her stomach turned, a brief moment of ticklish euphoria, and she let her tail smack hard against the surface. The splash could be heard for some distance, she was sure.

She hadn't started her race yet; she was simply having fun. But as she snaked her way through the azure waters, as her dark head broke the gleaming surface, she knew she wanted to join in. Breaching the water and coming back down on her side with a massive splash, she got in one more flip before paddling to the starting point. She saw other dragons, nobody she knew- but then, how would she know them, when this world had changed them so completely? At least physically. She still felt the same, felt like herself. Just... more. More like herself. Brighter, bolder, better. Her scaly hide felt more correct than the short fur she bore in the Swamp. When she blinked, she could feel that third eyelid sweeping across, protecting her from dirt, water, and other hazards that a burrowing- or swimming- creature would experience. She knew she wouldn't stay here forever, but this bright, beautiful world felt like another home to her.

The first part of the race went easily enough. She hugged her legs to her sides, using her broad, laterally flattened tail to sweep her way through the water. She was a streamlined creature, horns curved back alongside her head, ear-fins held flat to her face, and she floated like a shadow above the expanse of the reef. The rings were a fun target, and it was a genuine miracle that she was able to complete this section without getting distracted by the wild creatures that surrounded her. The little fish were so charming, with their bright colors and darting movements, and the corals were lovely, too. She knew that she wasn't supposed to go off-course, but oh it would have been such a treat to see the eels. Perhaps later, she could return and observe them. There was a beautiful contrast between the tall, delicate branching corals that waved up from the seabed and the squat, chunky, rounded corals with their intricate folds and whorls. She could have spent the entire time on the reef, but she soon found herself facing wild currents, swimming into them head-on.

This... may not have been the best strategy. She quickly found herself being tossed between eddies and whirlpools, caught at the mercy of the tides. It was deeply unnerving, to lose control like that, but the water... felt less dangerous than other situations where she'd been caught helpless. She could breathe and see, and while it felt chaotic, it didn't feel like actual danger.

After a while, it actually felt kinda... fun. Like sliding on your belly down a mud bank, as otters do. And she found, eventually, that when you don't try to fight the current, but rather just go along with it, it's easier to escape. Which was how she found herself in a school of lionfish. They were gorgeous things, all sharp spines and flashy stripes, and there were so many of them. And even though she was thickly scaled, their stings were still painful! Dizzy from her trip through the whirlpools, she found herself drifting into clusters of them, receiving baleful stares and painful scoldings for her clumsiness. It was... good to be away from them, certainly.

But now she faced a different obstacle; darkness. She'd taken it for granted that she could see underwater, and losing that ability was alarming. But she'd been in alarming situations before, and she could deal with this. She shut her eyes- and chuckled inwardly, because it was dark! She didn't need to shut her eyes! But somehow shutting her eyes against the darkness made it less distracting, and she swam through the chasm, navigating by feel. It was fascinating how she could sense what was happening; she could feel the changing water pressure as she dove, and could notice the waves as the water she displaced bounced off the chasm walls and came back to press into her. She swam a little slower than necessary; she'd rather take her time than smack into a wall of this underwater canyon.

When she came up into the light, there was a shark, a beautiful blue-grey creature with a long threshing tail and a wicked curve of sharp teeth. She held herself vertically, tail dipping down and wings at her side. This animal, while potentially dangerous, was an animal, and she knew how to deal with animals. She wasn't a threat, and the shark needed to know that. Once they could establish this basic understanding of their relative positions in the world, they could negotiate. They could, perhaps, become friends, or something like it.

The shark stared at her, its round black eyes cool and impassive. She held her position in the water, maintaining eye contact and staying very still. Animals reacted differently when you were still. Your movements to them were unpredictable, and could scare them. After all, most animals categorized things larger than them as dangerous in some way. She needed the shark to understand that she would bring it no harm; that she merely wanted to pass, although she found her curiosity to be far greater than her desire to finish this leg of the race. What was it like, being so perfectly adapted for the underwater environment? Sharks only had one tool of manipulation; their mouth. They couldn't touch things, couldn't grab them- they didn't need to. Their questions were answered through sharp scent and bright vision and a keen, keen sense of taste. And they had to keep moving; she knew that for a shark, slowing down could be death.

It was funny; she'd never really been interested in sharks before. But down here, in this shape, in these waters, she found herself wanting to know more about them and to understand their world. She slowly started swimming again, parallel to the shark, shadowing its circle. It kept her in its sights, just as she watched it. She didn't dare to touch it; she didn't want to startle it. But they swam together, their tails propelling them forward and swishing in unison. The shark dove, and she followed. She rose, and the shark followed. Slowly, they began to understand each other- and that's when they spotted it.

