Illusei's Naming Dreams & Stories

Kin naming dreams, either in individual threads or grouped together.
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Illusei's Naming Dreams & Stories

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Misted Lake

Post by Illusei »

The first thing she saw was the lake. In the faint light of daybreak, its waters was a dark mirror, morning mist draped over it like a veil. Cradled by a frame of ghostly trees, it stretched far beyond her to the shadows of mountains in the distance. The air was crisp and cold as she stood alone at the bank. The world was still and silent, a spell unbroken. Stepping forward, she felt the cool water on her hooves. She walked slowly into the water, completely at ease, until she was fully submerged.

She knew, without understanding how, that this lake existed not in the world she was to be born in, but another world and time. And she knew that she would never love anything as much as this lake and that she would spend the rest of her life, yearning to return.

She dove in, searching for something she did not yet know. Her eyes fluttered open just before she reaches the center of the lake.
Last edited by Illusei on Tue Sep 24, 2024 8:52 pm, edited 28 times in total. word count: 169
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Cuts Like Fire Ice

Post by Illusei »

Cuts Like Fire Ice

Be it storm or fight,
She has a steady heart and
Cuts like fire ice

She was born fighting, as Totoma do. Quick to anger but also to cool, she fought many a fight with her siblings. As their sharp spines grew in, it was a bloody affair and she sustained many cuts. She took every defeat in stride, focusing on how she could get better. It was not all defeat; she made plenty of cuts of her own.

As she grew of age, she parted from her family, seeking to make a name for herself. She wanted nothing more than to catch a Golden Eagle of her own.

To reach the oldest and the tallest of trees, where the largest Golden Eagle was said to live, she must travel towards the swamp where the weather is more temperate. Leaving just before the growing season, she began her trek. She hoped to reach the forest soon at a time when game is more plenty and the Golden Eagle would be most active to hunt for their young. It was a long, hard journey. The snow storms were vicious and her foot slipped on many a rocky terrain. Still she pushed through, seeing every obstacle as an opportunity to be stronger and more sufficient for the hunt. She urged herself forward. Faster, faster, faster

Finally, she reached the edge for the evergreen forest. The days were becoming longer and the land warmer. The nest was not hard to spot and on top sat a beautiful creature, her feathers as gold as the Totoma's own head.As she approached the nest, the eagle spotted her, swooping down to attack. Her sharp talons ripped into the Totoma's body. More cuts.

Retreating for another day, the Totoma tended to her wounds as she waited for a better opportunity. When she returned to the nest the next mornng, she saw another Totoma, one she'd never seen, already there. He was ramming his head against the tree. She realized what he was trying to do. Above in the nest, scared, one fledgling attempted to fly and fell. It didn't take long for him to subdue the fledgling, but the mother was on her way back. With a fierce cry, she came towards him, her wings and talons ready to attack.

As they fought, the Totoma stood still. She could take the fledgling, the mother's attention diverted. But she was no coward and came to capture a full-grown eagle. Or perhaps she could wait until the mother and other Totoma was both exhausted before joining the fight herself for an easier win.

Or she could help the Golden Eagle. Seeing the fledgling so small and the mother so bravely fighting, she felt moved. Perhaps she will not get another opportunity like this to capture such a large Golden Eagle. But would it be worth it if it was not done honorably?

Not one to dwell, she came to a decision quickly and charged towards the other Totoma, making a deep cut in his side. She then put her body between him and the fledgling. He bellowed. He was a larger bull and he was angry. Though she was quick, her horns were much smaller than other Totomas and she was at a disadvantage in the dense forest that forced them to fight at close distance. Still, she fought as hard and as well as she could. As the fight went on, however, she could feel herself tire. She may have to admit defeat soon, a disappointing end to her journey.

Just then, the eagle came back. The fighting had allowed her to retrieve her young and bring him safely back to the nest. Now, she came towards the other Totoma with a vengeance.Together, they fought him until he knelt, a symbol of defeat. She accepted it. The eagle, however, was bound to no code of conduct and continued. Forced to flee, the other Totoma ran, the eagle in pursuit.

When the eagle returned, she landed just at the Totoma's hooves. Both were bloodied and tired. Deciding to give up the hunt, she turned away from the eagle. It would take time for her to recover. To her surprise, the eagle followed. Will you come with me? She asked. The eagle paused and then gestured to her nest. After my young are ready to fly, she seemed to say.

When she returned to her family, it was with not one but a family of Golden Eagles by her side. When she recounted her story, they said, We know from experience. Your spines cut like fire ice.

Last edited by Illusei on Tue Sep 24, 2024 8:53 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 780
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Illusei's Naming Dreams & Stories

Post by Illusei »


He is bathed in light, soft rainbow hues dancing across his body.
word count: 12
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