[PRP] Buckfriends

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[PRP] Buckfriends

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After the Winter Marked had wrapped up Echo and Look had gone their separate ways to allow the bright orange buck to think. It wasn't often Echo took things seriously but this? This was something he had to devote his whole mind and body to. Look This Way was a dear friend and he deserved to know exactly where Echo stood. A declaration of feelings was not something to be taken lightly, after all!

In their time apart Echo wandered as he always did, traveling to visit other favorite spots within the Swamp and to take a trip 'home' to the desert. Before he could even feel the pull of the Ache, however, Echo found himself wandering back from his favorite oasis to the Obelisk to head back to the swamp, the pull of seeing Look again too great to ignore. It was then that he'd made up his mind: the fact that he didn't like to be away from Look for too long was as good an indicator as any. He had lots of friends he liked to visit and sure, he missed them sometimes...but not with the heart-tugging longing he felt after being away from Look.

Giddy with realization, Echo pranced through the Swamp in search of his friend. Was he a friend anymore? Technically he supposed he was considering Echo hadn't told him the good news yet. That would change soon, though.

"Looooook~" he called out in his trademark sing-song tone. He had just reached the area of the Swamp that Look liked to frequent. A few birds chirped a greeting his way and he gave a little whistle back as he pushed through the low bushes.

"I'm back, Look!"
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[PRP] Buckfriends

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Waiting hadn't been easy. There were many times the kimeti buck caught his mind wandering and his focus straying. There was a pit in his stomach that lingered there long after winter market had ended, refusing to ease. A nagging worry that when Echo returned, it would be with an answer he didn't want to hear.

For the most part Look swallowed those worries and went about his day, pretending and smiling, but he had confided in his mother, seeking solace in her comforting and calming presence. She's told him to be patient, not to lose hope. He told her he would try.

He wasn't entirely sure when to expect Echo back, or in what manner. Certainly hearing his name shouted across the swamp wasn't on the list, though it probably should have been. It'd made his head jerk, ears perked, and he'd made his way towards the familiar voice, whistling to announce himself when he was closer.

"Echo? Where are you?" He couldn't see the small buck just yet, but he'd certainly heard him.
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[PRP] Buckfriends

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Echo didn't have to hunt long for Look. He could hear him calling back, his whistle easy to follow through the dense trees of the swamp. He saw him before Look did, his height making him stand out above the underbrush. With a delighted noise Echo pranced forward, pushing through the bushes to reach the other buck.

"There you are!" he said with a laugh, not hesitating to jump forward, tucking his head under Look's to greet him. Instantly that longing was gone, happiness and relief filling the ache in his chest. Yes, this was right. He was making the right choice.

"I missed you," he said, a little sigh leaving him even as his tail flicked back and forth to show his excitement. He leaned more of his weight into the taller buck, his cheek nuzzling against the soft fur of Look's neck. Normally the orange buck would launch into telling Look about the adventures he'd had while away, but this time he was quiet, soaking in the presence of his friend.

And hopefully, if he hadn't taken too long, that 'friend' title would change today.
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[PRP] Buckfriends

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And there he was, bounding towards him excitedly, features bright and happy. Look swore he felt his heat skip a beat, chest tight before the smaller buck was tucking his head up under Look's chin, nuzzling and leaning into him, and the larger buck let out a shaky little sigh, eyes closing as he dipped his head to nuzzle in against the base of a bright ear. "I missed you too," he answered softly.

He did t know if Echo had come to a decision in his time alone -- he hope he had -- but Look was still glad to see him. Relieved to have the smaller buck home and safe, back with him. He'd worried over more than just the acha's feelings over him.
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[PRP] Buckfriends

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Look's warm welcome made Echo giddy, even more-so than he already was. If his wing markings could have sprouted from his back he'd be flying around right now with how much energy and excitement he had bubbling within him. The snuggling was too good to pull away from for a bit, though, so Echo drank his fill of being back in Look's presence before he finally pulled back.

"I had a bunch of adventures this time," he said as he looked up at the taller buck, a smile still on his muzzle. "But the whole time I just kept thinking of you." And now that he looked back at all his journeys that had taken him away from the Swamp and from Look, the kimeti was never far from his mind. He'd always wondered what Look might think of the desert or he'd find a flower that matched part of Look's coat perfectly. Now that he'd had time to think about it it was clear that the other buck was never too far from is mind.

He knew Look must be anxious to hear his answer so he didn't make him wait.

