[PRP] Bipedal Adventures

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[PRP] Bipedal Adventures

Post by Lutz »

Echoed Chorus had heard news of strange trees appearing within the Swamp as of late and of course he wanted to check it out! Usually his adventures took him places he'd never been before but one of these new trees was pretty close to where he and Look tended to frequent. It would be the first time he and his partner would be taking an adventure together which only amped the brightly colored acha up more.

"Oh! Look, there it is!" he cried as he pushed his way through one last bush. There before him stood a massive tree, the likes of which he'd never seen before. Its bark was different from the trees he knew and it was so strange looking with all those roots and huge leaves. The air was different here too, it felt and smelled like a place that wasn't the Swamp but one that he'd never been to before.

"They said something about a door...in the roots," he said slowly as his eyes scanned the massive root system for something that looked like it could be a passageway. He was so excited it was hard to focus, though, and his gaze passed right over the slightly hidden doorway.

"Do you see it? he asked, looking up at his taller companion.
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[PRP] Bipedal Adventures

Post by Beejoux »

Look had always listened avidly to Echo's recounting of his adventures away from the swamp, and after the last one, where the small acha had needed time to think, Look had decided he would accompany the other buck on any travels or journeys going forward. So when Echo had mentioned a grove of potentially magical trees and wanting to go visit it, the kimeti had agreed to go easily.

He gazed up at the twisted and vine covered tru k of a tree hed never seen before, head tilted a little and ears flicked back. It was massive, bigger than anything he'd seen before, and Echo was making his way around the base of it, looking for...an entrance?

His ears pricked at the other Buck's voice, and he frowned focus narrowing in on a thicker clump of vines. "I think, maybe." With extra care he stepped over the twisting roots that radiated from the base, moving close to the vines he's been looking at. There were flowers here, many, and the air smelled differently. "Yes, I think this is it."

They didn't know what would happen when they stepped inside. Or rather, they'd heard stories, but could those stories be believed?

"Ready?" He asked, smiling, before starting through the doorway. The question was rhetorical, he knew very well that Echo was oozing with excitement to see what lay on the other side. Practically vibrating with it. "Here we go..."

It was incredibly contagious!
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[PRP] Bipedal Adventures

Post by Lutz »

Echo scampered over to where Look was, gasping softly as he spotted the faint outline of the entrance.

"Good thing you came! I would have never found that," he said, pressing up against the taller buck with excitement. He nodded at the question and followed just a step behind Look, passing through the doorway as calmly as he could. What happened between leaving the Swamp and entering this new place would remain a mystery - nothing felt like it had happened - but upon emerging Echo found himself standing on two legs rather than four.

"Whoa!" he said with a laugh, reaching out for Look to steady himself as he looked down at his feet. He still had hooves, but his legs were much thicker and allowed him to remain upright. Looking at his front legs, he now was sporting two arms that ended in hands rather than hooves. He could tell he still had his tail, but something else was behind him.

"Ah! Look!" he said as he spun in a tight circle, trying to see the purple wings that had sprouted from his back. "Oh my, I have wings!" He gave them an experimental flap and felt the power behind them. Oh boy...he could fly! His expression was giddy as he turned back to Look, his human face grinning so wide it looked almost painful. Much about him was similar in that he was still mostly orange and purple, his horns were present, as was his tail, but there were human qualities as well like the shape of his body, as well as the fact that he was wearing clothes. He had attire well-suited to a traveler, pants with pockets to spare and a vest that was much the same, both a greenish brown in color.
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[PRP] Bipedal Adventures

Post by Beejoux »

His center of gravity shifted as he stepped out on the other side, perspective higher. He reached back for Echo as the other other buck reached for him, hands brushing -- which was it's own unique experience -- before Look had wrapped long, dark fingers around a slender arm. It took a moment for him to settle on his own feet..claws? They seemed a mix between mammalian and avian, toes longer and tipped in dark talons that tapped against the wooden walkways.

The rest of him was long and fit, dark fur a subtle iridescent blue and blending into greens and yellows along his arms and legs, speckled over with black spots. Charcoal hair was short and fluffy, eyes a softly glowing orange, and he had yellow stripes and spots along his cheeks and across his nose. Branch like antlers stood proudly atop his head. He had a leather hide skirt belted around his waist, some silver and some leather and silver bracelets at ankle and wrist.

He'd only gotten a very quick look at himself before his attention was drawn away by the flap of colorful wings. "Woah," he breathed out in a soft gasp, eyes widening as he took in the other buck. Well, not a buck at the moment, but he didn't have a better word for what they'd become. "You look amazing." Still petite, and certainly still absolutely brimming with energy. Look smiled, using that soft hold he had on Echo's arm to draw him gently closer so he could brush a feather light touch along his cheek, over a shoulder. Awed and admiring.
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[PRP] Bipedal Adventures

Post by Lutz »

When he caught Look's gaze Echo's grin faded very slightly but only due to the look of awe taking over his own face. He considered his partner the most gorgeous buck in the world, but in this form he was downright stunning. The new shapes of their bodies were so interesting to observe and the way the light played off the iridescent fur was mesmerizing. The clothing that adorned Look was interesting and quite pleasing to the eye as well, giving him a rugged look that Echo was more than happy to admire.

The gentle touch to his cheek drew him back to focusing on Look's face and he saw equal amounts of adoration reflected there. He gave a weak laugh and leaned into the touch, his wings fluttering behind him as he tried to get them to settle against his back. He could explore their effectiveness later, right now he had a very handsome partner to occupy his time.