The fish was huge, moving slowly, and actually quite difficult to see. On land, it would have been a brilliant blue, shot through with yellow spots and curlicued stripes. But down here, its turquoise scales were effective camouflage. Its head was massively humped, and its eyes were startled. It knew they had spotted it; while it was clearly lacking the intellect and intuitive nature of the shark, it also seemed critically aware that it was, in fact, a prey species.

Resistance was futile. While the massive fish was surprisingly fast when fleeing, its speed couldn't match the shark or the dragon. Together, they circled it, her herding it while the shark's thresher tail churned the water ahead, creating a miasma of bubbles that confused it long enough for them to work together. Sharing a meal with a creature was always a good way to make friends, and it seemed as though the shark appreciated the assistance. It picked up speed, and she swam with it. Sometimes she was ahead; other times, the shark pulled forward. They chased each other through the water, and the dragon found herself utterly charmed. So charmed that she didn't care which way they were going, until she realized that the water had grown darker, the bottom far deeper, and- oh, she was way off course.

She was having so much fun with the shark that she'd completely forgotten. She'd essentially abandoned her course, and she was far behind the others she'd started with. Quickly, she popped her head above the surface, seeing no other like her. Whoops.

Eh, this was fun enough. She dove back down, swimming alongside her new companion into the depths. She'd play with the shark for a while longer- it wasn't like she had anywhere else she had to be. The prize of this race was the experience, and she'd never spent any time with ocean creatures before. And what was the point of spending time in this limitless expanse of ocean if you weren't going to have fun your way? She'd get back eventually, dripping wet with a great story to tell. That was enough for her.
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◢◣ The Lunarian Isles ◢◣ DRAGON RACING

Post by Starrydance »

Other Worlds... Jacquelyn ... adored this land of cool waters that seemed to stretch forever. And such a new strange form, as well! A place of dragons, and she well enjoyed such a strong form.

Having seen the flyer for "Racing" she came here after the Coffee, ready to see more. She took a deep, steadying breath and dove into the sparkling reef. Kicking her feet and breathing water, she spied the golden rings and took off with a blast. Laughing, she found she was great at this!

Yes! This was so much better than pondering the mysteries of all that was in a quiet cave. The blue waters, the bright golden beams of light - and the reef. Coral in all colors, darting fish. She weaved and kicked, almost flying through the rings to the next segment.

Now to dance with the current, Jacquelyn danced as if born to the waves - avoiding the dizzying eddies with the greatest of ease. She smiled brighter still, violet skin and scales shining under the glorious sun.

However, she got a bit too cocky. The next area was rife with Lionfish and she got stung almost instantly, yelping and losing her stride. Shaking her hand and dodging the next fish she got back on track, swimming much more slowly and carefully. She might be good at this, but the ocean had its own dangers!

And now, to the depths. The darkness below made her uneasy, afraid to dive, afraid to *fall* but she hestantly started her way down. As the darkness surrounded her, enveloped her, she panicked in the deeps. No light, anywhere, no hint of where to go. What if she was lost, here, alone, forever!

She felt movement in the darkness and flailed to the side, and felt a nose bump against her. She batted out and felt whatever it was swim away. Tryin to steady herself, she swam towards what she thought was up - and saw at last a sparkle of light. Chasing it upwards she breached into the open air. Steadying herself once again, she nodded and swam towards the circling fins.

Sharks. Known to be dangerous, hard to befriend. She had no idea how to make a friend of a shark! Swimming towards one it all but rolled its eyes and snapped its tail, disappearing from sight. Alright, not that one.

She knew she was not going to win this race at this point, and avoided the larger sharks. Finding a smaller one hovering near some coral, she smiled as it turned away. Chasing it, she tugged its tail and swam as fast as she could to towards the finish line - hoping this would count.

Yet, the little shark didnt chase. How! She saw a midsized, stripped shark watching her and could feel its laughter. She shrugged at it, lost for ideas. It swam towards her then lazily, SLOWLY, towards the finish line.

Accepting its pity, she swam behind and finished, crawling out to the sand.

Well. At least it was an adventure....
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◢◣ The Lunarian Isles ◢◣ DRAGON RACING

Post by Beejoux »

It seemed she'd chosen her spot well. She'd only been there a few moments before she saw a bluish figure come rushing through with a crash of waves and Bein let out a an encouraging whoop as the racer sped past her. It seemed to her like they were making decent time, and when they reached the finish the colorful woman lifted her hands and applauded cheerfully.

Really, she had no preference for who won, but she was enjoying to competition, and the racers looked like they were having fun.