"The Ache isn't what brought me back to the Swamp, Look. It's you. Every single time." Echo's voice was bubbling with joy as he spoke, edging to the point of happy tears making his eyes shine a bit brighter.

"So as long as I didn't make you wait too long, I'd be the happiest buck in the whole world if you'd still like to be more than just friends." Mates? Lovers? Partners? Echo didn't care what they called themselves if Look agreed, he was just happy to be with the kimeti.
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[PRP] Buckfriends

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Again, the taller buck held his breath as Echo admitted just how much he'd been on his friends mind while he'd been away. That was a good sign, wasn't it? It meant something, right? He didn't want let his hopes get too high, didn't want risk a large and disappointing crash, but he couldn't help the little flutter of wings in his stomach or the quickening of his pulse.

He waited, unconsciously still as Echo leaned against him until the smaller buck continued on. Then he felt himself sag in relief, had to catch himself from wobbling too much for falling. His breath escaped in a shaky, laugh of a puff.

"It wasn't too long," he answered in a bit of a rush, moving to rub his cheek against Echos, the scent of his mane filling his senses. Finally letting himself live in the feelings he'd been pushing down for what felt like ages now. Finally letting himself think of the small acha as more than just a dear friend.
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[PRP] Buckfriends

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The relief in Look's voice and in his body language brought reassurance to Echo. He'd been worried he'd waited too long to figure out his feelings but it seemed that wasn't the case. He leaned into the nuzzle, the smile on his face so wide it was making his cheeks hurt.

"Oh good, I was worried," he said with a happy sigh, closing his eyes as he allowed himself to enjoy the moment. No matter how much wanderlust nibbled at his heart it could never be trumped by this feeling of being where he belonged. He'd always long to return home which was wherever Look happened to be that day.
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[PRP] Buckfriends

Post by Beejoux »

"I missed you." Look couldn't have said when too long might have been, but he knew that it hadn't been, and that he wanted Echo in his life.

The bigger buck nipped gently at the side of his ear before drawing back enough to look down at the other buck fondly. "How was your wandering, did you visit anywhere new?" He'd very much wanted to go with Echo, but he'd also wanted to give the over buck the space he'd needed to think things over.
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[PRP] Buckfriends

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The nibble drew a little giggle from the acha and his ear twitched in response. His joy felt like it was sprouting out of him through his chest, his whole body wiggling slightly as his ear settled down. It was a bit more than a shiver but not a full-blown jig. Just enough to convey his delight to Look.

"Nowhere new," he said with a smile and a shake of his head. "Visited a few places I'm very familiar with to help me think a little." He hadn't the mental energy to explore new places this time. All of it had been focused on figuring out what to do with Look and how he felt about his friend. Well. More than a friend now. That little thought made him grin wider once more.

"But I'd be happy to explore more...with you?" Echo tilted his head, his tail giving a hopeful wiggle. He'd always talked about his adventures with Look and hoped the other buck would ask to come with him one day, but he never had. Now, though...now maybe he'd be interested in joining him. Echo would absolutely cut back on his wandering if Look had no interest in adventure and exploring but if his partner came along he'd be the happiest acha to have ever lived.
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[PRP] Buckfriends

Post by Beejoux »

Nowhere new? That was odd, though he supposed Echo had had a lot on his mind. He hoped he hadn't caused the small buck too much trouble, but he was glad Echo had put so much thought towards his feelings, even if waiting had been more than a little torturous.

He nuzzled at Echo again, then tilted his head in a little nod back the way he'd come. There was a little clearing they could relax in for a while. His tail flicked as he turned, looped loose around Echo's neck and shoulder before slipping off. "I'd love to see some time, if you'd be up to showing me. I haven't left the swamp before, but I can't say I've never been curious, and the places you've told me about sound really incredible."
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[PRP] Buckfriends

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It didn't take much convincing for Echo to follow Look, the long tail over his shoulders and neck a very convincing beckon. Look's answer had Echo squirming with delight and he had to keep himself from bounding all around the taller buck.

"Oh, I have so many places to show you!" he said with excitement, letting out some of his energy by giving a little toss of his head and a kick of his hind legs. Once that was done he was by Look's side again, pressing up against him as they walked. "And we can find places I haven't been together." That would make them even more special in his opinion.

But for now the only place he wanted to be was right here with Look. There was no wanderlust burning in his chest, no Ache settling in his stomach and bones. Just the desire to be as close to the kimeti as he could, to soak in the start of this new adventure that didn't involve traveling. Just each other.
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