"So do you," he said, his tone slightly bashful. Although Echo was confident as the day was long and could chat anyone's ear off, any time Look bestowed compliments upon him he became a flustered mess. Perhaps it was because he'd never taken any compliments from other kin seriously before so he didn't have much experience accepting flattering words, but Echo was firmly convinced that it was just because it was Look saying those things that made him so weak in the knees.

"Somehow your fur is even softer," he said, running his own fingers over the soft fluff along Look's arm, then down his side. These hands and fingers were far more sensitive than anything Echo was used to. "And the way the light catches it...you're so handsome!" He couldn't help himself, his voice pitching up at the end of the sentence as he leaned in for a hug. His wings, rather than folding neatly against his back like he wanted them to, flared wide open and wrapped around Look as well.
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[PRP] Bipedal Adventures

Post by Beejoux »

Echo was always smaller than him, but like this, as Look folded the smaller man into a warm embrace, it was even more obvious to him. He gave Echo a squeeze, his fingers trailing up along the nap of his neck and up through short hair, exploring the way it felt to these new heightened senses. His face warmed at the compliment, flush hidden under dark fur and bright markings, but he pressed his face against the top of Echo's head, and without much thought he lay a kiss there, the motion more instinctual than thought. Like the realm was providing a certain level of new knowledge.

"Thank you," he murmured, holding him for another long moment before his hold loosened and he stepped back, hands resting on Echo's arms. "Shall we have a look around?" Explore a bit, maybe give Echo a chance to try those wings out. This world seemed large and full of new wonders. It left him feeling excited about the prospect of exploring some of the other trees and the worlds hidden within. What other marvels might they find waiting on the other side of mysterious doorways.

He caught Echo's hand, nodding down the walkway.
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[PRP] Bipedal Adventures

Post by Lutz »

The kiss to the top of his head was another new sensation that Echo found quite pleasant, leading him to sigh softly and lean into the taller man a bit more. While he would always feel most comfortable in his true form, this shape he was in was pretty nice. Hands were good, mouths were interesting, wings were fantastic, and being able to share them with Look made it even better.

As Look pulled back a bit, Echo glanced up at him and let his own hands rest on Look's hips. The leather skirt felt nice under his hands too, the material well-worn and soft and warm from Look's body heat. He tilted his head just a bit before glancing over his shoulder to the jungle that they now stood in. It was lush and colorful, the greens vibrant and calling to his curious heart. He'd been so caught up in how he looked and how Look looked that he hadn't even given a second thought to the place they were in!

"Yeah!" he said, looking back up at his partner with a grin, purple wings fluttering in excitement. "This place is amazing!" He stepped away from Look, letting his hand shift from his waist to grabbing one of his hands so they could walk together. He didn't want to get too excited and run off ahead of the other man. This was their first adventure together and Echo wanted to experience it with Look.

"It's so warm here," he added, finally getting his wings to tuck neatly against his back. The trees and their branches would definitely pose a threat to him if he tried to fly here right now. Maybe if he got the hang of it in an open space he'd feel more confident flying in this area but right now he knew he would be asking for trouble testing out his new wings in a place this tightly packed with trees.
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[PRP] Bipedal Adventures

Post by Beejoux »

Look grinned down at Echo as the smaller man took his hand, leaving their fingers together ace giving them a fond, experimental squeeze. It felt nice, he liked the ease with which they could touch, and his very many new ways there was to go about it. His tail flicked at his ankles, long and topped in fluff and elegant feathers, a telltale indicator of his delight.

"Well have to watch or step, we're quite high up." Almost uncomfortably high up, in fact. Look eyed the ground below as the walked along a wooden bridge, the sway of it making him reach for the thick, braided vines that ran along side them. Taloned toes biting gently into the boards beneath his feet.

Along the way they passed buildings, some large ace some small. A knowledge he could place told him these wee homes, that the majority of them were open for visitors to claim as their own. Look's ears perked at the thought.

But he spied what looked to be way down, a series or walkways bridges leading down to the jungle floor, and structure down below beside pools or bright blue water. "What do you suppose is down there," he asked, pointing.
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[PRP] Bipedal Adventures

Post by Lutz »

"Oh...we are, aren't we?" Echo asked as he finally took in where exactly they were. Yes, they were in an immense jungle, but they were up in the limbs of the trees. He'd thought it was a bit odd for the branches to be so close to them but now it made more sense. He peered over the edge of the bridge they were on and saw that they were a good distance from the forest floor, giving him a brief moment of vertigo. He stepped back closer to Look, pressing his side against the taller man and squeezing his hand tight. His wings gave a little shiver as well even though they could probably save him from an untimely end as a pancake.

His momentary fear forgotten, Echo followed Look as they walked by little huts build around the trees. Some of them were occupied but others were empty, almost inviting him to come in with their open doors and windows. The urge to go in an decorate was strong, but he followed his partner instead. They could always come back and poke their noses into one of the empty spots.

Look directed his gaze from the homes down to the forest floor once more. This time Echo could see winding wooden bridges and stairs that led the way down to what looked like an oasis from the desert, with which he was quite familiar. Pools of water that looked inviting called to his Acha heart and his wings fluttered with excitement.

"Oh! Let's go look!" he said, tugging on Look's hand as he took a few bouncing steps forwards. "I bet that water is nice and refreshing, perfect for a swim." Before he'd come to the Swamp his favorite pastime had been to lounge in the various oasis he could find in the desert, drinking the cool water, lounging in the shade, and swimming when even the shade became too warm.
Beejoux wrote:
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