Another figure stepped up to the startling line. Hands cupped around her mouth, Bein shouted, "You can do it!" Before settling back again, watching eagerly as they dove in and took to the course. This one was bigger, fully draconian, which was exciting to see.

When they had finished another smaller figure had approached to take their turn, and again the colorful woman let out an encouraging cheer, applauding enthusiastically when their run had concluded.
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◢◣ The Lunarian Isles ◢◣ DRAGON RACING

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

When she finally hauled herself out, there were still people about- and that was quite surprising to her, because with how long she'd spent playing with the shark, she was fairly certain everybody else would have found something better to do. But there were still racers going, and there was even something of an audience!

"Enjoying the show?" she said to a bright, colorful lady who was cheering on dragons in the water, shaking her scaly head. There was still some water in her ears. "Have you had a go yet? The course is pretty fun."
Beejoux wrote:
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◢◣ The Lunarian Isles ◢◣ DRAGON RACING

Post by Beejoux »

To her delight and surprise one of the former racers had wandered over to talk to her, and Bein smiled sweetly up at them. "Oh, yes. Very much so. Everyone is very enthusiastic and excited. It's making for wonderful entertainment." She gave the ground beside her a little inviting pat. The other woman didn't have to sit, but Bein wanted to be sure she knew she was welcome to.

"No, not yet. I may, before the day is through, but I'm enjoying myself well enough watching." Truthfully, she wasn't the competitive sort, even if the ocean's call was as strong here as it was back along the coast that edged the swamp.

"You looked like you were having fun, though." Everyone that had taken their turn on the course had. Well, most of them, she amended silently to herself.

scaramouche Fandango wrote:
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◢◣ The Lunarian Isles ◢◣ DRAGON RACING

Post by doomsayer »

Chasing the afterglow of his latest experience, Wayward Son decided to go further out to the edges of the swamp to sample more exotic, more varied partners in his quest to be the best for Sun-Cursed.

Through this journey, he finds himself in this massive forest full of tress that all seem impossibly different. As someone who was raised in the darkness, he had never heard of this place before. But in traveling deeper through this region, he feels a tug towards a specific tree. Even as he is deep in the woods and surrounded solely by vegetation and soil, this tree emanates the smell of the ocean and a feeling of freedom. The trunk of the tree features a passageway lined with a thin, twisting dragon whose jaws are clenched tight, scale body lithe and lean. The symbolism draws him closer and eventually through.


He is in the sea. The water is warmed by a sun from above, but he can still feel the cold depths of it at his feet. To his left, a short swim away are a few houses on the water, with beings of various shapes and sizes passing by connecting walkways going from place to place. His shape is different: upper limbs--arms, lower limbs--legs. His skin is still black and red, and his golden markings seem to have manifested in both golden tattoos and studs all over his body. He runs his hands through his hair--at least that hasn't changed. It is then he realizes that he is breathing in the water. Gills to the side of his neck; webbed toes and fingers at the ends of his limbs. This form was meant to swim. Here, he was a different person. Here he was not constrained by his name and his upbringing. Here he would be called Xin.

Others are here, though not all shared his arrangement of limbs. Some were serpent-like. Long and bending, thick and coiling. All of them Dragons.


After staying for a while and mingling with dragons of every size and shape, he had been told by more than one local that he was lucky to be here at this time because tonight was a full moon. And on the night of every full moon, the biggest event on the isles takes place: Dragon Racing.

This new body was sturdy and quick, and he was eager to see what it is capable of. There were also many onlookers who seem to take the race seriously--a few quite lithe and comely. The night was about to fall anyway. Perhaps he would show off his abilities and attract a partner here? He made sure to do some stretches where anyone who would like to take in the sight could see.
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◢◣ The Lunarian Isles ◢◣ DRAGON RACING

Post by HuniPi »

Steals Kisses could not say she enjoyed her last adventure in the Limitless Forest. It was nothing to do with the actual realm she ended up slipping into, in fact, she quite liked the energy and feel of the Canopy. The food was great, the drinks were free-flowing, it had been pleasant if not slow, up until a certain diminutive woman with wild hair started a food fight. Her time there felt ruined, and so, Steals Kisses ventured elsewhere.

Having an idea that the more unusual the tree, the more likely it was actually a gateway to elsewhere. And so with this in mind, the acha was able to stumble into the Lunarian Isles. She was expecting she'd look like the way she had in the Canopy but was pleasantly surprised she had different features. She should have had an inkling, given how different the passageway to this realm was, and was even more pleased to discover an alternative form. As dragons!


Here, Steals Kisses went by Beatriz, and was happy to mingle and people-watch, familiarizing herself with the culture and nature of this realm's populace. She couldn't help it at first, any hints or suggestions of food and drink had her on alert, she didn't want to have to clean her face or hair of sticky sauce or oily dip. But it became clear that such an activity wasn't going to occur and she relaxed, allowed herself to chat and learn about the evening's festivities.

"Dragon Racing?" she had gasped, "And there are racers practicing right now? And we can watch?" she fanned herself in excitement, anticipating enjoying the sights of a variety of bodies pushing themselves, doing their best to be the victor. What can she say, she'd always been very appreciative of others and their bodies.

She was given directions and while she first worried she needed to purchase tickets or would have to charm someone into bringing her along, entrance was free and all were welcome!


Beatriz was easily swept up in the crowd's energy. While she didn't know any of the racers by name, she could go by colors. There was one particular participant that drew her eye. He wasn't the biggest, but despite his slender form, she could see the toned muscles on his arms and legs and while she eventually realized he was stretching purposely to show off, she figured he had every reason to want to show off.

"Good luck in the races," she called out to him, not quite approaching from the spectator area. The race was starting soon and she didn't want to get in the way. Last thing she needed was accusations of sabotage or interfering with a racer's ritual for optimal performance. But she wanted him to know he successfully caught her eye, even if she would be one of many.
doomsayer wrote:
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◢◣ The Lunarian Isles ◢◣ DRAGON RACING

Post by doomsayer »

He was enjoying the feel of the crowd's eyes on his skin. Considering he had spent most of his life as kin hiding in the shadows, he never knew that he would enjoy being seen so much. But it was the looks and cheers of the beautiful onlookers that spurred him on and gave him the confidence to take the race head on.

Right before the first leg was about to begin, as he was bare-chested and making his final stretches and preparations, he heard her call out from the crowd. This exotic bronze skinned beauty with deep brown eyes was taking in every inch of him with her eyes. She wished him luck, so he straightened up and looked directly at her, then proceeded to shoot her his megawatt smile and a wink before he dived into the water to make his way to the starting point.


Leg 1: The Reef

The first leg of the race was child's play. The water was a comfortable temperature and the moonlight clearly lit the surface of the reef. The litheness of his new form combined with his already sharpened senses when moving at extreme speeds allowed him to weave through the preset rings and make tight turns at no decrease in speed with almost practiced ease.

This close to the surface, he could see the onlookers watching him with awe and admiration. Keeping an eye on the crowd as he cleared the final few rings though, he spotted his vocal admirer once again and decided to breach the surface at speed, launching his body out of the water just long and high enough to make eye contact with her and give her another wink before he dived back into the water to swim to the next leg of the race.
HuniPi wrote:
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[46] = 46
d50:  [
] = 46
[18] = 18
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] = 18
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◢◣ The Lunarian Isles ◢◣ DRAGON RACING

Post by HuniPi »

It was so easy to get swept up with the crowd's frenetic cheering. And because of this ease, Beatriz didn't bother resisting, instead giving even more of her energy to wave and clap. She leaned forward from the stands as far as she could, trying to catch every detail of each racer as they made it through the first leg.

The lean one she'd singled out earlier had taken the lead, and she mentally gave herself a pat on the back for her good taste. Especially when he leapt out of the water to acknowledge her. Despite the keening and squealing of other spectators around her reacting to that wink, there wasn't any doubt in Beatriz's mind that he had winked at her specifically.

In between the first leg and the second, she blew him a kiss, fluttering her lashes and fingers at him.
doomsayer wrote:
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◢◣ The Lunarian Isles ◢◣ DRAGON RACING

Post by doomsayer »

He'd garnered the attention of a significant portion of the crowd, but most importantly, the bronze beauty had requited his specific attention with some alluring gestures of her own. This spurred him on--and may have made him feel a bit overconfident.

Leg 2: The Whirlpool

The waters between the reef and the next leg churned ominously around him and his little boost of ego from the crowd and the bronze beauty had distracted him from making an initial survey of his approach.

This lead him to crashing head first into the flank of an eddy, and for a few tense moments completely losing control of his movements as he spun uncontrollably from vortex to vortex.

He had to curl himself into a ball, tucking in his limbs and locking his neck to look forward and focus on finding a moment where he would be closest to the edge of the whirlpools and he could contract all the muscles on his limbs to forcefully thrust himself out of trouble. A few more tense moments of dizzying spinning before he finally found the opportunity and straightened himself out, shooting forward at great force and feeling some shearing pressure on his skin. Luckily, this effort had gotten him out.

The water around him hued red as his blood oozed out slowly from abrasions on his skin. But he had no time to tend to minor wounds now, he needed to focus on getting through the next leg.

He could only imagine how this would have looked to the crowd above the surface. He hoped his blunder had not lost their interest.
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[5] = 5
d20:  [
] = 5
word count: 270
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